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ight in the path <strong>of</strong> the oncoming Japanese fleet. Had it been left alone, the Japanese fleet would have blundered rightinto Kimmel exercise units. But FDR sent a direct order to Kimmell to terminate the exercise prematurely and return thefleet to Pearl Harbor immediately, leaving the way open for the Japanese to approach Hawaii undetected). Illuminatis willlabel the Cheap Oil and "Pipeline-istan" states as "Axis <strong>of</strong> Evil" while restricting civil liberties at home to control anyopposition to their plans. Zionists and The United States will commit war crimes, break all moral and legal laws, bulldozeand fire-bomb anyone in their path, etc. to steal the Cheap Oil resources and its associated pr<strong>of</strong>its, and conquer the landfrom the Nile to the Euphrates, hence Iraq/Iran war, Bosnia/Kosovo, Kashmir, Afghanistan, 1991 Iraq/Kuwait, Indonesia,Malaysia, past UK/US Iraqi occupations, overthrow <strong>of</strong> Iranian President in the 1950s, demonizing <strong>of</strong> predominantlyMoslem Countries, 2002 Iraq, etc. etc. etc. All other activities perpetrated by CIA/Mossad/US/Israel will have the above asthe underlying DRIVER and THEME. As per Dick Cheney & Co., this war will last more than 20 years and beyond ourlifetime. As per G. Dubya W. Bush, there will be decades <strong>of</strong> war. However, it seems that their initial plans called for amuch larger war than what has materialized so far. This could mean that the worse is still to come.John Kaminski remarked that when you're standing amid the rubble <strong>of</strong> the latest New World Order war zone, you wonderwhether things happen as a result <strong>of</strong> somewhat natural social evolution, or whether some hidden hand from a dark corner<strong>of</strong> the human psyche constantly steers us all toward misery and crisis. Is it testosterone or is it Tavistock? that Britishthink tank that scripted women's lib, the Beatles, Timothy Leary et al to mime the populace into passivity. Today Gaza isthe scene <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the most bizarre political song-and-dances in human history, where a supposed country has beenestablished in the middle <strong>of</strong> an oppressive police state. The imprisoned Palestinians don't even have access to their ownwater, and their borders are lined by the Jewish Israeli war machine ready to shoot children in the head at a moment'snotice. Palestinians are the Navajos <strong>of</strong> the 21st century, forever to be marginalized after they are exterminated down toacceptable, zoo-like levels. Palestinians are the prototype for future Earth citizens ineligible for membership in corporateelysia, a herd that needs to be managed and occasionally culled. Unless you understand that this has been the fate <strong>of</strong> themajority <strong>of</strong> humankind throughout history, you probably are unable to comprehend that this is the inevitable futureforecast for all <strong>of</strong> us. Gaza vividly and viscerally represents the condition <strong>of</strong> much <strong>of</strong> the World at this time — and to befair, at all times. Favored Zionist residents <strong>of</strong> Gaza received hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> dollars each for vacating theirhomes built on stolen land to make way for the new Gaza megaprison. The soggy survivors <strong>of</strong> New Orleans got a couple<strong>of</strong> hundred bucks and a few Wal-Mart gift cards.Contemplate the new American rubble zones strategically trashed around the World: the festering sore <strong>of</strong> Israel inevitablyspreads outward and wraps its conquered non-Zionist subhumans in giant walls, which likely we are soon to see in NewOrleans, the newest New World Order reconstruction project now being forever shackled by contracts with the folks whobuilt Guantanamo. Iraq remains a smoldering, poisoned cinder. The Hanging Gardens <strong>of</strong> Babylon are now encased in acancer-guaranteed zone <strong>of</strong> radioactive depleted uranium poison: truly, a stunning tribute to Western philosophy andtechnology. Afghanistan is a free fire zone, also poisoned. Divide and rule by the powers that keep rubbing two stickstogether to keep the sparks flying, because it generates steady pr<strong>of</strong>its for their members by continuing the flow <strong>of</strong>ammunition and armaments. And this is the engine that creates our comfort, our leisure to debate these matters incyberspace, then attempts to get them to spill out into the third-dimensional World without much success. The names <strong>of</strong>nations and peoples being crunched up in the meat grinder <strong>of</strong> corporatization fly past our eyes, too extensive tocomprehend. Somewhere between Kisangali and Kampala, people are actually eating pygmies. Two million everyday soulslive in the landfills <strong>of</strong> Rio de Janeiro. In New Orleans, these same folks live in Houston. War is where the real money is,although rebuilding entire societies like Sumatra and New Orleans is extremely pr<strong>of</strong>itable also.The Illuminati gangsters can make money <strong>of</strong>f the trashing <strong>of</strong> the planet. Where in our own inner darkness do we processthis information? What stratagem or philosophical canard do we use to explain this to ourselves? How do we stifle theimage that we are eating ourselves, as cannibalism’s primal impulse glitters mysteriously in the bottom <strong>of</strong> the Communioncup? Do we merely take cover and wait for the storm to pass? It is definitely better to live for another day. But only for alittle while can avoidance be construed as prudence. When something nettles you for a long time it is always better totake definitive action to fix the problem rather than constantly continue to deal with its exasperations. Blame ourforebears. They let it happen. We inherited it. Now, the bus is moving, unstoppably toward its destination. If you stand infront <strong>of</strong> it, you’ll be run down. I’d like to say sit back and enjoy the show, but it’s probably going to hurt. Just ask thosefolks who used to be from New Orleans. Or the displaced and debauched citizens <strong>of</strong> Fallujah and so many other placesgraced by the presence <strong>of</strong> those Zionist warmakers known as Blackwater mercenaries. They’re stationed both in Baghdadand on the Cajun coastline, escorting Israeli advisers around the neighborhood to help out with the new fortification plans.Now, contemplate the view <strong>of</strong> your future. Staring out vacantly from behind the barbed wire in your mind. People need tolearn about these evil imperial plans <strong>of</strong> the Illuminati Masons and Zionists (for True monotheistic Jews, Christian andMoslem peoples, these are the precursors to the Anti-Christ or Dajjal). We are already living in an EMPIRE, democracy,freedom, justice, peace are gone! God help us!The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 698

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