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Gentiles and to realize the Babylonian Talmudic perversion that the "Jews" were the "chosen people" and that God hadpromised them that they should rule the World (Rothschild <strong>Money</strong> Trust, George Armstrong, pp.24-25). It includes theQueen <strong>of</strong> Holland, the Queen <strong>of</strong> Denmark and all the royal families <strong>of</strong> Europe, or Black Nobility. It's head today is QueenElizabeth II. Documentary pro<strong>of</strong> as to the existence <strong>of</strong> the "Committee <strong>of</strong> 300" is not forthcoming, and it may be no morethan a convenient phrase to describe certain key players. Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds,Walter Rathenau, writing in the Wiener Press (24 December, 1921) said, "Only 300 men, each <strong>of</strong> whom knows all othersgovern the fate <strong>of</strong> Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in theirhands <strong>of</strong> putting an end to the form <strong>of</strong> State which they find unreasonable." Exactly six months after publication,Rathenau was assassinated.The NWO system will control the whole wealth <strong>of</strong> the World system and force the whole Earth into its trap, or will killthem, by refusing the privilege <strong>of</strong> buying and selling whereby they would make a living. In the meantime, Rome hasacquired nearly all the supplies <strong>of</strong> gold. The Jews Banking Dynasties have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time,they will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the systemfalls. All will be obedient to Rome because Rome CONTROLS the gold <strong>of</strong> the World. Thus all the people will be at themercy <strong>of</strong> the NOW for they cannot buy or sell without the “Mark <strong>of</strong> the Beast” (Anti-Christ, Dajjal). Rome will "control thegold <strong>of</strong> the World" through her alliance with the Black Nobility and the fealty <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds. It is important to notethat the Rothschilds do not loan-out gold or silver. They deal only in "paper credit" but <strong>of</strong>ten require that interestpayments to them be made in gold and/or silver as they have done with the Australian Treasury for decades. AndAustralia's Treasury is staffed by agents <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> London, and Australia is the World's third largest gold miner. ButRome will CONTROL the gold. Let's reconsider some aspects <strong>of</strong> this coming World takeover. Recently we found that Mr.Norman Dodd, Director <strong>of</strong> Research for Congressman Reece's Senate Select Committee investigation into subversiveactivities <strong>of</strong> the tax-exempt foundations was asked to orient his investigation toward uncovering a conspiracy AGAINSTthe United States (Bill McLihany, The Tax-exempt Foundations). Yes, the United States has been invaded from within attaxpayer expense. In an interview Dodd said, "Investigations lead to the reasonable suspicion that behind the events <strong>of</strong>history is an entity that is dynastic and perpetuates itself. That entity is what is meant when you hear people talk about"they this" and "they that" which leads one to confront them with a natural question, "Well who is they?" And there'sreally no answer but it does support the fact that the question, who are "they?" confines this knowledge to a very, veryfew. Now from the base <strong>of</strong> that very few, "they," as it were, issue franchises to groups who are capable and willing, inslang terms, to keep their mouth shut, number one, and number two, to perform whatever this central agency feels is anecessity.""Now, we hear <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds in the World <strong>of</strong> finance. They are not the originators <strong>of</strong> the control over finance and thepractices therein. But they have been given a franchise to control the money aspect <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> the World. In returnfor their exercising this control and keeping their mouth shut, they are given handsome privileges <strong>of</strong> money manipulationand <strong>of</strong> course increase their money wealth by leaps and bounds." "Now the Rockefellers are another example and they aregiven a franchise that directs that they in turn are very active in the control <strong>of</strong> the content <strong>of</strong> education (propaganda). Inreturn for that they are given vast privileges <strong>of</strong> one kind or another. And so it goes, if we were to diagram it out we couldtake almost any function." "They" is the Vatican in UN"Holy Alliance" with the Black Nobility or Venetian Oligarchy. And asstated, it seems that the authority for the franchise to Rothschild and others stems from the secret Articles in the Treaty<strong>of</strong> Verona (1822) Holy Alliance, signed by Austria, France, Prussia and Russia. This Treaty binds members <strong>of</strong> the HolyAlliance to co-operate to preserve monarchical rule and to put down popular government. As it is in force today it is aconspiracy to restore the monarchical rule <strong>of</strong> Portugal and Spain in South America and the (open) rule <strong>of</strong> (once) GreatBritain in the United States <strong>of</strong> America. This Treaty was the basis <strong>of</strong> the Monroe Doctrine which declared that the USwould regard any attempt by the powers <strong>of</strong> Europe to reassert hegemony over any <strong>of</strong> the South American countries to bean act <strong>of</strong> hostility against the United States. This Treaty would seem to be the historic and legal basis whereby the Kings<strong>of</strong> Earth or Black Nobility give their power to the Beast because their Divine right to rule is by virtue <strong>of</strong> and subject toRome's Pope who wears the Triple crown <strong>of</strong> dominion over Heaven, Earth and Purgatory.Illuminatis Fooling The Masses (alliance between Rothschild Zionism and Rome Jesuits)Now, let’s read the words <strong>of</strong> another Illuminist about how they keep fooling the masses while the serfdom and slavery <strong>of</strong>the New World Order progresses into our lives. The Illuminists and their key-positioned enforcers or stooges areworking to financially enslave the masses with their monopoly on the creation <strong>of</strong> bank via the privatelyowned central banks, to destroy all nation states & religions and replace them with a one World totalitariantyrannical government and an enforced Illuminati Luciferian Pharisaic Satanic worship. For this plan orconspiracy to continue, they have to trigger successions <strong>of</strong> wars after which people will become submissiveto the idea <strong>of</strong> a one-World totalitarian government. Where there’s war, there’s also mega-money for theIlluminati Bankers.Brock Chisolm, former Director <strong>of</strong> the World Health Organization - "To achieve World government, it is necessaryto remove from the minds <strong>of</strong> men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religiousdogmas" (sounds very much like Rothschild’s Protocols <strong>of</strong> the Elders <strong>of</strong> Zion, see the appendix in this book).Richard Salant, Former President <strong>of</strong> CBS news said: "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what wedecide they ought to have."The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 684

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