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Never be under any illusions about the meaning<strong>of</strong> 'government'. Pierre J. Proudhon, GeneralIdea <strong>of</strong> the Revolution in the 19th Century PierreProudhon says....: “To be GOVERNED is to bewatched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven,numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preachedat, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured,commanded, by creatures who have neither the rightnor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To beGOVERNED is to be at every operation, at everytransaction noted, registered, counted, taxed,stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed,authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext <strong>of</strong> public utility, and inthe name <strong>of</strong> the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from,squeezed, hoaxed, robbed then, at the slightest resistance, the first word <strong>of</strong> complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified,harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported,sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that isits justice, that is its morality.”Where did the word ‘BANK’ come from?Real <strong>Money</strong>: A real ten dollar gold certificate is shown below. The note states on it's face "THIS CERTIFIES THAT THEREHAS BEEN DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD COIN PAYABLETO THE BEARER ON DEMAND”Tell someone you’re going to a convention <strong>of</strong> accountants and you might get a few yawns, yet money and how it worksand how it is used to control the masses is probably one <strong>of</strong> the most ancient and interesting systems developed andperfected by the elites who rule the Earth. The elite agenda has always been to grab the wealth <strong>of</strong> the whole World byplaying with the masses and playing the masses against each other. Bank could be an old German word for bench,referring to the bench on which one sat while discussing loan arrangements and interest charges. Some say the word‘bank’ originated from Chartres in 11 th century France where money-changers stood at benches which their place <strong>of</strong>business; ‘Bench’ in French is 'banc', and so the money people became known as 'banquiers', or as we call them now,'Bankers'. Yet, some others say that Italians were involved in the transfer <strong>of</strong> papal taxes from Scotland and the origin <strong>of</strong>the word bank is the ‘banco’ or bench used by the Italian merchants and money lenders. The money changers <strong>of</strong>Lombardia used to sit behind their wooden desks and, therefore, the place became known as Banco. And some others saythat it was originated by released Crusaders who while being POWs under Muslim custody saw the Arabs conducting loan,exchange and issue <strong>of</strong> money on wooden tables or banko in Italian. All great republics throughout history cherished soundmoney. This meant that the monetary unit was a commodity <strong>of</strong> honest weight and purity. When money was sound,civilizations were found to be more prosperous and freedom thrived. The less free a society becomes, the greater thelikelihood its money is being debased and the economic well-being <strong>of</strong> its citizens diminished unless it was temporarilyboosted by empire building and exploitation <strong>of</strong> weaker nations. The Founding Fathers were well aware <strong>of</strong> the Biblicaladmonitions against dishonest weights and measures, debased silver, and watered-down wine (these admonitions canalso be found in the Quran and some other religious and non-religious books). The issue <strong>of</strong> sound money throughouthistory has been as much a moral issue as an economic and political issue. Since the monetary unit measures everyeconomic transaction, from wages to prices, taxes, and interest rates, it is vitally important that its value is honestlyestablished without Illuminati Bankers, government, politicians, or the privately owned central banks manipulating itsvalue to serve special interests.<strong>Money</strong>, money, money, it's always just been there, right? Wrong. (See later sections on the interesting history <strong>of</strong> thevarious forms <strong>of</strong> money from ancient times). Obviously it's issued by the government to make it easy for us toexchange things, right? Wrong again! In the United States <strong>of</strong> America, it’s the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank(System) chartered in 1913 that creates money from nothing (FIAT money) and lends it at interest to theGovernment!!! In the U.K., it’s the Bank <strong>of</strong> England (although it was given a face <strong>of</strong> government ownership in 1947, theformer owners from the Rothschilds’ gang were given an undisclosed amount <strong>of</strong> Fiduciary bonds bearing 12% interest taxfreewhich can never be paid <strong>of</strong>f because they never mature and give the owners a say in the affairs <strong>of</strong> the Bank, and theyhave first claim on England ahead <strong>of</strong> the shareholders, i.e. it amounts to the same as continuing private ownership <strong>of</strong> thebank). In Hong Kong, it’s the HSBC bank, in Germany it’s the Reichsbank or Bundesbank, in France it’s the Bank <strong>of</strong> France(same as the Bank <strong>of</strong> England but was so called sold to the government 1 year earlier), Bank <strong>of</strong> Japan, Bank <strong>of</strong> Belgium,etc., all known as the Satanic Purses masqueraded with a front or appearance <strong>of</strong> a shared-governance with thegovernment! Guess who owns our politicians?Our current system <strong>of</strong> exchange was created with a pr<strong>of</strong>it motive aimed at capitalizing on people's need for currency andborrowing. The Central Banking System (which produces the actual currency and loans it to governments at interest andsells it to high street banks at face value) was set up as a network <strong>of</strong> private businesses with <strong>of</strong>ficial-sounding names,engineered to make a pr<strong>of</strong>it for their shareholders. These include the Bank <strong>of</strong> England (Graham Bannoc R.E. Baxter andEvan Davis, 'The Penguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 34, see also The Economic Organisation <strong>of</strong> Europe, 'CambridgeEconomic <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Europe V' page 352), The Federal Reserve (Graham Bannoc R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis, 'The PenguinDictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 155) and all the other Central Banks throughout the World. Not one <strong>of</strong> them is democratic!The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 74

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