Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland
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Alain Didier Weill, for his part, it is not that he substitutes himself, heidentifies himself to Bozef. He feels himself, he feels himself in the Passe,it is rather curious that he could, in a way in this writing, find, as I mightsay, the call that answered for me, made me answer by the Passe.The Real that is at stake, is the knot in its entirety. Since we are speakingabout the Symbolic, it must be situated in the Real. There is, for this knot, acord. The cord is also corps-de (body-of). This corps-de, is parasited on bythe signifier; for the signifier though it forms part of the Real, it is indeedthere that I am right to situate the Symbolic, one must think of thefollowing, which is that we might well have dealings with this corps-de onlyin the dark. How could we recognise, in the dark, that it is a Borromeanknot? That is what is at stake in the Passe. ‘I know that he knows’, what canthat mean except to objectify the unconscious, except for the fact that theobjectification of the unconscious necessitates a redoubling, namely, that ‘Iknow that he knows that I know that he knows’. It is on this condition alonethat analysis holds onto its status. This is what creates an obstacle to thissomething which, by limiting itself to ‘I know that he knows’, opens thedoor to occultism and telepathy. It is because of not having sufficientlygrasped, sufficiently well grasped the status of anti-knowledge, namely, ofthe anti-unconscious, in other words of this pole, of this pole whichconsciousness is, that Freud allowed himself from time to time to be tickledby what have since been called ‘psy’ phenomena, namely, that he allowedhimself to slip quite gently into delusion, in connection with the fact thatJones gave him his visiting card immediately after a patient had casuallymentioned Jones’ name.The Passe that is at stake, I only envisaged in a tentative way, as somethingwhich means nothing but a ‘recognising one another’, if I can expressmyself in that way, on condition that we insert into it an ‘a-v’ after the firstletter ‘recognising one another between knowledge (se reconnaître entres(av)oir)’. Are there tongues that are an obstacle to the recognition of theunconscious? This is something that was suggested to me as a question bythe fact that this ‘c’est toi’, in which would have Bozef communicating with88

the King in this moment, that he imputed to me quite wrongly, thanks to thefact that he picked up the term communion somewhere in my Ecrits. ‘C’esttoi’, are there tongues in which this could be a ‘toi sait’ of the verb savoir,namely, something which would put the toi, which would have it slip intothe third person.All of this to advance, to say that it is really divinatory that Alain DidierWeill was able to link what I call the Passe to The purloined letter. There issurely something worthwhile here, something that consists in theintroduction of Bozef. Bozef walks around in it, as I really indicated in thevery text of The purloined letter; as I really indicated – I talk all the time, onevery page, of something which is on the point of happening, it even goes asfar as being the point at which I end – that a letter always arrives at itsdestination, namely, that it is in short addressed to the King, and that is whyit has to get to him. That, in all of this text, I speak of nothing but that,namely, of the imminence of the fact that the King gets to know about theletter, is this not to say, namely, to put forward, that he knows it already?Not alone does he know it already, but I would say that he ‘recognises’ it.Is not ‘this recognition’ very precisely what can ensure the behaviour of theQueen and King?That is what I wanted to say to you today.89

the K<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> this moment, that he imputed to me quite wrongly, thanks to thefact that he picked up the term communion somewhere <strong>in</strong> my Ecrits. ‘C’esttoi’, are there tongues <strong>in</strong> which this could be a ‘toi sait’ of the verb savoir,namely, someth<strong>in</strong>g which would put the toi, which would have it slip <strong>in</strong>tothe third person.All of this to advance, to say that it is really div<strong>in</strong>atory that Ala<strong>in</strong> DidierWeill was able to l<strong>in</strong>k what I call the Passe to The purlo<strong>in</strong>ed letter. There issurely someth<strong>in</strong>g worthwhile here, someth<strong>in</strong>g that consists <strong>in</strong> the<strong>in</strong>troduction of Bozef. Bozef walks around <strong>in</strong> it, as I really <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> thevery text of The purlo<strong>in</strong>ed letter; as I really <strong>in</strong>dicated – I talk all the time, onevery page, of someth<strong>in</strong>g which is on the po<strong>in</strong>t of happen<strong>in</strong>g, it even goes asfar as be<strong>in</strong>g the po<strong>in</strong>t at which I end – that a letter always arrives at itsdest<strong>in</strong>ation, namely, that it is <strong>in</strong> short addressed to the K<strong>in</strong>g, and that is whyit has to get to him. That, <strong>in</strong> all of this text, I speak of noth<strong>in</strong>g but that,namely, of the imm<strong>in</strong>ence of the fact that the K<strong>in</strong>g gets to know about theletter, is this not to say, namely, to put forward, that he knows it already?Not alone does he know it already, but I would say that he ‘recognises’ it.Is not ‘this recognition’ very precisely what can ensure the behaviour of theQueen and K<strong>in</strong>g?That is what I wanted to say to you today.89

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