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present a very "terrifying picture." After World War II, the CFR Insiders used their enormous influence in the U.S. mediato rally support for the Marshall Plan, which was sold to Congress and the American people as an absolutely necessaryeconomic recovery plan to rebuild war-ravaged Europe and save its nations from "going Communist." In reality, theMarshall Plan was "a windfall for socialism," says economist Hans Sennholz. Through it tens <strong>of</strong> billions <strong>of</strong> dollars from U.S.taxpayers were funneled to socialist and internationalist parties, politicians, policies, programs, periodicals, andorganizations that would lead relentlessly toward the destruction <strong>of</strong> national sovereignty and the merger <strong>of</strong> the individualcountries <strong>of</strong> Europe into a centrally controlled, socialist mega-state. The European Insiders likewise lied to the Europeanpeople, insisting from the beginning, when the first six nations signed the Treaty <strong>of</strong> Rome creating the Common Market,that this was simply an arrangement to facilitate trade, travel, and commerce.Dr. Hans F. Sennholz, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Economics at Grove City (PA) College stated: "The Federal ReserveSystem facilitates the government's own inflationary financing in "periods <strong>of</strong> emergency." It makes easy the inflationaryfinancing <strong>of</strong> budget deficits and the inflationary refunding <strong>of</strong> government loans. It stabilizes the government bond marketthrough inflationary methods and manipulates this market to the advantage <strong>of</strong> the government. It does all this bywrecking the purchasing power <strong>of</strong> the dollar; by subtly stealing from the people <strong>of</strong> this country what it thus provides forthe government, through a process exactly on par with the coin-clipping <strong>of</strong> ancient kings - but much more diabolicalbecause it's so much less visible."Voices <strong>of</strong> WarningA significant and growing chorus <strong>of</strong> voices throughout Europe, especially in England, is venting anger over this massivedeception and warning the people <strong>of</strong> the enormous betrayal that is daily moving closer to final consummation. "Twentyyears ago, when the process began, there was no question <strong>of</strong> losing sovereignty," Sir Peregrine Worsthorne wrote inLondon’s Sunday Telegraph in 1991. "That was a lie, or at any rate, a dishonest obfuscation." Further, said Worsthorne,"For the past twenty years or so anybody wanting to have a career in the public service, in the higher reaches <strong>of</strong> the city,or the media has had to be pro-European. In the privacy <strong>of</strong> the closet or among close friends, even many federalistswould admit as much. But such is the momentum behind the European movement that none <strong>of</strong> these individual doubts,expressed separately, will be remotely sufficient to stop the juggernaut."Indeed, lone voices — even influential ones — had been far from sufficient to break through the media strangleholdexercised by the ruling elite <strong>of</strong> the Milner Group-RIIA-CFR thought cartel. In 1959, for example, few British citizens heard(and fewer still understood the importance <strong>of</strong>) the warning <strong>of</strong> Reginald Maulding, Chancellor <strong>of</strong> the Exchequer, concerningthe real nature <strong>of</strong> the Common Market. Said Maulding: "We must recognize that for us to sign the Treaty <strong>of</strong> Rome wouldbe to accept the ultimate goal — political federation in Europe including ourselves." Lord Bruce <strong>of</strong> Donington, a Member <strong>of</strong>Parliament from the Labour Party who has been a stalwart opponent <strong>of</strong> Euro-convergence schemes for four decades, waslikewise given the media blackout treatment. In a 1962 speech he cited Maulding’s warning that the Common Market wasreally aimed at eventual political unification. "This, <strong>of</strong> course, is not how the issue has been presented by the governmentto the people <strong>of</strong> this country," Lord Bruce cautioned. "The matter has been put forward in terms <strong>of</strong> the economicadvantages which would accrue to Britain if we joined ‘the Six’ in a Customs Union … allowing our industries to thrive inwhat appears to be a lush ‘home’ market <strong>of</strong> 214 million people."No "right-wing isolationist," Lord Bruce served in the European Parliament as Rapporteur for the Budget Committee andpresident <strong>of</strong> the Transport and Regional Committee as a representative <strong>of</strong> the European Socialist Group. In a 1996interview with International Currency Review, Lord Bruce noted that much <strong>of</strong> the impetus for European convergencecomes from the ruling elite <strong>of</strong> "the United States, which disguises its intent for public consumption but has consistentlyassisted the merging <strong>of</strong> Britain and the other European nations into a regional bloc." "The Americans," he said, "havesubsidized and promoted this aberration almost since its inception, and they are very active today."Under the banner <strong>of</strong> democracy, the governing powers are being turned over to a ruling Eurocrat elite. "The modernpolitician is placed in the hands <strong>of</strong> the bureaucratic conspirator — <strong>of</strong> which, <strong>of</strong> course, many <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> the EuropeanCommission are egregious examples," noted Bruce. "If you read Alan Clarke’s entertaining Diaries, you will recall thatwhat happens at Council meetings is that the visiting Ministers are presented at the start <strong>of</strong> each meeting with theCommunique that they are intended to sign. They are <strong>of</strong> course allowed to amend it, but the point is that the document isthere, the conclusions have already been reached and pre-packaged — by a bunch <strong>of</strong> unelected <strong>of</strong>ficials." The subversiveprocess is quite simple and efficient, he pointed out: "The prearranged Communique sets the tone <strong>of</strong> any discussions andinfluences and <strong>of</strong>ten governs the outcome. This method <strong>of</strong> administrative rule … reveals the true bureaucratic andmanipulative character <strong>of</strong> the EU system. Given these arrangements, the European Union is manifestly at the mercy <strong>of</strong>agendas set by <strong>of</strong>ficials, amongst whose number there are known to be conspirators, either centrally in Brussels or withinthe national structures."Fortunately, Lord Bruce noted, due to the growing pressure <strong>of</strong> the various factions opposed to Euro-convergence, "it istoday acceptable to discuss the option <strong>of</strong> Britain leaving the European Union altogether, which was not the case even twomonths ago. I can well remember the time when I was speaking on this subject ten years ago in the House <strong>of</strong> Lords. If Ihad said in the House then what I routinely say today, I would have been howled down, or I would have endured itsparliamentary equivalent!"Core <strong>of</strong> CorruptionOne <strong>of</strong> the signal voices who has helped dramatically to expose the impending calamity <strong>of</strong> the euro and the EMU isBernard Connolly, a former senior EU <strong>of</strong>ficial who was in charge <strong>of</strong> the European Monetary System and the National andThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 632

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