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West Essex News

West Essex News


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W E S T E S S E X B O A R DO F E D U C A T I O N<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> <strong>News</strong>UpcomingEvents:April 19: JuniorPromApril 23: NationalArtHonor SocietyInductionApril 25: NationalEnglishHonor SocietyInductionApril 25: MiddleSchoolDanceApril 26: MiddleSchoolASK PepRallyApril 26 & 27:National AlgebraReadinessexamApril 29—May 2: MiddleSchool NJASK TestingApril 29:BOE meetingAP Art History StudentsEngage in Mural Madness<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High School students in Ms.Eileen Dormer's Advanced PlacementArt History class learned the pressuresof being artists with a deadline as theyspent March 22 creating murals basedon famous works of art they selected.The event was part of the class' annualcelebration of Youth Art Month, MarchMasterpiece Madness. About 50 studentsparticipated in the event.The students, working in chalks, completedtheir masterpieces in just a fewhours and then hung them in the cafeteria.Faculty and students were thenasked to vote for the most faithful renderingof the art. The winner was therecreation of the surrealistic “CollectiveInvention” by Renee Magritte, drawn byChris Mei, Madie Mastroberte, SarahJacobson, Ariana Daly and AlejandraTorres.(above right) (Pictured right,From left to right, Andie Silverstein,Sofia Haramis and Farukh Bhatti carrytheir group's mural to the cafeteria.Brittany Blue WinsGovernor’s AwardHigh School senior BrittanyBlue will receive the prestigiousGovernor’s Award in ArtsEducation with more than 100other students and educatorsMay 2 at the Trenton War Memorial.Brittany said she isvery excited to receive theaward. (Brittany is picturedright with art teacher EileenDormer and the self portraitshe created in her class.)S E S E P T . 7 , 2 0 1 2A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 1 3

A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 1 3<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> BriefsP A G E 3It was a musical week this past week at <strong>West</strong><strong>Essex</strong>! First, the <strong>Essex</strong> County Honor Band, with100 students representing 12 <strong>Essex</strong> County HighSchools, spent April 10 rehearsing at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong>and then performing at the 3rd <strong>Essex</strong> County HonorBand Concert in the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High School Auditoriumat night.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> had five students selected to perform inthe band. They are (pictured above left to right with<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High School Band Director John Scozzaroon the right ) Bethany Hou, Victoria Dominguez,Brian Geiger, Michael Markus and Alec Molesworth.The students worked with Rowan University ConductorBruce Yurko and performed some very beautifuland difficult music, including a world premiere of apiece by Yurko’.On April 11, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> welcomed fifth andsixth grade students from our four sending districtsfor a special music “Buddy Day.” Choral studentsspent the day working with Middle School ChoralDirector Donna Mateyka, learning new music andperforming, (Pictured below) while band studentsworked with Band directors John Scozzaro and EricFitzke and orchestra students with Orchestra DirectorAlex Soares (bottom right). <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> studentsalso performed for the three groups to encouragethe students to participate in the music programwhen they come to <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong>.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Physics students created rollercoasters for their class projects in April. CeceCampaniile and Maria Surmachevska with their“Finding Nemo” rollercoaster.The <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Foundation for Education will hold its3rd annual 5K “Trotting for Technology Sunday May 19at 9 a.m. on the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> campus. It is a USATF CertifiedRun/Walk. For information, registration and sponsorship information,please visit the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> website atwww.westex.org. Timing is by CompuScore. All proceeds willbenefit technology improvements at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Middle Schooland <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High School.

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