Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


140Viewing Device InformationThe Device Info tab in the Web Viewer provides information about the mobile device towhich you are connected. This information includes:• Identification, including OEM information and the operating system versions.• Memory, including the amount of free memory left on the device and storage space.• Power, including information about the battery level and charging status of the mobiledevice.• Screen, including information about the screen size and orientation.• Security, including password information.To view device information:• After you have established a connection, click the Device Info tab in the Web Viewer.

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 141Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device ProfilesYou can use a mobile device profile to change settings on your mobile devices, as well as add,change, and remove custom properties and registry keys.A mobile device profile has the following general options:StatusHomeNotesServer AddressEnables or disables the profile.Sets the home location for the profile.Any notes for the profile.Specifies the address of a specific mobile device server you want thedevices to connect to.EnableSMS NotificationAllows SMS messages to be sent to the device from the AvalancheConsole.Force PackageSynchronizationRestrictsimultaneousdevice updatesOrphan PackageRemovalSynchronizes each file of each package on the device without checking themeta-file, which provides information about the state of the files. Whenthe option is not enabled, the server checks the meta-file, and thensynchronizes only the files that have been altered or do not match.Limits the number of devices using the profile that are allowed to updatesimultaneously. This may be useful if there is a particular update that willtake significant bandwidth or time. Restrict how many devices receive thatupdate at a time so that other functions aren't affected.Removes packages that have been orphaned from the device. A package isconsidered orphaned if it has been deleted from the Avalanche Console, ifthe software profile it belongs to has been disabled, or if the package hasbeen disabled. Orphaned packages must be listed by name. Orphanedpackages must be listed by name. Orphan package removal will onlyhappen once, when the profile is first applied.Selection Criteria Determines which devices the profile is applied to. For information onselection criteria, see Using Selection Criteria on page 163.Authorized Users The Authorized Users button allows you to assign privileges for a profileto a user that does not have rights for that profile. This allows you to givea user permission for one specific profile, rather than all profiles of aspecific type. Users that already have permission for the profile will notappear in the list of available users. For information about creating usersand assigning permissions, see Managing User Accounts on page 35.

Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device Profiles 141Chapter 12: Managing Mobile Device ProfilesYou can use a mobile device profile to change settings on your mobile devices, as well as add,change, and remove custom properties and registry keys.A mobile device profile has the following general options:StatusHomeNotesServer AddressEnables or disables the profile.Sets the home location for the profile.Any notes for the profile.Specifies the address of a specific mobile device server you want thedevices to connect to.EnableSMS NotificationAllows SMS messages to be sent to the device from the <strong>Avalanche</strong>Console.Force PackageSynchronizationRestrictsimultaneousdevice updatesOrphan PackageRemovalSynchronizes each file of each package on the device without checking themeta-file, which provides information about the state of the files. Whenthe option is not enabled, the server checks the meta-file, and thensynchronizes only the files that have been altered or do not match.Limits the number of devices using the profile that are allowed to updatesimultaneously. This may be useful if there is a particular update that willtake significant bandwidth or time. Restrict how many devices receive thatupdate at a time so that other functions aren't affected.Removes packages that have been orphaned from the device. A package isconsidered orphaned if it has been deleted from the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console, ifthe software profile it belongs to has been disabled, or if the package hasbeen disabled. Orphaned packages must be listed by name. Orphanedpackages must be listed by name. Orphan package removal will onlyhappen once, when the profile is first applied.Selection Criteria Determines which devices the profile is applied to. For information onselection criteria, see Using Selection Criteria on page 163.Authorized <strong>User</strong>s The Authorized <strong>User</strong>s button allows you to assign privileges for a profileto a user that does not have rights for that profile. This allows you to givea user permission for one specific profile, rather than all profiles of aspecific type. <strong>User</strong>s that already have permission for the profile will notappear in the list of available users. For information about creating usersand assigning permissions, see Managing <strong>User</strong> Accounts on page 35.

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