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Zionists collaborated to bring many innocent Jews to Hitler's death camps to create tremendous sympathy for the creation<strong>of</strong> Israel and force European Jews to migrate to Palestine. Masons financed the Nazis. Hitler and Prescott (Grandpa) Bushwere Masons. Zionists plan now is to conquer from the Nile to the Euphrates hence the reason to transform Iraq intoanother Israeli occupied territory with a US Zionists administering Iraq. The Illuminati/Masons want to recreate the paganBabylonian religion in Iraq as seen from their worship <strong>of</strong> the giant Babylonian Owl in Alex Jones' secret video <strong>of</strong> theBohemian Grove rituals in Northern California attended by the World's most powerful people annually in the summer (onthis CD or at http://www.infowars.com).Illuminati-Rothschilds/Rockefellers control their so called "Arc <strong>of</strong> Crisis" in the Middle East through divide, rule, andconquer, and induced crisis/reaction/solution. It has allowed them to control the oil-producing countries since when the oilreally came on line. They already control the not-so-Federal Private Federal Reserve System, HSBC Bank, Bank <strong>of</strong>England, along with 11 other Illuminati families. Jewish peoples are being played <strong>of</strong>f against the non-Jewish races andvisa-versa. You and all <strong>of</strong> us who care about our children and the freedom <strong>of</strong> the World must unite and focus on theIlluminati force that is playing all people like a violin. Fear <strong>of</strong> each other and divide and rule have always been the basictools <strong>of</strong> dictators, global and otherwise. Never, never, never, do the Rothschilds and the illuminati control only one side ina conflict. If they did they could not be sure <strong>of</strong> the outcome and that's not the way they play the game. In everysignificant conflict they control the leadership <strong>of</strong> all factions, even though they may fight and battle with each other on thepublic stage. It's a scam, a sham, a movie for public consumption only. The people <strong>of</strong> Israel Palestine need to work andlive together in harmony and mutual respect. There is no other way, except more deaths, more suffering, more conflict -exactly what the Illuminati and the Rothschilds want. They have horrendous plans for Israel/Palestine in which all sideswill suffer, not least their plans for a major event at the Temple Mount and Dome <strong>of</strong> the Rock mosques, the site <strong>of</strong> the"Temple <strong>of</strong> Solomon" according to the Kabbalist Mason/Zionist belief system.Zionists media demonize Islam and Moslems continuously, and CIA/Mossad create terrorist groups/stage/assist with acts<strong>of</strong> terror whenever required to accomplish their goals incrementally. Eventually, all countries will have puppetgovernments that will sell-<strong>of</strong>f their people and natural resources to the bidding <strong>of</strong> these Zionist neo-colonialists. TheUnited States economy which subsidizes heavily the Israeli economy is dependent on the Military Industrial Complex andon the investment <strong>of</strong> illegal drugs in Wall Street, hence wars and CIA facilitate drug funneling. WHY WERE BUSH/SHARONGANG HELL BENT ON WAR WITH IRAQ? Without being able to turn Mideast oil from an import to an export, theUS/ISRAEL Governments are bankrupt in the near future, the private Illuminati owners <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve want toensure that US doesn't default on its phony loans (First, to use the oil treasure as collateral to underwrite the huge U.S.deficit, soon to be out-<strong>of</strong>-control, thus laying the way for Dubya to push a huge tax cut for the one or two percent <strong>of</strong>Americans, the wealthiest in the U.S. Second, to seek to prop up the Bank <strong>of</strong> England caught up on the wrong side <strong>of</strong>speculations in the Kuwaiti Dinar, a currency pegged to the so-called "U.S. Dollar", actually hot-air Federal Reserve Notes.And further, to seek to bail out the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and LIFFE, theInternational Financial Futures and Options Exchange in London) therefore grab the World resources, and Bush will makea fortune from the war and oil, and he is being controlled (to get re-elected) by Zionists who want to weaken Iraq to allowIsrael to continue invading its neighbors and who want to keep sucking US$ from the US taxpayers. American GNP issomething around $10 trillion, only 1 percent comes from agriculture, only 24 percent from industry including militarysales, 75 percent comes from services, and most <strong>of</strong> it is financial speculation, Petro Dollars pass-thru and drug moneylaundering, i.e. the US as a whole behaves like an immense dot.com, and dollars are its stocks. The value <strong>of</strong> stocks <strong>of</strong> agiven company is directly proportional to its pr<strong>of</strong>itability. When a company only provides services, but does not producegoods, the value <strong>of</strong> its stocks depends on its credibility. If US credibility is affected, its stocks - the US dollar - will fall attremendous speed, and the American economy will collapse. Some countries including Iraq have switched to EURO astheir petro and reserve currency. Total current US Federal and State government debt is about $25 trillion which is equalto total market capitalization September 2003. This debt is owed to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.The private Mason/Zionist owners <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve & Bank <strong>of</strong> England will be more than happy to bankroll anyonewanting to wage war, just like in all past major wars. Oil is everything, from fertilizer to food to powering the military, etc.etc. etc., i.e. all modern lifestyle depends on oil/gas. Majority <strong>of</strong> Cheap Oil/GAS resources are in predominantly Moslemcountries. Middle Eastern countries including Palestine and Iran are developing rapidly and growing in power due to Oilincome. Cheap Oil will run out in the rest <strong>of</strong> the World in a decade or two but will remain in the Middle East for another 50to 100 years (there is plenty <strong>of</strong> expensive oil around, but its expensive to dig it out). The civilization holding the lastreserves <strong>of</strong> Cheap Oil will succeed into the future. Zionists/Illuminatis (Bilderbergers, Bohemian Club, Masons, Skull &Bones, Chabad-Lubavitchers) therefore will use the United States to ensure that they are the civilization in control <strong>of</strong> thelast reserves <strong>of</strong> Cheap Oil on the planet. Zionist/Illuminatis conquest/theft <strong>of</strong> Cheap Oil must be done now before thecountries holding the Cheap Oil become more powerful and make it harder for Zionists to commit genocide against theirpeople, as in North and South American style after Columbus. Zionists will demonize Islam and Moslems even more nowthat they want to steal the Cheap Oil resources and Oil Pr<strong>of</strong>its and build pipelines from Bosnia to North Korea to Indonesiato capitalize on this wealth. It’s popular to kill, conquer peoples and collectively punish people who have been demonized.When such collective punishments are undertaken by a powerful party, it reveals the intentions <strong>of</strong> the perpetrators <strong>of</strong>collective punishment which is to provoke a reaction that will give more excuses to the oppressors to continue with theiroppression (this is exactly what is happening in Palestine and the same techniques are now slowly being implemented inthe United States under the sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the Zionists). The end game is to commit creeping genocide. It is alreadyhappening in South America and Africa.Hence, US/Israel created 9-11 (just like FDR let Pearl Harbor happen although he knew full well in advance about theattack and ensured that the Pearl Harbor radar was not operating; in fact, Admiral Kimmell had a Naval exercise operatingThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 697

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