Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland


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its relationship to the body that we do not have the same lively <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> dew as<strong>in</strong> the ra<strong>in</strong>bow, because the ra<strong>in</strong>bow, we have the feel<strong>in</strong>g that this opens out tothe theory of light, at least we have this feel<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>ce Descartes demonstrated it.Yes. Anyway, I am perplexed about the little <strong>in</strong>terest that we have <strong>in</strong> dew. It iscerta<strong>in</strong> that there is someth<strong>in</strong>g centred on the functions of the body, whichensures that we give a sense to certa<strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>gs. Dew lacks a little sense. That atleast is what I can bear witness to after read<strong>in</strong>g as attentively as I could this ‘Essayon dew’. And now I am go<strong>in</strong>g to give the floor to Ala<strong>in</strong> Didier Weill, whileapologis<strong>in</strong>g for hav<strong>in</strong>g delayed him a little; he will have no more than an hourand-aquarter to speak to you, <strong>in</strong>stead I th<strong>in</strong>k of what I guaranteed for him, whichwas an hour-and-half.Ala<strong>in</strong> Didier Weill is go<strong>in</strong>g to speak to you about someth<strong>in</strong>g which has arelationship to Knowledge, namely, ‘I know’ or ‘he knows’. It is on thisrelationship between ‘I know’ and ‘he knows’ that he is go<strong>in</strong>g to play.- Ala<strong>in</strong> Didier Weill: Can we say that I am go<strong>in</strong>g to talk about the Passe?- <strong>Lacan</strong>: You can also talk about the Passe.[ADW’s lengthy <strong>in</strong>tervention has been <strong>in</strong>cluded for completeness but has not been ascarefully translated and revised as <strong>Lacan</strong>’s own words. CG]- Ala<strong>in</strong> Didier Weill: The po<strong>in</strong>t from which I came to propose to Dr <strong>Lacan</strong> theseelucubrations that I am go<strong>in</strong>g to submit to you, comes from what is representedfor me by what is called <strong>in</strong> the Ecole Freudienne, the Passe. Effectively a rumourcirculates for some time <strong>in</strong> the School, which is that the results of the Passe whichis supposed to have functioned for a certa<strong>in</strong> number of years, did not respond tothe hopes that had been put <strong>in</strong> it. Given that this idea, like that, that there is theidea of a failure of the past, this is someth<strong>in</strong>g that personally I f<strong>in</strong>d hard to put upwith, <strong>in</strong> the Passe where for me it seems to guarantee what can preserve theessential and what is most liv<strong>in</strong>g for the future of psychoanalysis; I cogitated onthe question a little, and I th<strong>in</strong>k I have eventually found what could account for atopological montage which does not exist and which would account for the factthat the jury d’agrement perhaps does not manage to use, and to use what is61

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