Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink

Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink Avalanche User Guide - Wavelink


108Viewing System InformationThe System Info section on the Remote Control web page allows you to view the server runtime, a list of connected devices, the license server information, and local resources.To view the system information:1 From the Remote Control web page, click System Info in the System Menu.2 Select the tabs across the top to view different information.Configuring Connection ProfilesConnection profiles allow you to define the skin displayed when a user connects to a deviceusing Remote Control. They are configured from the Remote Control Console.The following options are available when configuring a connection profile:NameThe name of the connection profile.Use asdefaultWhen this option is enabled, the current profile is used as the default when youestablish a connection.If you want to establish a connection using a profile other than the default profile,you can set the profile from the viewer while you are connected.ShowskinDisplays a skin when you are connected to a device. When this option is enabled, theserver is set to Autodetect and Remote Control will use device information to displaythe correct skin.NOTE: If Remote Control settings are configured in a mobile device profile, the mobiledevice profile will override these connection profile settings.To configure the connection settings:1 From the Remote Control Console, click Profiles in the User Menu.2 Select the connection profile from the Profiles list, or click Add New to create a newprofile.3 Configure the options are desired in the Details box.4 Click Save.

109Configuring the Remote Control ClientThe Remote Control Client is configured from the Avalanche Console. After the package isadded to a software profile, use the configuration tools in the package to modify the RemoteControl Client or connect to the Remote Control Console. For information on launching theRemote Control Console from the package, see Using the Remote Control Console on page 102.The package can also be configured so that the Client can be configured from the device afterit is installed. If the device user configures the Client, the user at the Avalanche Console stillhas the option to clear the settings.Certain Remote Control settings can also be configured from an Avalanche mobile deviceprofile. When you configure Remote Control settings using a mobile device profile, the profilesettings will override other Remote Control settings.This section provides information on the following topics:• Editing the Remote Control Package• Configuring Client Settings from the Mobile Device• Clearing Client SettingsEditing the Remote Control PackageOnce the Remote Control server is installed and the package added to a software profile, youcan configure the Remote Control Client with the server address, connection method, thelogging level, and other client options.The following options are available when configuring the Remote Control package:Connection TypeServer IDServer AddressServer PortSelect to use either TCP/IP or ActiveSync to connect to mobiledevices.The ID for the server. This only needs to be modified if there aremultiple Remote Control Servers.The DNS name or IP address of the Remote Control Server.The port the Remote Control Server listens on.

109Configuring the Remote Control ClientThe Remote Control Client is configured from the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console. After the package isadded to a software profile, use the configuration tools in the package to modify the RemoteControl Client or connect to the Remote Control Console. For information on launching theRemote Control Console from the package, see Using the Remote Control Console on page 102.The package can also be configured so that the Client can be configured from the device afterit is installed. If the device user configures the Client, the user at the <strong>Avalanche</strong> Console stillhas the option to clear the settings.Certain Remote Control settings can also be configured from an <strong>Avalanche</strong> mobile deviceprofile. When you configure Remote Control settings using a mobile device profile, the profilesettings will override other Remote Control settings.This section provides information on the following topics:• Editing the Remote Control Package• Configuring Client Settings from the Mobile Device• Clearing Client SettingsEditing the Remote Control PackageOnce the Remote Control server is installed and the package added to a software profile, youcan configure the Remote Control Client with the server address, connection method, thelogging level, and other client options.The following options are available when configuring the Remote Control package:Connection TypeServer IDServer AddressServer PortSelect to use either TCP/IP or ActiveSync to connect to mobiledevices.The ID for the server. This only needs to be modified if there aremultiple Remote Control Servers.The DNS name or IP address of the Remote Control Server.The port the Remote Control Server listens on.

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