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FED should flow into the U.S. Treasury. In 1959,new legislation allowed the FED to transferbonds to commercial banks at no cost to thebank. Now the FED receives less interest incomeand less pr<strong>of</strong>it for the U.S. Treasury because themoney is diverted to other banks through anaccounting entry. Congress and the IRS do not haveaccess to the financial records <strong>of</strong> the FED. Every yearCongress introduces legislation to fully audit the FED,and every year it is defeated. The FED banking systemcould easily be netting 100s <strong>of</strong> billions in pr<strong>of</strong>it eachyear. Through "creative accounting" pr<strong>of</strong>it can easilybe reclassified as expense. Within the first few years, the shareholders <strong>of</strong> the FED received their initial investment backwith no risk. All the income is tax-free, except for property tax, according to the Federal Reserve Act. When are the pr<strong>of</strong>its<strong>of</strong> the FED going to start flowing into the Treasury so that average Americans are no longer burdened with excessive,unnecessary taxes? Clearly, Congress cannot or will not control the FED. IT IS TIME TO ABOLISH IT! And YES, the FEDis privately owned but camouflaged behind a public government appearance! And the private Fed cannot bedeeply audited by anyone and pays no taxes. A lot more details on this later and in the other sections andappendixes and references listed in this book.CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, MAY 11, 1972: "Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United Statesgovernment institutions, they are not government institutions, they are private credit monopolies." CONGRESSIONALRECORD, JUNE 10, 1932, p. 12595: "The Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Banks are privateCorporations."CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, JUNE 10, 1932, p. 12595: "The Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Banksare private Corporations."JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, chief architect <strong>of</strong> our current fiat-paper money system: "By a continuing process <strong>of</strong>inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part <strong>of</strong> the wealth <strong>of</strong> their citizens".Re. CHARLES LINDBERGH (R. MN): "Ever since the Civil War, Congress has allowed the Bankers to control financiallegislation. The membership <strong>of</strong> the Finance Committee in the Senate (now the Banking and Currency Committee) and theCommittee on Banking and Currency in the House have been made up chiefly <strong>of</strong> Bankers, their agents, and theirattorneys. ...In this way the committees have been able to control legislation in the interests <strong>of</strong> the few." “The financialsystem… has been turned over to… the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority<strong>of</strong>… a purely pr<strong>of</strong>iteering group. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose <strong>of</strong> greatest possible pr<strong>of</strong>its [by anymethod they can get a way with] from the use <strong>of</strong> other people’s money.”Here are two actual United States Government Notes which used to be issued by the United States Government and wereboth debt-free and interest-free. They make up only less than 0.1% <strong>of</strong> US originated currency. Notice the red seal. Theprivately issued Federal Reserve Note that’s in our pockets has a green seal. The private Federal Reserve System notesmake up 99.9% <strong>of</strong> US originated currency. Shown in the picture below, it has a green seal. When it’s issued, thegovernment is indebted to the FED’s private owners for both the capital (which the FED created out <strong>of</strong> nothing) and ongoinginterest which is paid from taxes on money which the FED created out <strong>of</strong> nothing! Highway robbery I say!!! Toadd insult to injury, the taxpayers guarantee the private Federal Reserve Bank’s note with a signature from the UnitedStates Treasurer!!!Russell L. Munk, former Assistant General Counsel, Department <strong>of</strong> the Treasury: "Federal Reserve Notes arenot dollars."The Federal Reserve Note is only a private promissory note or IOU that is made legal tender by the power <strong>of</strong>law. Guess whose friends make the laws? Guess who made the laws institutionalizing UK Empire slavery, USslavery, Apartheid, and the Federal Reserve Act <strong>of</strong> 1913??? (See later for other significant related 1913events) To put it simply, when you or the government or a corporation give a “promise to pay” to theprivately owned Federal Reserve Bank, it issues you “Federal Reserve Notes” which are merely the FED’s“promise to pay” note. You cannot redeem the FED’s notes at the FED by law and in any case, the FED hasnothing to give you, i.e. it created these notes known as the Federal Reserve dollars without any commodityin stock. You have to find someone willing to take the FED notes in exchange for something you want. TheFED notes are legal tender by the power <strong>of</strong> fraudulent legislation.What does “legal tender” mean? If you owe someone $20 and you give him a $20 bill he is considered to have beenpaid, and if he refuses payment in this form you are absolved <strong>of</strong> the debt. By contrast, he does not have to accept yourcheck drawn on a private bank, or even a certified check <strong>of</strong> a private bank. <strong>Money</strong> issued by a central bank (private orgovernment) is sometimes called "Right <strong>of</strong> Purchase" money to distinguish it from "Promise to Pay" money created byprivate non-central banks.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 82

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