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and cultural policy rather than to a race, it can be justified. The key is to distinguish between Jews who advance the NewWorld Order and those who do not.JEWS ARE THE BIGGEST DUPESSocialism and Communism are Jewish in origin, membership and character. Throughout the past century, naïve Jewsflocked to the Red banner. The clarion call: "Capitalists have all the wealth. Communism will result in equality." Thisclarion call was just bait. The richest people in the world created & financed Communism; their agenda was to furtherconcentrate wealth. Socialism is the same thing on a smaller scale, a way <strong>of</strong> electing world banker lackeys and increasinggovernment power. (Socialism may have some intrinsic merit but this is not why they back it.) The false conflict between"public" and "private"; Left and Right; government and free enterprise; keeps the public in a political trance. Jews likeNoam Chomsky and Naomi Klein uphold this false dichotomy. They blame everything on the private sector, oncorporations, on US imperialism. Left versus Right. Government vs Free Enterprise. The truth is the corporations shevilifies own both her publisher and the politicians Right and Left. Public vs Private is meaningless today because Privatecontrols Public (through debt.) In a recent pr<strong>of</strong>ile Ms. Klein says: "I don't question being a leftist any more than I wouldquestion being a Jew it's the culture I got taught as a kid." The day when Naomi Klein advocates government take control<strong>of</strong> its m credit, or traces the Mossad role in 9-11, will be the day she disappears from the mass media. She is an example<strong>of</strong> what many socialist Jewish dupes do best; control the debate, enrich themselves and wax self-righteous asbenefactors. They are the company union.CONCLUSIONIn 2004, I wrote: "Anti-Semitism is not an irrational hatred or sickness in the Gentile soul, as Jews imagine. It is a healthydefense mechanism <strong>of</strong> mainly Christian and Moslem nations, cultures, races and religions that are threatened by a gradualand insidious process <strong>of</strong> extinction (i.e. world government.)"If anti-Semitism is opposition to the world banker agenda,rather than to all Jews heedless <strong>of</strong> their role, then I see anti-Semitism as a healthy sign. We cannot allow them use thisdisingenuous ploy to outlaw Resistance to Tyranny. Jews...everyone... must not be manipulated any longer. Its not Jewsnor Gentiles but Satanists who control the world. ____--- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author <strong>of</strong> "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." www.cruelhoax.ca) His articlescan be found at his web site www.1henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving comments, some <strong>of</strong> which he posts on his siteusing first names only. hmakow@gmail.com http://www.henrymakow.com/do_jews_control_the_world.htmlAnti-Semitism - Never made any Headway in Europe in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century until Rich Jewsdecided to Sponsor it. There is no way Hitler would have come to power without the backing <strong>of</strong> world finance. Hitler wasTime Magazine "Man <strong>of</strong> the Year" in 1938. Stalin, another Freemason created by the <strong>Money</strong> Power, took the honor in1939. Related: "Which Hidden Power Created Hitler? " http://www.henrymakow.com/002132.html and "The ZionistProtection Racket" http://www.henrymakow.com/000889.html========== COMMENTS:Anthony said (October 12, 2007):Kudos to you for an eloquent and compelling article reflecting your jewish humanity and morality. I could not agree morewith you that zionism, rather than being a strictly jewish phenomenon, in practice represents a Greedy and Callous Ruling"Elite" made <strong>of</strong> Jews, Christians and Moslems for whom predatory and devastating wars with millions <strong>of</strong> victims are <strong>of</strong> noconcern as long as they are lining their pockets and maintaining/increasing their power and influence.=================Frank said (October 11, 2007):I have been a reader <strong>of</strong> Jeff Rense website for several years and I have always found your articles quite educational andinspiring. I mostly agree with what you write, quiteeloquently I say, however, The so called Rich Jews you refer to are notJews at all but are actually decendants <strong>of</strong> the biblical entity Cain i.e. Kenites, Rev.2:9 and Rev.3:9.I do however realizehow difficult that would be for most people to understand Thank you for your wonderful articles as free speech is losingground in the 'Land <strong>of</strong> the Fee and Home <strong>of</strong> the Slave'.======================Jim said (October 11, 2007):Your article on Rense.com today, "Do Jews Control the World" was one <strong>of</strong> the best articles ever written in the last twentyyears. Very few really understand the "h<strong>of</strong> juden's" (court jews) role as high level "cutouts". But you do and you writeabout it better than anyone else. And the vast majority <strong>of</strong> regular jews <strong>of</strong> normal everyday society <strong>of</strong>ten get blamed bythe world for the Cutouts abominable acts. These high level Cutouts are the ones that can be denied by the elite city <strong>of</strong>London bankshare holders ("we don't have any linkages to them, they run the money, entertainment and media on theirown", yah right). Of course these cutouts get paid a lot and provideda lot <strong>of</strong> privileges for their willingness to literally "selltheir souls" to mammon and lucifer. And then they play the "holocaust card" so well. Holocaust, translated apparentlyliterally means "fiery sacrifice". Why is this word used and who was sacrificing who? I have always thought it was best totalk about these death camps accurately by referring to them as extermination or genocide camps for the jews, christians,dissentors and others judged undesirable.========================Reader said (October 10, 2007):That's the scary part <strong>of</strong> this conspiracy; The Rothschild king <strong>of</strong> the Jews doesn't have to issue secret step-by-stepinstructions. The conspiracy is a lot closer to us all than the 'mysterious' Illuminati. Also anyone still bringing up theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 689

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