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Community Monetary Policies Unit in the European Commission. In 1995, Connolly wrote The Rotten Heart <strong>of</strong> Europe: TheDirty War for Europe’s <strong>Money</strong>, a remarkable book exposing the incredible subversion and corruption endemic in the EU.Among the many bombshells in this insider’s tell-all is the still unrefuted charge that the Maastricht Treaty, on which theentire EMU-ECB hangs, was obtained through massive bribery by then-president <strong>of</strong> the European Commission JacquesDelors. "On 9 November 1991," writes Connolly, "the Irish, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek Foreign Ministers had left asecret meeting with Jacques Delors in which he had promised fabulous amounts (6 billion ECUs to Ireland) <strong>of</strong> otherpeople’s money if they pledged to support his federalist, corporatist ambitions in the final Maastricht negotiations."Delivering "The Lantern Lecture" at the Palace <strong>of</strong> Westminster in April 1996, Connolly confessed that "in 1975 I voted ‘Yes’in the referendum on what we thought was Common Market membership." "It has now become clear to us," he said, "thatwhat we thought was a Common Market is nothing more than a project to create a European federal super-state in whichour sovereignty, Britain’s national identity, would be extinguished." Added Connolly, "The destruction <strong>of</strong> nationalsovereignty is … an undisguised ambition <strong>of</strong> the federalists." The former Eurocrat charged that "the thinking that liesbehind Maastricht rejects the benefits <strong>of</strong> international competition. It rejects the role <strong>of</strong> markets and it buttresses theunaccountable power <strong>of</strong> Central Bankers and <strong>of</strong> increasingly unaccountable political institutions whether they be at theEuropean level or, sad to say, at the national level."According to Mr. Connolly, the Eurostatists "have mapped out a clear path for themselves. They mapped it out in the1940s. They have stuck to it. They are not going to abandon it. They will be damned rather than abandon it." "At somepoint," he warned, "we as a nation have to decide whether we are going to go along with this economic madness. Are wegoing to throw ourselves <strong>of</strong>f the cliff? Are we going to acquiesce in the final denunciation <strong>of</strong> national sovereignty or not?"At almost the same time that Connolly was delivering his important lecture, another similarly significant speech was beingdelivered to Parliament by the former Speaker <strong>of</strong> the House <strong>of</strong> Commons, Viscount Tonypandy. He did not mince words:“Membership <strong>of</strong> the European Union is ferocious for us. It has severely weakened our balance-<strong>of</strong>-payments. It hasreduced our political and economic rights to a pale shadow <strong>of</strong> what they were.... When this Parliament passed an Actpreventing Spanish fishermen from sailing under our flag and stealing the quota <strong>of</strong> fish allotted to us, the European Court<strong>of</strong> Justice in Luxembourg declared the Act illegal — an Act passed by the British Parliament — and told us we had nobusiness to do it.” If any foreign court had tried to overrule the sovereign rights <strong>of</strong> our Parliament as late as the 1970s itwould have been told to jump in the river. What has happened to us that we now submit to overruling by foreign courtswith a docility that is a disgrace to the "Bulldog Breed"?"Europe," said the former Speaker <strong>of</strong> the House, "has almost destroyed our fishing industry. It has played havoc with ourfarmers; it has destroyed the living standards <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> our citizens; it has diminished the standing <strong>of</strong> ourParliament and the stature <strong>of</strong> our Law Lords. They used to be supreme. Now they must d<strong>of</strong>f their caps to Spain, Italy, andGermany, because they know they can be overruled. That ought to make us hide our heads in shame." Unfortunately,Tonypandy’s speech was completely spiked — censored — by the insider-controlled British press. Mr. Connolly’s book andthe speeches and essays <strong>of</strong> most other Euromania opponents have likewise gotten the silent treatment. But that shouldnot surprise. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Quigley outlined in his books how the Rhodes-Milner network acquired control <strong>of</strong> much <strong>of</strong> the pressdecades ago — and ruthlessly wielded this control to advance its covert agenda. This insidious relationship wasunderscored at the 1991 meeting <strong>of</strong> the secret Bilderberg Group at Sand, Germany. The annual Bilderberg meetings haveprovided an important vehicle by which the European Union and other globalist schemes <strong>of</strong> the network have beenadvanced over the past 40 years. The French periodical Lectures Francaises managed to obtain the address by DavidRockefeller, longtime chairman <strong>of</strong> the CFR and leader <strong>of</strong> the American Establishment, to this coterie <strong>of</strong> elite one-Worlders:“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whosedirectors have attended our meetings and respected their promises <strong>of</strong> discretion for almost forty years. It would havebeen impossible for us to develop our plan for the World if we had been subject to the bright lights <strong>of</strong> publicity duringthese years. But the World is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World government which willnever again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole <strong>of</strong> humanity. The supranational sovereignty <strong>of</strong> anintellectual elite and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in the past centuries.It is also our duty to inform the press <strong>of</strong> our convictions as to the historic future <strong>of</strong> the century.” Americans who rely onthis prostitute press will find themselves soon facing the same predicament that now confronts the bewildered people <strong>of</strong>the steadily encroaching European super state. The insiders’ kept media, which has for years been hymning the praises <strong>of</strong>the European Union, has now also turned up the volume and tempo <strong>of</strong> its propaganda blasts for a "common market" and"free trade area" for the Americas stretching from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.The Round Table Financial Takeover <strong>of</strong> Australia and New ZealandStill, still, still, still, still, skeptical? Well, then to visualize the following series <strong>of</strong> events about The Round TableFinancial Takeover <strong>of</strong> Australia and New Zealand, A 20 Year <strong>History</strong> In Brief, please visit the following website (availableon the CD as well): http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_opalfile.htmSeven Days in May on April 17, 1995Still, still, still, still, still, still skeptical? Well, here’s something more to consider!The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! 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