Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland


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the object of desire is not unknown to themselves, that they can very preciselydesignate it, I would even say that what makes you uneasy perhaps <strong>in</strong> them, isthat the voice of phantasy is so strong <strong>in</strong> them that there will be no hope for thevoice of the S(Ø); s<strong>in</strong>ce I am talk<strong>in</strong>g about trust you can clearly see that that posesthe problems of the conditions by which an analyst can be worthy of trust? Howis he so? Briefly I would say for the moment precisely that his desire should notbe placed like the one that I have tried to describe, but this his desire should nothave as a voice of clogg<strong>in</strong>g up the bar by mak<strong>in</strong>g the object emerge but that hisdesire is to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> this bar, and to br<strong>in</strong>g it to <strong>in</strong>candescence just as whathappens at the po<strong>in</strong>t B4 – R4 where the bar is carried to this po<strong>in</strong>t of extreme<strong>in</strong>candescence, I would say briefly. All of this does not yet give us an account ofwhy at S(O), while the subject has no guarantees, what ensures that he reachesthe po<strong>in</strong>t of be<strong>in</strong>g able to susta<strong>in</strong> what he says? And how he must account for thefact that if he gets there it is along the path of B3-R3, - as you remember – whenthe Other is <strong>in</strong> the position of absolute Knowledge, the subject can arrive at S(Ø)after hav<strong>in</strong>g undergone the experience of the dispossession of his th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g, a totaldispossession of his th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g.Let us suppose, if you wish, to go a little further, an analyst who has not Passedthrough this dispossession of his th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g and who ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>s with psychoanalytictheory a relationship of a possessor, of relationships of possession comparable tothose, if you wish of the miser and his moneybox. Such an analyst, <strong>in</strong> hisrelationship to the theory, naturally can only see the ga<strong>in</strong> of the operations; thega<strong>in</strong> of the operation is obvious; the th<strong>in</strong>g is with<strong>in</strong> hands reach and by def<strong>in</strong>itionwhat he does not see, is what he loses <strong>in</strong> the operation. What does he lose?Precisely what he loses, is the dimension of topology that there is <strong>in</strong> him, namely,the dimension of the locus of enunciat<strong>in</strong>g, namely, the dimension of presencewhich <strong>in</strong> him can answer ‘Present’, answer to what he enunciates. What I wouldthen say, is that, <strong>in</strong> this position, is not the subject, the analyst <strong>in</strong> question, <strong>in</strong> aposition that corresponds psychoanalytically to flat denial, namely,, is it possibleon the one hand to say yes to knowledge and on the other hand to say no to thelocus from which this knowledge is emitted. If this split takes place, one mayth<strong>in</strong>k that the truth which is <strong>in</strong> the subject hav<strong>in</strong>g brought about this split, byhav<strong>in</strong>g rema<strong>in</strong>ed outside the circuit of speech, is go<strong>in</strong>g to short circuit the circuit71

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