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without fear <strong>of</strong> any organised resistance. The Farmers’ Alliance and the Knights <strong>of</strong> Labour organisations in the UnitedStates should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organisationsin our interests or disrupt them. The coming Omaha Convention, to be held July 4th, our men must attend and direct itsmovements, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This, atthe present time, would be premature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possiblemanner through combination and legislation. The courts must be called to our aid. Debts must be collected, bonds andmortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. Where, through a process <strong>of</strong> law, the common people have lost their homes,they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence <strong>of</strong> the strong arm <strong>of</strong> government, applied by centralpower <strong>of</strong> imperial wealth, under the control <strong>of</strong> leading financiers. The truth is well known among our principal men nowengaged in forming an imperialism <strong>of</strong> capital to govern the World. While they are doing this the people must be kept in acondition <strong>of</strong> political antagonism. The question <strong>of</strong> tariff reform must be urged through the organisation known as theDemocratic Party, and the question <strong>of</strong> protection and reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party. Bythus dividing the voters we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions <strong>of</strong> no importance to us,except as teachers to lead the common herd. Thus by discreet actions we can secure all that has so generously plannedand successfully accomplished.”Dr Carroll Quigley, famous American historian, in “Tragedy and Hope”, 1966, wrote: “...Nothing less than to create aWorld system <strong>of</strong> financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system <strong>of</strong> each country and the economy<strong>of</strong> the World as a whole, the system to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks <strong>of</strong> the World acting inconcert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences..”“Don’t Bank On It”, by Alix Granger 1981, (Published by Doubleday Canada Ltd and also by a company in New York),shows how Canada is controlled by the banks there. It quotes Peter Newman in “The Canadian Establishment”: “The bankboards distil power. Among them, the three hundred directors hold more than three thousand directorships <strong>of</strong>corporations with assets totaling $700 Billion.” Alix Granger goes on to say, “Their influence spreads into every recess <strong>of</strong>the country, building up the economy and creating prosperity and employment in one area, tearing down or restrictinggrowth in others through their loan policies, their barriers to competition, their price fixing, and their influence onlegislation.”. p31/32.Still still still somewhat skeptical? Well, let’s look at the <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> oil price manipulation to keep them highHTTP://WWW.AMAZON.COM/EXEC/OBIDOS/TG/DETAIL/-/0395592208/002-7387828-0132026?V=GLANCE&VI=REVIEWS HTTP://WWW.GRANDPRIX.COM/GPE/FUE-013.HTMLHTTP://TEAMWORK.UCDAVIS.EDU/~GEL115/115CH13OIL.HTMLHTTP://WWW.TABLETNEWSPAPER.COM/POLITICS/66_TFTGK.HTMHTTP://WWW.VIRGINIA.EDU/IGPR/APAGOILHISTORY.HTML HTTP://HISTORY.SANDIEGO.EDU/GEN/WW1/OIL.HTMLOne <strong>of</strong> the most common disparagements <strong>of</strong> the conspiracy model is that the conspiracy is "too big", that there are "toomany people involved" to keep it secret. Hogwash. There is nothing in this World that cannot be solved with the judiciousapplication <strong>of</strong> a little palm grease. Throw in the occasional threat <strong>of</strong> violence, and it is amazing how many people keeptheir damn mouths shut. The mixture <strong>of</strong> complicity and fear that keeps the lid on the initial stages <strong>of</strong> a conspiracy aremerely compounded by time. Like any other process, conspiracies can become institutionalized and as such, take on a life<strong>of</strong> their own. It is one thing to admit complicity in an event that has just occurred; how much worse does it look to admitknowledge <strong>of</strong> a conspiracy for say, 75 years? (Can anyone say Big Tobacco?) One other point to keep in mind is the sheerattraction <strong>of</strong> wealth and power, especially to those born into it. Conspiracies can also become institutionalized withinfamilies, especially the families <strong>of</strong> the extremely wealthy. Oil is the major fuel used by people today. Because oil is liquid,it is easy to mine by drilling and pumping rather than excavation, and it is easy to transport in tankers and pipelines.Nevertheless, the history <strong>of</strong> oil supply has been dominated by the time and place <strong>of</strong> discoveries, with enormous results onthe history <strong>of</strong> the 20th century. It has also been dominated by a few individuals, companies, and nations. Before we getinto that, however, I want to make the point that petroleum and petroleum products have been minor components ininternational trade for thousands <strong>of</strong> years.Bitumen and Egyptian Mummies. Bitumen is a spongy cake-like substance that forms when much <strong>of</strong> the volatilecontent <strong>of</strong> crude oil has evaporated <strong>of</strong>f. Because it is light enough to float, bitumen "rafts" form from oil seeps deep underthe Dead Sea, and eventually pop to the surface where they can be collected from rafts or boats. In ancient time, bitumenwas much in demand by the Egyptians for use in preserving mummies, and a bitumen trade built up across the SinaiDesert. Nasty little wars broke out over these trade routes, and the rise and fall <strong>of</strong> the Nabateans <strong>of</strong> Petra is linked withthis trade. The Chinese invented Oil Drilling. The Chinese used oil from natural seeps as fuel to boil salt. They inventedthe oil pipeline, using lengths <strong>of</strong> bamboo to take oil to the salt pans. As an extension <strong>of</strong> this technology, they poundedbamboo vertically into the seeps, thus inventing oil drilling as they penetrated deeper and deeper. The technology wasmuch admired by a European visitor early in the 19th century, and (with iron pipe instead <strong>of</strong> bamboo) was transferred tothe west. Finally it was used in the first large-scale oil drilling ever attempted, in the eastern United States. The modernoil era began in northwest Pennsylvania in the mid-19th century, as shallow fields were tapped. The demand for oil wasnot great: its major use, after refining, was as kerosene for oil lamps. Even moderate discoveries (by today's standards)flooded the market, crashing prices at least temporarily. The early days <strong>of</strong> the oil industry were characterized by boomand bust, as new discoveries first overwhelmed demand, then lagged behind it. Prices fell from $10 a barrel in January1861 to 10¢ a barrel in December 1861, but were up to $7.25 a barrel again by September 1863, down to $2.40 in 1867.Fortunes were made and lost in boom towns and stock speculations that rivaled any in the gold industry.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 614

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