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the capital <strong>of</strong> their empire" <strong>of</strong> industrial cartels including "munition plants, mining industry, chemical plants, etc. (PawnsIn The Game" p.42). More importantly, the Rothschild family manipulated the stock market and thus gained control overthe main Central Banks <strong>of</strong> Europe, the prime example being that <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong> England. By means <strong>of</strong> cutting Napoleon'ssupplies (but increasing his opponent Wellington’s funding) and triggering an English stock market crash, Nathan got rid<strong>of</strong> the problematic Napoleon and made a financial "killing"! And thus, "Through their dealings, by 1820 the Rothschildshad amassed a fortune exceeding 5 billion pounds' ("God - the Ultimate Paradox", page 115; Sir W. Scott's "Life <strong>of</strong>Napoleon", in State Library, on micr<strong>of</strong>iche) The Rothschild family even had an intelligence network (later becoming theIsraeli Mossad) which used Hebrew letters as a code and was fast!In 1829, a New York Illuminati meeting was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. He informed those presentthat Atheist groups were to be united with Russian Nihilist and other subversive groups into an international movementcalled "Communism" which would be used to foment wars. "Clinton Roosevelt (a direct ancestor <strong>of</strong> FDR),..." and otherswere appointed to raise funds which "... financed Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote 'Das Capital, and the 'CommunistManifesto, in Soho, England." ("Pawns In The Game", page XIV). Karl Marx was a German <strong>of</strong> Jewish descent, being thenephew <strong>of</strong> a Rabbi, and a student <strong>of</strong> the Satanist Bruno Bauer (Rothschild). Due to his revolutionary activities, Karl wasexpelled from Germany and "'... given asylum in England'! ("Pawns In The Game", p.4). Whilst writing "The CommunistManifesto" in 1848, Marx had included ideas <strong>of</strong> an English socialist, Pr<strong>of</strong>. John Ruskin, <strong>of</strong> Oxford University. Ruskin wasmentor to Cecil Rhodes (a land monopolizing enslaver) who, with the Rothschilds (a counterfeit money monopolizingenslaver) backing, ",... was able to monopolize the diamond mines <strong>of</strong> South Africa" and put his fortune to work in the planfor World empire. ("Tragedy and Hope", Pr<strong>of</strong>. Quigley) Focusing in on the situation in Russia (from 1772), various Tsarshad initially made restrictive laws strict for Jews, but they were later progressively liberalized until Alexander II "...devoted his life to improving the conditions <strong>of</strong> the poorer classes and the Jews .... But the Jewish revolutionary leaderswere determined to continue their movement for Popular World Revolution". ("Pawns In The Game", p.64). Because <strong>of</strong> thedomination <strong>of</strong> Russian society by Jews, the remaining restrictions were held in place. The Jews began to be increasinglyrebellious and this peaked with the assassination <strong>of</strong> Alexander II. With Alexander III came the introduction <strong>of</strong> theextremely restrictive May Laws in 1882. Jews made up 4.2% <strong>of</strong> the Russian population and the new laws enforced a limiton Jewish economic and cultural activity. "The International Bankers imposed economic sanctions against the RussianEmpire. .. In 1904, after they involved the Russian Empire in a disastrous war with Japan, ... Rothschild ... tried to renderthe Russian Empire bankrupt... ("Pawns In The Game", page 64). This was the preliminary requirement for a successfulrevolution and takeover. Financed by Jacob Schiff since 1897, the Mensheviks (minority group), were a terrorist cell led by"Lev Davidovitch Bronstein, alias Lvov, alias Yanovsky, alias Nicolai Trotsky (real name Bronstein), the son <strong>of</strong> a richJewish landowner ... ("World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, 1921, page 277). They successfully assassinated six ministers<strong>of</strong> government (between 1901 and 1906) and had attempted the failed Revolution <strong>of</strong> 1905.In the meantime, Vladimir Ulyanov - whose great-grandfather was a Jewish merchant named Srul - assumed the nameLenin and then became the head <strong>of</strong> the Bolsheviks (or majority group) in 1903. Lenin was an extremely ruthless leaderand when compared with Stalin, "Of the two dictators Lenin was more cruel". (Molotov, quoted in Quadrant, July 1999,p.41) The First World War was started by members <strong>of</strong> the Serbian secret society, the Order <strong>of</strong> the Black Hand, when theyassassinated the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914. Unfortunately for him, the Archduke's death had been planned two yearsearlier at an Illuminati meeting in Switzerland, "...the neutral Ground upon which all international plots are hatched". Thepeople who fought this war were literally pawns in a game <strong>of</strong> death. Russian soldiers were fighting well-armed Germanswith sticks as they had only "...ONE rifle available for every six men." Russia had assurances from England that it wouldreceive arms, but Rothschild-affiliated Vickers-Maxim held supplies back in preparation for revolution. ("Pawns In TheGame", pp 77,78,89) After Lenin's successful Bolshevik revolution <strong>of</strong> 1917, the USSR came into being - the Illuminati'sexperiment, used to fine-tune their ideas <strong>of</strong> a totalitarian World government. Apart from the massive cost in human livesthe Rothschilds had made another "killing", with their initial investment in Lenin <strong>of</strong> $70 million reaping them hundreds <strong>of</strong>millions in return. "Pre-Bolshevik Russia was able for many years to feed half <strong>of</strong> Europe ..." but Lenin ruthlessly stole("nationalised") the farmers' land and murdered millions <strong>of</strong> Russians, crippling the economy and causing widespreadfamine. (Quadrant, July 1999, p.42). Perhaps the best reference to the Illuminati's role for the "Jews" in Communismcomes from an article by Winston Churchill where he stated in the newspaper, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8,1920, p.5: "...this movement among Jews is not new. From the days <strong>of</strong> Weishaupt to those <strong>of</strong> Karl Marx, and down toTrotsky,... this Worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow <strong>of</strong> civilisation... has been steadily growing. It played ... a definitelyrecognisable part in the ... French Revolution [1789]. It has been the mainspring <strong>of</strong> every subversive movement duringthe Nineteenth Century;..."Churchill once told reporters that if English spies had infiltrated to the degree the Illuminatihad infiltrated the British parliament, the war would have been over in one month.There are two sides to every story, and in this scenario the Zionists (the main protagonists) are opposed by a group whichauthor W.G. Carr calls the "Aryan War Lords". Using this divide and conquer principle allows the Illuminati to split the bulk<strong>of</strong> humanity. These Zionists and Aryans are really to blame for allowing themselves to be so easily manipulated, but weare also to blame for allowing the whole situation to continue without so much as a word <strong>of</strong> protest, let alone action. Wemust each become personally responsible for our own destiny, while at the same time leading others out <strong>of</strong> this mess byexample. With "Communism" (Bolshevism in place, the Illuminati had to create its opposite so that their plan for Worldtakeover could advance. World War I had served two purposes: (1) it had completely depleted Russian resources, makingrevolution easy; (2) it had created huge debts in Germany, which was forced to make reparations for losing. To start aSecond World War, in which Britain and Germany could be exhausted for takeover, propaganda was used to denounce theJews and "... strengthened the trend towards National Socialism in Germany ... ("Pawns In The Game", page 99). Thiswould allow the Illuminati the opportunity to pit the Aryan War Lords against the Zionists, who now pushed forward withtheir plans for a permanent homeland - "Israel". It was done via the Zionist interests in England where many RothschildThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 681

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