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Pringle, Robert; and Deane, Marjorie: The Central Banks; Viking, 1994, page viii: "The truly unique power <strong>of</strong> acentral bank, after all, is the power to create money, and ultimately the power to create is the power to destroy."Boston Federal Reserve Bank in a publication titled "Putting It Simply": "When you or I write a check there mustbe sufficient funds in our account to cover that check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money."Congressman McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10, 1932: "Some peoplethink the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not ... they are private credit monopolieswhich prey upon the people <strong>of</strong> the U.S. for the benefit <strong>of</strong> themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and richand predatory money lenders. The sack <strong>of</strong> the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort hasbeen made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everythinghere and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."9th Circuit Court in Lewis vs. United States, June 24, 1982: "…we conclude that the [Federal] Reserve Banks are notfederal ... but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations ... without day to day direction fromthe federal government..."President Andrew Jackson, upon evicting a delegation <strong>of</strong> international bankers from the Oval Office: "... Youare a den <strong>of</strong> vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace <strong>of</strong> the Eternal God, I will rout you out."Baron Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1744-1812: “Give me control <strong>of</strong> the economics <strong>of</strong> a country; and Icare not who makes her laws. The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its pr<strong>of</strong>its or sodependant on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class”."The few who can understand the [banking] system will either be so interested in its pr<strong>of</strong>its, or so dependent on itsfavors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body <strong>of</strong> the people, mentallyincapable <strong>of</strong> comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdenswithout complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests". [As they say,"Ignorance is bliss!"] - John Sherman, protege <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild banking family, in a letter sent in 1863 to NewYork Bankers, Morton, and Gould, in support <strong>of</strong> the then proposed National Banking Act."Give me control over a man's economic actions, and hence over his means <strong>of</strong> survival, and except for a fewoccasional heroes, I'll promise to deliver to you men who think and write and behave as I want them to." -Benjamine A. RoogePresident George Washington, in a letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787: "Paper money has had theeffect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species <strong>of</strong>fraud and injustice."President James A. Garfield: "Whoever controls the volume <strong>of</strong> money in any country is absolute master <strong>of</strong> all industryand commerce."John C. Calhoun (1837): "A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting <strong>of</strong>many and various powerful interests combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power <strong>of</strong> the vast surplusin the banks."The private banks’ license to print money is a scam! No wonder students don’t learn about banking at school.Interest works to concentrate wealth towards an elite group <strong>of</strong> multinational investors, especially in finance. This has beenhappening by design. Trade treaties, the IMF and World Bank were aimed at defrauding Third World countries so that themarkets and banks <strong>of</strong> the First World countries could survive via economic expansion and debt transference. Most <strong>of</strong> theWorld’s countries have a lower standard <strong>of</strong> living than 20 years ago! My taxes go to pay for government services,right? Wrong once more! You thought you were paying taxes to get Government services but most <strong>of</strong> thetaxes go to pay the interest on the government debt owed to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank whocreated the money from NOTHING and lent it to governments!!! (Some have been dreaming <strong>of</strong> turning “lead intogold”, well, these banking dynasties have turned “paper” into gold!). In other words, the IRS is a collection agencyworking for the private owners <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve System who have the power to create money out <strong>of</strong> nothing andlend it to the Government at interest. More details on this later.William Patterson: "The bank hath benefit <strong>of</strong> interest on all moneys which it creates out <strong>of</strong> nothing."Ralph M. Hawtrey, Former Secretary <strong>of</strong> the British Treasury: "Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means<strong>of</strong> payment, out <strong>of</strong> nothing."Congress consistently defeats balanced budget amendments. In the past 30 years, Congress has raised our taxes 56times and balanced the budget only once. We need the sound banking system our forefathers wanted us to have. <strong>History</strong>proves that banking systems like the FED don't work. Major World powers have been destroyed over similar bankingsystems. If we don't change this system NOW, in five years the only thing our taxes will pay is the interest on the nationaldebt. Section 7 <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve Act, passed December 23, 1913, states that much <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 81

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