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thieves biting Spanish doubloons to ascertain the value <strong>of</strong> their booty and loot. The advent <strong>of</strong> paper money during theindustrial revolution meant that it wasn't too difficult for a bank to alter its amount <strong>of</strong> money in circulation. Instead <strong>of</strong>gold, all that was needed to produce more banknotes was paper, ink and a printing press. Because <strong>of</strong> the skepticism <strong>of</strong> allconcerned, paper money was backed by a "promise to pay" upon demand. A holder <strong>of</strong> a "pound sterling" note <strong>of</strong> theUnited Kingdom could actually demand his pound <strong>of</strong> silver! When gold became the de facto backing <strong>of</strong> the World'scurrency a "gold standard" was developed where nations kept sufficient gold to back their "promises to pay" in theirnational treasuries. The problem with this standard was that a nation's economic health depended on its holdings <strong>of</strong> gold.When the treasury was bare, the currency was worthless.In the 1800s, even commercial banks in Canada and the United States issued their own banknotes, backed by theirpromises to pay in gold. Since they could lend more than they had to hold in reserves to meet their depositors’ demands,they actually could create money. This inevitably led to "runs" on banks when they could not meet their depositors’demands and were bankrupt. The same happened to smaller countries. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many countrieslegislated for private central banks the exclusive monopoly to issue banknotes or as I would call it to counterfeit money.In the US, this meant that all legal tender paper notes were controlled by the Federal Reserve. Commercial banks stillcould create money by lending more than their depositors had placed with the bank, but they no longer had the right toissue banknotes as the country’s legal tender.John B. Rarick: "Mr. Speaker, the current efforts by our Government to hold down price increases have served to focusthe attention <strong>of</strong> thoughtful students on a little discussed facet <strong>of</strong> our money system, this system, because <strong>of</strong> a longprocedure <strong>of</strong> miseducation and studied silence is not now understood as it was prior to the adoption <strong>of</strong> the FederalReserve system more than half a century ago. It is based upon debt; has serious implications for the future <strong>of</strong> ourcountry, and invites what may be the greatest war in history. ... Every debt Dollar demands an interest tribute from oureconomy for every year that Dollar remains in circulation. These interest costs force up the price <strong>of</strong> every commodity andservice and contribute greatly to inflation. ..."Well, lets fix this mis-education and silence now and explain the truth about the debt-based economic systemthat the Illuminati Banking Dynasties have imposed on us as the neo-slavery! Such history <strong>of</strong> money does notappear in the textbooks <strong>of</strong> public government schools today. So-called "economic experts" write syndicatedcolumns in hundreds <strong>of</strong> newspapers, craftily designed to prevent the people from learning the simple truth about ourmoney system. Sometimes commentators, educators, and politicians blame our financial conundrum on the workers forbeing wasteful, lazy, or stingy. Other times, they blame workers and consumers for the increase in debts and the inflation<strong>of</strong> prices, when they know the cause is the debt-money system itself. People are literally drowned in charges and counterchargesdesigned to confuse them and keep them from understanding the unconstitutional and evil money system that isso efficiently and silently robbing the farmers, the workers, and the businessmen <strong>of</strong> the fruits <strong>of</strong> their labor and <strong>of</strong> theirfreedoms. Some, who are especially vocal in their exposure <strong>of</strong> the treason against the people, are harassed bygovernment agencies such as the EPA, OSHA, the IRS, and others, forcing them into financial strain or bankruptcy. Theyhave been completely successful in preventing most Americans from learning the things you have/will read in this book.Among the steps taken to prevent armed resistance to their plunder <strong>of</strong> America, they plan to register all firearms andeventually to disarm all citizens, in violation <strong>of</strong> the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution <strong>of</strong> the United States. A peoplearmed cannot be enslaved. Therefore, they only want guns in the hands <strong>of</strong> their gestapo or military forces -- hands thatare already stained with blood from countless acts <strong>of</strong> gross negligence and overt homicide, both at home and abroad.Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995), the founder <strong>of</strong> modern libertarianism and the dean <strong>of</strong> the Austrian School <strong>of</strong> economics,was the author <strong>of</strong> The Ethics <strong>of</strong> Liberty and For a New Liberty and many other books and articles. He was also academicvice president <strong>of</strong> the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the Center for Libertarian Studies, and the editor – with Lew Rockwell– <strong>of</strong> The Rothbard-Rockwell Report. http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/frb.html . He explains that the contemporaryflight from sound, free market money to statized and inflated money: the abolition <strong>of</strong> the gold standard by FranklinRoosevelt in 1933 [when the United States when into bankruptcy and actual receivership by the Banklords], and thesubstitution <strong>of</strong> fiat paper tickets by the Federal Reserve as our "monetary standard." Another crucial part <strong>of</strong> this processwas the federal cartelization <strong>of</strong> the nation's banks through the creation <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve System in 1913 [plotted byagents <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, etc. dynasties see the Creature <strong>of</strong> Jekyll Island by G.EdwardGriffin for an explanation http://www.realityzone.com]. Banking is a particularly arcane part <strong>of</strong> the economic system; one<strong>of</strong> the problems is that the word "bank" covers many different activities, with very different implications. The problem withthe past investment bankers is that one <strong>of</strong> their major fields <strong>of</strong> investment was the underwriting <strong>of</strong> government bonds,which plunged them hip-deep into politics, giving them a powerful incentive for pressuring and manipulatinggovernments, so that taxes would be levied to pay <strong>of</strong>f their and their clients' government bonds [and wars created t<strong>of</strong>urther deepen their pockets]. Hence, the powerful and baleful political influence <strong>of</strong> investment bankers in the nineteenthand twentieth centuries: in particular, the Rothschilds in Western Europe, and Jay Cooke and the House <strong>of</strong> Morgan in theUnited States. [The US Banklords now are linked to oil as the oil trade <strong>of</strong> 50 million barrels per day is carried by printingfiat dollars]By the late nineteenth century, the Morgans took the lead in trying to pressure the U.S. government to cartelize industriesthey were interested in – first railroads and then manufacturing: to protect these industries from the winds <strong>of</strong> freecompetition, and to use the power <strong>of</strong> government to enable these industries to restrict production and raise prices. Inparticular, the investment bankers acted as a ginger group to work for the cartelization <strong>of</strong> commercial banks. Mostcommercial banking is "deposit banking" based on a gigantic scam: the idea, which most depositors believe, that theirmoney is down at the bank, ready to be redeemed in cash at any time. If Jim has a checking account <strong>of</strong> $1,000 at a localThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 76

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