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In the Lion King, at Simba's birth, he is marked on his forehead; the mark <strong>of</strong> the beast is also found on the forehead orthe hand. Simba is also a practitioner <strong>of</strong> necromancy; he talks to his dead father, who rises to the sky as a starconstellation/god after he dies, as was the belief <strong>of</strong> the ancient Pharaohs <strong>of</strong> Egypt. Even the name <strong>of</strong> the movie issymbolic, The Lion King = The King <strong>of</strong> the Jungle King or the King <strong>of</strong> Kings. Simba also becomes a vegan, a New Agereligious reference, forsaking the eating <strong>of</strong> other animals. Simba's uncle, Scar, (he also has a mark on his forehead) usesdeception to keep Simba from taking his rightful place within the pride, just as the Thread weavers use deception to keepthe populace from taking control over their birthright.The Matrix is brimming with OCCULT references overlapping historical mainstream religious themes. Neo is a hacker andthe main 'hero', also known as 'the one'. Neos is old Greek for young or new. The leader <strong>of</strong> the rebels is Morpheus.Morpheus is also the Greek god <strong>of</strong> dreams, the son <strong>of</strong> Hypnos, who is the Greek god <strong>of</strong> sleep. The Matrix is thereforeHypnos, and Morpheus is its son. The Matrix is an artificial 'DreamWorld'. It is a place where the true believers can imposetheir will on reality, just like the doctrines <strong>of</strong> some New (Neos) Age religions where the inner self is all-powerful. Morpheusis the captain <strong>of</strong> a ship called the Nebuchadnezzar, who was a Babylonian King that conquered Jerusalem and Destroyedthe Temple. Neo's real name is Thomas Anderson and at first he doesn't believe that the Matrix was just a dream and thathe has been 'Resurrected' (freed from the Matrix), so he is a doubting Thomas, like the Apostle. The Agents Smith, are‘demonic entities’ which can possess any person in the Matrix at will. These are just a few examples from this ONE socalled‘SCI-FI’ movie.An entire book could be written on the OCCULT references in many Sci-Fi movies/series such as Star Wars, Star Trek andBabylon 5. In Star Wars the Jedi Knights carry ‘light-sabers’, these could easily be ‘Illuminated Phalluses’ that erect intobeing once the hilt is gripped firmly in hand. These weapons are also near omnipotent, they can Penetrate any materialexcept another Illuminated Phal... er I mean another light-saber. The pilot episode <strong>of</strong> Star Trek, called “The Cage” (notoriginally aired) featured Capt. Christopher Pike, who was in a Matrix-like illusion controlled by aliens. General(Christopher) Albert Pike was a founder <strong>of</strong> the Ku Klux Klan and a Mason. These movies also place a heavy emphasis onmilitary prowess and conflict. This is keeping in line with the Hollywood-Military-Financial complex’s cult <strong>of</strong> Phallusworship. The current reverence for Long, Rigid Cylinders from which Hot Material Erupts to Penetrate a Target is just onefacet <strong>of</strong> this cult’s long history <strong>of</strong> degeneracy. Military generals are the modern day high priests <strong>of</strong> the cult <strong>of</strong> Death, warbeing the perfect cover for getting all costumed up and performing time honored rituals before the Human sacrifice(Passed through the Fire) begins.The Harry Potter series is also totally saturated in OCCULTISM/PAGANISM. In fact it is based in the World <strong>of</strong> the OCCULT.There are numerous references to necromancy, witchcraft and demonology. Harry Potter also has a mark on his forehead,a lightening bolt shaped scar. Harry has a pet owl, his familiar, which is a symbol <strong>of</strong> Moloch/Baal, such as the owl atBohemian Grove. Some <strong>of</strong> the teachers can change their form from human to animal, much the same as some <strong>of</strong> thepagan gods <strong>of</strong> mythology and demons mentioned in religious texts. The most frightening part <strong>of</strong> the Harry Potter series isthat it is actually being taught in some schools as part <strong>of</strong> the mandatory curriculum. It is clear that the Thread weaversare implementing their agenda through the entertainment industry. Keep in mind that this isdone not by them writing any <strong>of</strong> the necessary materials themselves, they simplypromote/advertise books, movies etc. that further their aims and ignore/vilify any materialsthat are contrary to their goals. Most <strong>of</strong> Disney’s hidden messages dealt with pagan myths andstories <strong>of</strong> the subjugated sex goddess’ or sacred feminine such as Cinderella, Sleeping BeautyPrincess Aurora or Rose womb <strong>of</strong> the goddess, Snow White, Little Mermaid; check a freezeframe<strong>of</strong> the Lion King to observe the subliminal word SEX over Simba’s head. One <strong>of</strong> theMasonic Priore de Sion rituals involves public sex, a kind <strong>of</strong> phallic worship. The concept <strong>of</strong> sexas a pathway to self-divinity was practiced by ancient pagans. Pagan men seeking wholenesswould come to the temple <strong>of</strong> Shekinah, who they believed to be a female god, to visitpriestesses or hierodules with whom they had sex and experienced the devine. Note that theancient name <strong>of</strong> Eve, Havah, pre-fixed with the masculine Jah creates the word Jehovah orYHWH, so we can see how pagans distorted the true meaning <strong>of</strong> God into the self-worship withsex. Pagan leaders don’t like God’s laws about usury and sexual commitment in marriage.During the Crusades, the Templars ran their mission to reach for the ancient documents in the Temple <strong>of</strong> Solomon underthe pretext <strong>of</strong> protection <strong>of</strong> the pilgrims. During the first Crusades, the Knights are said to have discovered something inthe ruins that made them wealthy and powerful. King Baldwin granted them residence inside the Temple during thesecond Crusades. Nobody knows whether the Knights had blackmailed the Vatican or whether the Pope simply tried tobuy the Knights’ silence about what they had supposedly discovered, but Pope Innocent II did issue a Papal Bull that gavethe Templar Masons limitless power and declared them an autonomous army above the law. Later, in the 1300s, a riftwith the Vatican caused the barbaric persecution <strong>of</strong> the Templars by the Church; you might say a gang war or two mafiasfighting each other. Pope Clement V issued secret sealed orders to be opened simultaneously by his soldiers all acrossEurope on Friday October 13 th in 1307. Clements’s Machiavellian operation came <strong>of</strong>f with precision, however some Knightsmanaged to escape to England and Scotland.By the way, the 300 years after Constantine’s council <strong>of</strong> Nicaea, there was a 3 century long inquisition against freethinkingwomen in which 5 million women scholars, priestesses, gypsies, mystics, pagan nature lovers, her gatherers,midwives were tortured or killed. This converted the World from a matriarchal paganism to a patriarchal from merged intoCatholicism (see Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code). Well, as long as we have mortgages to pay, families to raise and retirementsto prepare for, it will be hard for us to find the courage to act on strong convictions and expose the collaborators <strong>of</strong> theNew World Order for fear <strong>of</strong> reprisal (and there are plenty <strong>of</strong> examples <strong>of</strong> reprisals throughout history). This situation canThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 611

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