Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland

Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland Seminar XXIV Final Sessions 1 - Lacan in Ireland
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that the drive stops in the sense that musicians, listeners to music know thatin certain moments of being overwhelmed by music, as one says, time stops.Effectively there is a suspension of time at that level. And in thissuspension of time, one can make the hypothesis that what is happening, is asort of commemoration of the founding act of the unconscious in the mostprimordial separation, the most primordial gap that has been torn from thereal and which has been introduced into the subject, which is that of the S ofØ of the signifier. I believe that the last point that one can put forward, is toremark that this point of enjoyment which appears to me to be what Lacanarticulates as being the enjoyment of the Other, is precisely the point ofmaximum desexualisation, I would say total, superior, sublime, sublime inthe sense of sublimation; and it is indeed at this point that sublimation isconnected with desexualisation and enjoyment.So then, two torsions or three torsions therefore, of which I spoke to you atthe start, it is therefore these which can be mapped out between the passagefrom the first to the second moment, from the second to the third, and I donot know whether one can really speak about torsion for the topology ofwhat I would call the fourth moment. This remains to be thought through.- J Lacan: Thank you very much.40

Seminar 4: Wednesday 11 January 1977What determines the contagious nature of certain formulae? I do not think that itis the conviction with which they are pronounced, because one cannot say thatthat is the basis on which I propagated my teaching. Anyway in that regard, it israther J.A. Miller who can contribute a testimony on this: does he consider thatwhat I have been chatting about throughout my 25 years of seminar carries thatbrand?Good. This all the more so in that what I strove for was to say what is true, but Idid not say it with all that much conviction, it seems to me. I was all the samesufficiently sidelined to be well-behaved. To say what is true about what? Aboutknowledge. It was from this that I believed I could found psychoanalysis, becausewhen all is said and done everything that I said holds together. To say what is trueabout knowledge, is not necessarily to ascribe knowledge to the psychoanalyst.As you know, I defined the transference in these terms, but that does not meanthat it is not an illusion. It remains that, as I said somewhere in this yoke that I rereadmyself with some astonishment – what I recounted in the good old daysalways strikes me, I never imagine that it is I who could have said it - thatKnowledge and Truth do not have with one another, as I say in this Radiophonie inNo 2-3 of Scilicet, that Knowledge and Truth have no relation with one another. Inow must produce a preface for the Italian translation of these four first numbersof Scilicet.That naturally is not all that easy for me, given the age of these texts. I amcertainly weakish in my way of taking on the responsibility of what I myself wrote.That is not because it always appears to me to be the most uninspired stuff, but itis always a little backhanded and that is what astonishes me.The Knowledge in question therefore, is the unconscious. Some time ago, invitedto something that was nothing less than what we are trying to do at Vincennesunder the name of Psychoanalytic clinic, I remarked that the Knowledge in41

that the drive stops <strong>in</strong> the sense that musicians, listeners to music know that<strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> moments of be<strong>in</strong>g overwhelmed by music, as one says, time stops.Effectively there is a suspension of time at that level. And <strong>in</strong> thissuspension of time, one can make the hypothesis that what is happen<strong>in</strong>g, is asort of commemoration of the found<strong>in</strong>g act of the unconscious <strong>in</strong> the mostprimordial separation, the most primordial gap that has been torn from thereal and which has been <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong>to the subject, which is that of the S ofØ of the signifier. I believe that the last po<strong>in</strong>t that one can put forward, is toremark that this po<strong>in</strong>t of enjoyment which appears to me to be what <strong>Lacan</strong>articulates as be<strong>in</strong>g the enjoyment of the Other, is precisely the po<strong>in</strong>t ofmaximum desexualisation, I would say total, superior, sublime, sublime <strong>in</strong>the sense of sublimation; and it is <strong>in</strong>deed at this po<strong>in</strong>t that sublimation isconnected with desexualisation and enjoyment.So then, two torsions or three torsions therefore, of which I spoke to you atthe start, it is therefore these which can be mapped out between the passagefrom the first to the second moment, from the second to the third, and I donot know whether one can really speak about torsion for the topology ofwhat I would call the fourth moment. This rema<strong>in</strong>s to be thought through.- J <strong>Lacan</strong>: Thank you very much.40

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