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that the vast majority <strong>of</strong> Jews are not Israelites but rather Khazarites or Ashkenazis. Also, we have seen that true-Torahmonotheistic Judaism was corrupted by the Pharisees and turned into a Kabbalistic Pharisaic Babylonian Talmudic fake-Judaism. Next we will see how the Bible’s interpretations were distorted to promote Zionism. In 1947, Indian muslimswho wanted their own state were given their state carved out <strong>of</strong> India. However, when in 1948, the issue <strong>of</strong> a Jewish statewas brought to culmination by European Zionists, instead <strong>of</strong> European Jews being given their state carved out <strong>of</strong> Europe,they were given a state carved out <strong>of</strong> Palestine, an area to which European Jews had no ancestry at all because theirancestry is traced to Khazaria as shown in the maps previously. Distortions, cover-ups and lies are tools used extensivelyby Zionists since centuries. To demonstrate the power <strong>of</strong> the Zionists, Merriam-Webster changed the definition <strong>of</strong> "anti-Semitism" in its "Third New International Dictionary" which was recently reprinted. The definition now reads: "1) hostilitytoward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, <strong>of</strong>ten accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2)opposition to Zionism (3) sympathy for the opponents <strong>of</strong> Israel." The real and true definition <strong>of</strong> “anti-Semitism” is: 1)hostility toward descendents <strong>of</strong> Sem, one <strong>of</strong> Noah's sons, who include Jews and Arabs, as a religious or racial minoritygroup, <strong>of</strong>ten accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2) opposition to the descendents <strong>of</strong> Isaac andIshmael who are the Israelites and Arabs (3) sympathy for the opponents <strong>of</strong> Semite Arabs and Jews. The opponents <strong>of</strong>Semite Arabs and Jews are the Zionists. So, what’s the best way to hide that Zionism is anti-Semitism? You guessed it,i.e. change the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition <strong>of</strong> anti-Semitism as “opposition to Zionism”!Now, let’s go back one century and see what happened to the Bible’s translation. Biblical premillennial dispensationalismis the creation <strong>of</strong> the nineteenth century fundamentalist Zionist C.I. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield (1843-1921), known chiefly for hisauthorship <strong>of</strong> the Sc<strong>of</strong>ield Bible. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield codified and thus popularized the earlier ideas <strong>of</strong> J.N. Darby (1800-82) wh<strong>of</strong>irst introduced the doctrine. Due to the forcing <strong>of</strong> the Sc<strong>of</strong>ield Bible translation through the Oxford University Press, aZionized version <strong>of</strong> Christianity has been created in the United States (in fact, this is similar to the CIA creation <strong>of</strong> theTaliban; the word Taliban comes from the Hebrew word Talibaneem which was “prophesized” by Rabbi Yess, see CarolValentine’s papers http://www.public-action.com ; the Taliban were named, funded and promoted by the CIA; theliterature used by the Taliban was printed under a CIA contract at the Nebraska University Press, see Michael Ruppert’sbooks http://www.copvcia.com ). About 46 percent <strong>of</strong> Americans or about 127 million are evangelical Christians and many<strong>of</strong> those rely on the Sc<strong>of</strong>ield Bible. Jerry Falwell claims that 70 million "evangelicals" stand with him in support <strong>of</strong> Israel'sright to eject [or kill] 2.5 million Palestinians from Israel.Paul Boyer, retired pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> history at the University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin at Madison and author <strong>of</strong> the book“When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture” says: "Part <strong>of</strong> the support for a waron Iraq is coming from fundamentalist believers who see it as a step in the fulfillment <strong>of</strong> biblical prophecy." Just like theTaliban was, these Christian Frankensteins’ leaders are also in partnership with the NWO elements in the CIA. For ChuckCarlson, all <strong>of</strong> this means that many American Christians, who he says should be influenced by Yeshua-Yeshua-Joshua'teachings <strong>of</strong> peace and forgiveness, instead salivate over the prospect <strong>of</strong> wholesale destruction at the hands <strong>of</strong> Americantroops. "It's turned them into warmongers," he says. Evangelical Christians are a powerful voting bloc. They are the gluethat holds Bush's war program together." He exposes a major chink in the War Machines Neo Conservative Armor. Letssee how this came about. The attack on American Christianity continues unabated against the traditional, Christ-followingchurch. This attack, which author Gordon Ginn calls "The final Apostasy," began with a small very wealthy anddetermined European political movement. It had a dream, and the American churches stood in its way.The World Zionist movement, as its founders called themselves, was promoted as a plan to acquire a homeland for allJews Worldwide, even though most were far from homeless, and many did not want another home. Not any land woulddo. World Zionists wanted a specific property that American Christians called "the Holy Land." But if these Zionists read"Democracy in America" or any <strong>of</strong> the journals <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> America's churches, which no doubt they did, they could not helpbut know that Jerusalem was not theirs to have. As self-proclaimed Pharisaic Jews, they were, according to the ChristianNew Testament, the persecutors <strong>of</strong> Christ and most <strong>of</strong> his early followers, and the engineers <strong>of</strong> his crucifixion, as clearlydepicted in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion <strong>of</strong> Christ”. In the Bible, the Pharisees are referred as “The Synagogue <strong>of</strong> Satan” byYeshua-Yeshua-Joshua. America's traditional churches in the 19th Century would never stand for a Jewish occupation <strong>of</strong>Yeshua-Joshua' homeland. World Zionist leaders initiated a program to change America and its religious orientation. One<strong>of</strong> the tools used to accomplish this goal was an obscure and malleable Civil War veteran named Cyrus I. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield. A muchlarger tool was a venerable, World respected European book publisher--The Oxford University Press. The scheme was toalter the Christian view <strong>of</strong> Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield's rolewas to re-write the King James Version <strong>of</strong> the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses andchapters, and on the bottoms <strong>of</strong> the pages. The Oxford University Press used Sc<strong>of</strong>ield as the Editor, portraying him as apastor, probably because it needed him as a front man. The revised Bible was called the Sc<strong>of</strong>ield Reference Bible, andwith limitless advertising and promotion, it became a best-selling "Bible" in America and has remained so for 90 years.The Sc<strong>of</strong>ield Reference Bible was not to be just another translation, subverting minor passages a little at a time. No,Sc<strong>of</strong>ield produced a revolutionary book that radically changed the context <strong>of</strong> the King James Version. It was designed tocreate a subculture around a new worship icon, the modern State <strong>of</strong> Israel, a state that did not yet exist in 1900, butwhich was already on the drawing boards <strong>of</strong> the committed, well-funded authors <strong>of</strong> World Zionism.Sc<strong>of</strong>ield's support came from a movement that took root around the turn <strong>of</strong> the century, supposedly motivated bydisillusionment over what it considered the stagnation <strong>of</strong> the mainline American churches. Some <strong>of</strong> these "reformers"were later to serve on Sc<strong>of</strong>ield's Editorial Committee. Sc<strong>of</strong>ield imitated a chain <strong>of</strong> past heretics and rapturists, most <strong>of</strong>whose credibility fizzled over their faulty end times prophesies. His mentor was one John Nelson Darby from Scotland,who was associated with the Plymouth Brethren and who made no less than six evangelical trips to the US selling what istoday called "Darbyism." It is from Darby that Sc<strong>of</strong>ield is thought to have learned his Christian Zionist theology, which heThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 652

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