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previous centuries which are undesirable to us...we shall abolish every kind <strong>of</strong> freedom <strong>of</strong> instruction...[and rear youth] inprinciples and theories which we know to be false..." This has taken place in most universities. This is why there is apalpable stench <strong>of</strong> moral compromise over our public life, why so many <strong>of</strong> our "leaders" are hacks and dissolutes. "Nineeleven"and the "war on terror" are hoaxes designed to justify wars to colonize remaining independent Muslim countries,and integrate the United States and Europe into a World police state. By defending their national independence, the Iraqi"insurgents" are fighting for us all. American soldiers are horribly deceived and misused. Far from being a World power,the United States has been a tool <strong>of</strong> the international banking-oil cartel at least since World War One. Conspiracy is likethe weather. Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. Like the weather, there is not much we can do.The majority <strong>of</strong> people are held in thrall by the mass media and don't realize they are. In a so-called democracy, theythink they "rule," but in fact they are crudely manipulated. How more crudely than today when both US Presidentialcandidates belong to the Illuminati "Skull and Bones" or both Canadian leaders are Bilderbergers or both British leadersare Bilderbergers?Even if we can't change the World, we can change individual lives. Understanding the World is very liberating. We are lesssusceptible to Worldly snares, which include the "education" system, the "democratic" process, the mass media, theporn/sex/gambling industries, money and fame. We must embody our principles in our personal lives and not be toodistracted by the insanity unfolding around us. This doesn't preclude making our voices heard. Many women have beenbrainwashed by feminist leaders, most <strong>of</strong> whom were Marxists and lesbians. "Destroy the family and society will collapse,"Lenin wrote. The same banking cartel that funded the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitler own the foundations and media thatfinance and promote feminism. Women have been horribly duped by feminism and the cost to everyone has beenhorrendous. Family is the key to our identity, personal development and happiness. We can find direction, purpose andlove by fulfilling our traditional family roles. We have Truth on our side. Nothing is more powerful than Truth. Let uscontinue to be a witness to Truth. Note that modern "culture" is a product <strong>of</strong> the Luciferian (Satanic) conspiracy againstGod-oriented Civilization. Relentlessly negative and increasingly obscene, modern "culture" attacks the sources <strong>of</strong> dignity,decency and hope that define us as human beings rather than animals. For example last week the news media was hypinga play which opened in London about "sexual love" between a married man and a goat. In an interview, the playwrightEdward Albee said "The Goat" challenged this "societal taboo" and hoped that members <strong>of</strong> the audience would "reexaminetheir values and attitudes toward bestiality." "Funny, moving and tragic," raved UK Channel 4 News, a respectedand "serious" programme in the UK.Bestiality has occurred and the play is primarily concerned with the protagonist's confession and inability to deal with thefact that he "feels guilty for not feeling guilty"(!). "We are all animals," he rationalizes. The play deals with theconfrontation between the protagonist, his wife and their gay son. A reader, Jonathan Stonehouse wrote: "It staggers meto think that there are many who now associate freedom with the normalization <strong>of</strong> everything formerly regarded asmorally repugnant, when the truth is we're building a World in which the majority will be slaves to every whim and fancy,not to mention dark and abhorrent desire, the human imagination can conceive. That's a form <strong>of</strong> 'freedom' I can well dowithout." True culture is based on refining our animal instincts in terms <strong>of</strong> our spirituals ideals (like truth, justice,goodness and beauty.) Modern anti-culture is based on demoralizing and destroying society by disparaging these ideals.Anti-culture portrays man in purely naturalistic and material terms. Every sexual impulse and bodily function must berecognized and <strong>of</strong>ten indulged. This is considered "courageous" while any demur is considered repressive and prudish orfascist. Human dignity requires privacy. Female allure requires modesty and mystery. We have souls, not only bodies. Theexaltation <strong>of</strong> man's animal nature, at the expense <strong>of</strong> his spiritual qualities, is a direct consequence <strong>of</strong> the deification <strong>of</strong>man. Our anti-culture assumes that man is a finished product and doesn't need to be transformed by God's Love. Asymptom <strong>of</strong> making man a god is that we mystify and worship human beings. We worship a cult <strong>of</strong> great minds, a cult <strong>of</strong>great beauty, a cult <strong>of</strong> great wealth and power.Modern "culture" reflects the final unfolding <strong>of</strong> a diabolical conspiracy that rejects God's plan for mankind's development.By eating the forbidden fruit, Lucifer (Iblis or Satan) promised: "Your eyes will be open and you will be like God, knowinggood and evil." (Genesis 3:5) This means that man will define what is good and evil. God is the ultimate Good. When manmakes himself god, good becomes whatever the most powerful man or group wants. Good becomes evil and evil becomesgood. This is happening today. There were a lot <strong>of</strong> groups who wanted to be god but some conservatives believe our anticulturecan be traced to the Zionist view <strong>of</strong> their "chosenness." Originally Jews, the children <strong>of</strong> Israel (Jacob) had aconception <strong>of</strong> God as a Universal Moral Force. (This is the Judaism I identify with and is totally opposite <strong>of</strong> Zionism.)It would appear, in considering the origin <strong>of</strong> those tenets regarded as characteristic <strong>of</strong> Western civilization, that a survey<strong>of</strong> history should begin with, not Athens in Greece, but the ancient city <strong>of</strong> Babylon in Mesopotamia. In fact, in Ancestor <strong>of</strong>the West: Writing, Reasoning, and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece, Bottero, noted scholar <strong>of</strong> Mesopotamiancivilization, declares: "if I wish to reveal the most distant origins <strong>of</strong> our civilization that are known today, it is toMesopotamia that I will now take us." Babylon, which at one time may have held as many a 250,000 inhabitants, famedamong the Jews and the later Greeks for its sensual living, was the greatest city in the ancient World. According to Greekhistorian Herodotus, in the fourth century BC, "Babylon lies in a wide plain, a vast city in the form <strong>of</strong> a square with sidesnearly fourteen miles long and a circuit <strong>of</strong> some fifty-six miles, and in addition to its enormous size it surpasses insplendor any city <strong>of</strong> the known World." The city’s legendary Hanging Gardens, were deemed in Hellenistic times one <strong>of</strong> theSeven Wonders <strong>of</strong> the World.Babylon was the origin <strong>of</strong> a myth that would come to pervade, not only the mystical systems <strong>of</strong> antiquity, but which wouldtransform Western religion and philosophy, that <strong>of</strong> the Dying God. Every spring, at their most important festival, theAkitu, or New Year's festival, corresponding to our Easter, the Babylonians celebrated the death and resurrection <strong>of</strong> theirThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 666

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