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The British-Persian Oil Company controlled the vast oil fields in Iran. The Persians had declared their alignment with AdolfHitler's Nazi "Aryan Race" movement and were fully expecting German General Rommel to come rushing across Africa and"free" them from the British. They had even proclaimed their alignment with Hitler by changing the name <strong>of</strong> their countryfrom Persia to "Aryan," (or "Iran" in the Farsi language), but the Germans failed to save them.On February 17 1950, CFR member James Warburg, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated,"We shall have World government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent….The amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong> in existencevaries only with the action <strong>of</strong> the banks in increasing and decreasing deposits and bank purchases. Every loan, overdraftor bank purchase creates a deposit and every repayment <strong>of</strong> a loan, overdraft or bank sale destroys a deposit".The Reece Committee, Congressional investigation <strong>of</strong> major tax-exempt foundations linked to the international moneycartel, centered on Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, and Guggenheim foundations but were unable to attract any attentionfrom the media. Among those secondary foundations investigated were the National Education Association, the JohnDewey Society, the United Nations Association and the Council on Foreign Relations. The Rockefeller Foundation wasfinancing Dr. Alfred Kinsey's studies on sexual behavior through the National Research Council to produce a series <strong>of</strong>untrue and unscientific reports promoting sexual freedom (promiscuity). They found that the National EducationAssociation and numerous other education organizations were producing and promoting curricula that advocated socialismand globalism with the intent <strong>of</strong> preparing students for a one-World society. The cartel has been able to further its globalagenda in the field <strong>of</strong> foreign affairs through political think-tanks such as the United Nations Association, the Institute <strong>of</strong>Pacific Relation, and the Council on Foreign Relations, to name just a few. They also determined at least one foreignfoundation instituted by Cecil Rhodes, the famous British industrialist and globalist. Rhodes (a land and diamondmonopolizing enslaver), who was a close ally <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds and European Masonry promoted globalism through theRhodes Scholarship Fund to recruit the World’s brightest minds into Illuminism (Bill Clinton is a Rhodes scholar). NormanDodd, the director <strong>of</strong> research for the Reece Committee, had at one point during the investigation been invited to theheadquarters <strong>of</strong> the Ford Foundation by its president, H. Rowan Gaither, who was a member <strong>of</strong> the Council on ForeignRelations. During this visit Gaither told Dodd: "All <strong>of</strong> us here at the policymaking level have had experience, either inO.S.S. (Office <strong>of</strong> Strategic Services) or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. Weoperate under those directives here. Would you like to know what those directives are?" Dodd responded that he would,after which Gaither replied: "The substance <strong>of</strong> them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in theUnited States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." (Ike was President at that time)In 1951 the new nationalist government in Iran, led by Mr. Mossadeq, tried in vain to get BP to agree to the same kind <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>it-sharing that American majors had negotiated with the Saudi and Venezuelan governments. Finally the Iranians lostpatience and nationalized the oilfields. The majors, acting together, struck back by boycotting Iranian oil, refusing tohandle any crude oil produced by the fields under the new regime. Their control over transport and refining was sothorough that Iran's oil exports dropped from $400 million in 1951 to $2 million in 1951 and 1952. The deficit to oilsupplies could be made up easily because the Middle Eastern fields were being operated at much less than capacity, andadditional pumping from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq not only made up the difference, but delighted the three Arabnations concerned, who have no particular liking for the non-Arab Iranians. Finally crisis overtook Iran in 1953: the Shahtried and failed to dismiss Mossadeq, and had to flee the country. By the time the Mossadeq government collapsedthrough CIA covert operations and the Shah was restored to the throne, BP was well and truly frozen out <strong>of</strong> Iran. CIAinvolvement in the Shah's restoration sowed some <strong>of</strong> the seeds <strong>of</strong> the violent anti-Americanism that continued during theShah's later repressive years.In 1954 Kermit Roosevelt, nephew <strong>of</strong> Franklin, led an American CIA coup against the elected President <strong>of</strong> Iran who wasbeginning to take control <strong>of</strong> his own country’s oil, something the Anglo-American oil Barons didn’t like. The Shah <strong>of</strong> Iranwas installed by the CIA. Also in 1954, the First Bilderberg meeting takes place, the executive committee <strong>of</strong> the Illuminati,a CFR sister organization, funded by a number <strong>of</strong> major one-World institutions, including the Rockefeller and Fordfoundation. Prominent American Bilderbergers have included David and Nelson Rockefeller; Thomas Hughes <strong>of</strong> theCarnegie Endowment; Winston Lord, former director <strong>of</strong> planning and coordination for the State Department; HenryKissinger; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Cyrus Vance; Robert McNamara, former president <strong>of</strong> the World Bank; Donald Rumsfeld;George Ball, former undersecretary <strong>of</strong> state and director <strong>of</strong> Lehman Brothers; Rober Anderson, president <strong>of</strong> ARCO andassociated with the Aspin Institute; President Gerald Ford; Henry Grunwald, Managing Editor <strong>of</strong> TIME; Henry J. Heinz II,chairman <strong>of</strong> the board, J.J.Heinz Company; Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, former president <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame University;and Shepard Stone <strong>of</strong> The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. The Aspen Institute is also a sister organization <strong>of</strong> theCFR and the Bilderbergers, is heavily funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and has been described as "atraining and orientation school for prospective World government administrators.The State Department was involved in choosing the American participation in any reformed Iranian oil company,apparently a quid pro quo for "liberating" the oilfields. The ultimate share-out was only 40% for BP, which had owned theoilfields before nationalization; 14% for Shell; 7% each for Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, Chevron, and Texaco; 6% for the FrenchCFP, and 5% for a few American independent oil companies. In other words the majors still controlled this enormous oilresource. In the early 1950s, Occidental Petroleum's Armand Hammer, a satrap <strong>of</strong> the Rockefellers, negotiated a deal withRussian dictator Joseph Stalin to buy his oil--thus effectively stealing it from the Russian people. Russian oil was then soldon the World market at a much higher price than Stalin could get by marketing it himself, because few countries werewilling to buy oil from Stalin. Occidental Petroleum and Russia built two large pipelines, from the Russian oil fields downalong both sides <strong>of</strong> the Caspian Sea, terminating in the old British-Persian oil fields in Iran. For the next 45 years, Russiasecretly sent its oil out through those pipelines and Standard Oil sold the oil on the World market at the "West TexasThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 619

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