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political intrigue group. This latter term was also influenced by the word "Cabala" with its implications <strong>of</strong>secrecy and magic. —Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide.Cabalism. [Satanic] occult doctrine based on the Cabala; any occult doctrine —Webster's New WorldDictionary, Third College Edition.Cabala. Cabbala, [Babylonian] kabala, received lore, tradition; an occult philosophy <strong>of</strong> certain [apostatePharisee] “Jewish” rabbis [developed in Babylon], & further in the Middle Ages, based on a mysticalinterpretation <strong>of</strong> the Scriptures; any esoteric or secret doctrine.Yeshua-Joshua-Issa-Iyesus-Iesous-Joshua-Jesu-YeZeus-JaZeus had quite a verbalscathing for the Pharisees (the priest-bankers-usurers who worked from the Temple inJerusalem) who mislead ordinary Jews in Matthew 23. Pharisaic law is reflected in theBabylonian Talmud, particularly in the book <strong>of</strong> Mishna—the original book <strong>of</strong> theBabylonian Talmud. Yeshua-Joshua called their teachings "the ways <strong>of</strong> men. Looking at"God - the Ultimate Paradox", David Ash tells us (p.69:) that in ancient times, Jews "hada governing body ... known as the 'Council <strong>of</strong> Elders” dominated by the Pharisees. In the19th century this council "described itself as the learned Elders <strong>of</strong> Zion". We learn thatthere is a group within the Elders which infiltrates and creates secret societies - such asthe Masons - known as 'The Brotherhood <strong>of</strong> the Snake ... In modern times thisbrotherhood has adopted the title <strong>of</strong> Illuminati" (p.74) and created Zionism. A lot moreinfo on this is available in other sections <strong>of</strong> this book.What did Baron Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, (The Synagogue <strong>of</strong> Satan or Lucifer or Holder <strong>of</strong>The Light hence Satanic Luciferian ILLUMINATI) mean 1744-1812: “Give me control <strong>of</strong> the economics <strong>of</strong> acountry; and I care not who makes her laws. The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from itspr<strong>of</strong>its or so dependant on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class”."The few who can understand the [banking] system will either be so interested in its pr<strong>of</strong>its, or so dependent on itsfavors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body <strong>of</strong> the people, mentallyincapable <strong>of</strong> comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdenswithout complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests". [As they say,"Ignorance is bliss!"] - John Sherman, protege <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild banking family, in a letter sent in 1863 to NewYork Bankers, Morton, and Gould, in support <strong>of</strong> the then proposed National Banking Act.David Spangler, Director <strong>of</strong> Planetary Initiative, United Nations: "No one will enter the New World Order unless heor she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation."http://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal_Interview_1976.htm. 1976 HaroldWallace Rosenthal, a Zionist administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits <strong>of</strong> New York, who like most Zionists andIlluminatis, pretends to be Jewish, when asked "Do you have knowledge <strong>of</strong> WHEN and WHY the story began about theJews being God's chosen people?" said in part: "Most [Zionist Ashkenazi/Khazar European and not Middle-Eastern] Jewsdo not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very muchalive.”Thomas Jefferson Notes on the State <strong>of</strong> Virginia: "Our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as wehave submitted to them. The rights <strong>of</strong> conscious we never submitted, we could never submit. We are answerable for themto our God. The legitimate powers <strong>of</strong> government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me noinjury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." Well, theseIlluminati Banking Dynasties are both picking our pockets and creating wars that are breaking many peoples’ legs!Dr. R.E. Search, “Lincoln <strong>Money</strong> Martyred”, Omni Publications Hawthorne, California. 1935 (Reprinted 1977): Considerthis: “One penny loaned January 1st, AC 1, drawing interest at the rate <strong>of</strong> 6% compounded annually, on January 1st,1895, would amount to: £8,498,840,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00. To pay this in gold atthe rate <strong>of</strong> 1.5 grams <strong>of</strong> gold to the pound sterling, using it in spheres <strong>of</strong> pure gold the size <strong>of</strong> the planet earth, wouldtake: 610,070,000,000,000,000 such spheres to pay the debt.The Illuminati Banking Dynasties create the money for the loan out <strong>of</strong> nothing because they were grantedthis power by fraudy legislation for which they bribed and maneuvered Kings and politicians into passing.Major L.L.B. Angas: "The modern Banking system manufactures money out <strong>of</strong> nothing. The process is perhaps the mostastounding piece <strong>of</strong> sleight <strong>of</strong> hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint, and un-mint the modernledger-empty currency."They don’t create the money to pay the interest though. When the banks put your interest payments back into circulationby acquiring good and services, then debtors are able to repay the interest, i.e. we have to work for the bank to repay theinterest! The only way to keep this system going is to have governments and people borrow more and more to create themoney to pay the interest. A great way to stop this pyramid scheme from collapsing temporarily is to have wars whichThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 70

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