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and Sailors 1943-1944, "The Jews in the Wars <strong>of</strong> the United States"Note that the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev(Orbach-Korbach), Lenin, Joseph V. Stalin (Iosiph David VissarionovichDjugashvili-Kochba), Gengrich Yagoda, Karl Marx, Mark Rich (Reich),Christian Rakovsky (Chaim Rakover), F.D. Roosevelt, etc. are fromKhazar Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and all occultists. Wall Street fundedthe Nazis, including Prescott Bush (grandfather <strong>of</strong> George W.) and theBolshevik revolution in which again we find many European RussianJews in high places.The joke doing the rounds <strong>of</strong> the British Union at the timebefore WWII was that the Jewish national anthem is 'OnwardChristian Soldiers.' However, note that on Jews were involved on allsides <strong>of</strong> the conflict, i.e. in Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism,Zionism, Vatican and Monopoly Capitalism. But don't be fooled, theseare apostate Jews who are Luciferians as explained by Harold WallaceRosenthal and they will sacrifice ordinary God worshipping Jews intheir wars for supremacy. Note that the Banklords such as theIlluminati Rothschild and Rockefellers and their closely linked familydynasties fund all sides in the conflicts and keep on amassing theWorld's wealth. Here’s more on these dual-citizens whose loyalty is with the Zionist Banklords. Bush has turned overvirtually all the high security and advisor positions in his admin to these US/Israeli dual-citizens and we Americans shouldexpect no less from these two murder-loving s-o-b's. both are war criminals and now thanks to Congress, free from beingcharged with their war crimes and their many acts that once were considered treasonous. Their ideas <strong>of</strong> "democracy"mean "kill some more, torture some more, as long as we stay in power and Israel doesn't have to foot the bill." these twoare master liars and killers literally hanging together on this ill-advised, murderous, treasury-busting "war on terror"!Here’s some more dual-citizens or dual-loyalists: Richard Pearle, Henry Kissinger, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Chert<strong>of</strong>f ,Elliot Abrams, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Jack Abram<strong>of</strong>f, Henry Kissinger, Paul Wolfowitz, DonaldKagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satl<strong>of</strong>f, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith,Marc GrossmanHowever it is not strictly a matter <strong>of</strong> Jewish dual citizens or Jews in the main, as it also extends to gentiles under theinfluence <strong>of</strong> Jewish right wing/Israeli lobbying organizations like AIPAC. George W. Bush openly shows just as muchcontempt for the national interest as the neocons, displays an equally reckless disregard for our national security, and justas eagerly upends and violates every law and treaty and foundational principle he can get his hands on. BOTH Bush andhis neocon buddies should be forced--nicely, respectfully, and from the "radical center" to choose between America-thecountryand his misbegotten 'policies' and if that means choosing between one country and another in the process, thiscountry will be much better <strong>of</strong>f. Here are some other name changes: 'They' like to hide their real names so they can'hide' themselves amongst the people they intend to infiltrate, subvert, hijack, exploit, enslave, terrorize, and ultimately,destroy. Yes, am talking about...Hitler came from Hiedler from SCHICKELGRUBER and is the grandson <strong>of</strong> Baron Rothschild ; The British Royal House <strong>of</strong>Bauer (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha changed its name to the House <strong>of</strong> Windsor) at the start <strong>of</strong> WW1; The Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh (LordMountbatten) changed his name from Battenburg; Gorbachov changed his name from Orbach-Korbach; Stalin changed hisname from Iosiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba; The Bush family changed their name from Bosch; J.P. Morganchanged his name from Morgantaler; Rockefeller changed his name from Rogdenfelder; Hillary Rotham Clinton changedher name from Rodenhurst; John Kerry's father changed his name from Fritz Kohn; Rothschild changed his name fromBauer; Mark Rich who was pardonned by Clinton changed his name from Reich; Christian Rakovsky changed his namefrom Chaim Rakover; Clinton changed his name from Winthrop Rockefeller Jr; Lenin's name was changed from MoisheBlank; Perry changed his name from Pereira-Perez; Madeleine Albright changed her name from ......Every ever operating national communist party in the world has been lead by Zionists, from 1900 to the 60's. LeonTrotsky (Lev Bornstein, Zinoview (Hirsch Apfelbaum), Kamreov (Rosenfeld). Outside <strong>of</strong> Russia Aptecker, Goldman, Kun,Luxenbourg. Of the quasi cabinet <strong>of</strong> the USSR 1917 all 24 were Zionists, all had changed their names. The Soviet CentralCommittee in 1935 consisted <strong>of</strong> 56 Zionists and three Christians married to Zionists every one <strong>of</strong> them had changed theirnames to hide their Jewish ancestry. Principal American pornography producers are: Braterman, Bone, Fischbein,Freiberg, Fine, Weinstein, Freelander, Holander, Gottesman, Hirsh, Apostein, Ornstein, Rothstein, Sturman, Tanner,Weston, one wonders if they have meetings at the Hollywood Synagogue? You get the picture.http://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal_Interview_1976.htmhttp://www.illuminati-news.com/index.html . Please remember that the leaders <strong>of</strong> Zionism are neither True-TorahJews, or Israelites or practicing converted Jews, i.e. they are Babylonian Satanists Luciferians apostate imposters asexplained in the Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview below. Zionism is not Biblical, rather, it is Cabalism from Babylon,just like the modern day fiat money usury based banking system and other immoral values being imposed on monotheistsby these new-Sion (Sun) worshippers.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 642

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