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The Zionist Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general public viewedfilms as being "Christian." In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfishchanged his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi <strong>of</strong>ficiated athis funeral. Every single one <strong>of</strong> the original Jewish developers <strong>of</strong> the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives andmarried beautiful Christian starlets. This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick andHarry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made "stars" to change their Jewish names to Christiansounding ones. This has also included a lot <strong>of</strong> "nosejobs" for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few wh<strong>of</strong>ollowed this road to stardom.Joey Adams ............................. Joseph Abramowitz; Eddie Albert ............................Eddie HeimbergerWoody Allen............................. Allen Konigsberg; Lauren Bacall .......................... Joan PerskeJack Benny ............................. Benny Kubelsky; Milton Berle ........................... Milton BerlingerErnest Borgnine .........................Effron Borgnine ; George Burns ........................... Nathan BirnbaumJoan Blondell........................... Rosebud Blustein; Joyce Brothers ..........................Joyce BauerMel Brooks ............................. Melvin Kaminsky; Joey Bishop ............................ Joey GottliebCharles Bronson ........................ Charles Buchinsky; Rona Barrett ............................Rona BurnsteinCyd Chrisse .............................Tula Finklea; Tony Curtis .................... Bernie Schwartz (daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis)Joan Crawford .......................... Lucille Le Sueur ; Dyan Cannon ............................ Samile FriesenKirk Douglas ........................... Isadore Demsky (son is Michael Douglas); Bob Dylan ................Robert ZimmermanRodney Dangerfield ......................Jacob Cohen; Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ................. Douglas UllmanJoel Grey .............................. Joel Katz (father <strong>of</strong> Jennifer Grey); Elliott Gould ...........................Elliott GoldsteinZsa Zsa Gabor ...........................Sara Gabor; John Garfield .......................... Jules GarfinkleJudy Garland ........................... Frances Gumm; Paulette Goddard ....................... Paulette LevyEydie Gorme............................. Edith Gormezano; Cary Grant ............................. Larry LeachLorne Green .............................Chaim Leibowiz; Judy Holliday .......................... Judith TuvinLeslie Howard .......................... Leslie Stainer; Buddy Hackett .......................... Leonard HackerJill St. John .......................... Jill Oppenheim; Danny Kaye.............................. David KominskyAlan King .............................. Irwin Kniberg; Larry King...............................Larry ZeigerTina Louise............................. Tina Blacker; Ann Landers.................Esther Friedman (Abigail Van Buren is her sister.)Dorothy Lamour ......................... Dorothy Kaumeyer; Miehael Landon ......................... Mike OrowitzSteve Lawrence ......................... Sidney Leibowitz; Hal Linden.............................. Hal LipshitzJerry Lewis ............................ Joseph Levitch; Karl Maiden .............................Maiden SekulovitchEthel Merman ........................... Ethel Zimmerman; Jan Murray ............................. Murray Jan<strong>of</strong>skyWalter Matthau ......................... Walter MatasschanskayaskyLilly Palmer ........................... Maria Peiser; Jan Pierce.............................. Pincus PerelmuthRoberta Peters...........................Roberta Peterman; Eleanor Parker.......................... Ellen FriedlobJoan Rlvers .............................Joan Molinsky; Tony Randall ........................... Sidney RosenbergEdward G. Robinson ..................... Emanuel Goldenberg; Dinah Shore ............................ Fanny RoseShelly Winters ......................... Shirley Schrift; Gene Wilder............................. Jerome SilbermanThere are hundreds <strong>of</strong> other Jews in Hollywood "stardom" – far too numerous to list them all here. However the followingare Jews whom many think are Gentiles: Ed Asner, Bea Arthur, Gene Barry, Richard Benjamin, Kevin Costner, Lee J.Cobb, Richard Dreyfus, Ted Danson, Peter Falk (Columbo), Eddie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Betty Grable,Sharon Gless, Steven Segall, Dustin H<strong>of</strong>fman, Monty Hall, Amy Irving, Jack Klugman, Leonard Nimoy, Ken Olin, RonPerlman, George Segel, William Shatner, Peter Strauss, Rod Steiger, Jane Seymour, Barbara Walters, Debra Winger andthe following are half-Jewish: Joan Collins, Goldie Hawn, Paul Newman, Robert DeNiro and Geraldo Rivera. Jews in themusic field include, Billy Joel, Barry Manilow, Tony Martin, Bette Midler, Barbara Streisand and Ringo Starr. Here are but afew in the field <strong>of</strong>"comedy" which is 90% Jewish dominated! Roseanne Barr, David Brenner, Sid Caesar, Richard Dawson,Don Adams, Norm Crosby, George Jessel, Alan King, Carl Reiner, Don Rickles, Martha Reye, Garry Shandling, HenryWinkler and David Letterman.Let us give a few examples in politics, it’s only a tip <strong>of</strong> the iceberg. Many Zionists masquerade as someone else. Ironically,“HOMELAND SECURITY” is run by a dual US-ISRAELI citizen named rabbi Michael Chert<strong>of</strong>f. Hitler was half-Jewish,Churchill was half-Jewish, Eisenhower was Jewish, Stalin was Jewish, the Bush family is Jewish, the Clintons areRogdenfeller Jews, Hillary Clinton is a German Jew, Gorbachev is Jewish, J.P. Morgan[taler] was Jewish, all the peoplewho control and manipulate us are either full or half-Jewish. Rothschild-Bauer, Rockefeller-Rogdenfeller, Morgan(taler), allAshkenazi from Germany just like the British Royal House <strong>of</strong> Windsor-Battenberg & Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, Bush-Bosch,Rumsfeld, Hillary Rotham-Rodenhurst, Kamal Ataturk was a Sabbatean Jew. Binladen is a Yemeni Jewish family. They areall part <strong>of</strong> the Masonic-Jesuit brotherhood. King Hussein <strong>of</strong> Jordan was a Mason. Yasser Arafat was a bus boy hand pickedby the Zionists to be their man and joined them as a Mason and attended a Bilderberg Club meeting. The communistswere led by Russian Jews, most <strong>of</strong> the positions <strong>of</strong> power in the US are held by Russian, German or Polish Zionists.Sometimes, like Kerry, Albright, Wesley Clark, etc. they suddenly discover their Jewish roots! Pope Benedic (Ratzinger) isJewish and now is promoting the Noahide laws. Hitler was from the Zionist Khazar Ashkenazi Rothschild banklordfamily. Hitler's driver Emil Maurice was also Jewish, this is in contradiction with the propaganda image the public has beenconditioned with <strong>of</strong> Hitler. Many Jews were among Hitler's followers at all level, including the high ranking AlfredRosenberg, Hermann Goering, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Dr. Otto Gustav Wachter, etc.. Hitler's JewishClairvoyant was Erik Jan Hanussen. "The following is a partial list <strong>of</strong> Jews who participated in the Revolutionary War:Major George Bush, Major Louis Bush, Major Soloman Bush."-National Jewish Welfare Board, Jewish Calander for SoldiersThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 641

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