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Twelve god-Pharaohs <strong>of</strong> ancientEgypt; symbols are sun, eye, serpent, bull, falcon, fleur-de-lis headdress (symbol <strong>of</strong> the Priory-Priore De Sionsecret society), ankht, moon, etc. Right: EU Constitution conference in Rome on 4th October 2003.Note that low ranking masons, the largest brotherhood (mafia) in the World, most likely don’t have a clue about whattheir high-ranking evil genius brethren are up to in cahoots with the Illuminatis and Zionists and the Vatican Jesuits, usingcertain lodges and temples as fronts (similar to the use <strong>of</strong> religious and missionary organizations as fronts for covertactivities, read the book “Vatican Assassins” for full details http://www.vaticanassassins.org )! Getting back to money,who is controlling the creation and issue <strong>of</strong> money these days? You will learn later in this book that it’s the Occult BankingDynasties <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking money trusts along with the other Illuminati mafias. Actually, they are theMother <strong>of</strong> All Mafias. A lot more on their history and the history <strong>of</strong> Masonry since ancient Egypt and Babylon and Romewill be presented later, a true banking marriage <strong>of</strong> Anthony and Cleopatra! You may remember a lot <strong>of</strong> this symbolismfrom your school days where ancient Egypt, Roman, Babylonian and Greek mythology are taught (didn’t understand itthen).Note the big ancient sun-god or Bel/Baal symbol. Sun-day is the weeklyworship <strong>of</strong> the Sun-god Baal. Tablets belonging to the cuneiform(Sumerian language about 1000 BC) documents which were discoveredby German excavators in 1903 and 1904 at Kalah Shargat, the site <strong>of</strong>the ancient Assur formed in the 9th century BC or even earlier, andcopies <strong>of</strong> still earlier Babylonian tablets contain astounding facts whichare perturbing. The Sun or Bel/Baal was the Dying God worshipped inthe ancient World. After his birth on December 25th, the young deityincreases every day in his power and strength, and defies the demon <strong>of</strong>darkness in the struggle, till the finalweek in March comes, when his progressis retarded and he becomes stationary[Easter]. The date <strong>of</strong> the Dying God andthat <strong>of</strong> the Rising God become greatevents and are attended respectively with mourning and rejoicing -just what we would have found 900 BC in Ancient Babylon on theirGood Fridays and Easter Sundays and we find the same today wherenothing has changed except the name <strong>of</strong> the sun god. In celebratingthe sun god’s death and resurrection, his image was fastened to a pinetree on March 24th, and the day was called “The Day <strong>of</strong> Blood”, sinceon that day the deity was bled to death.To have an idea <strong>of</strong> what else the ancient Pharaonic Egyptians elitewere involved to get a window on secret Masonic practices, have alook at some <strong>of</strong> the PHALLIC "art" that isgenerally NOT made available to thepublic:[Click the picture for a higherresolution image.] The badly damagedTurin Erotic Papyrus is 8.5 feet long andreads from right to left. On the first third <strong>of</strong>the papyrus,animals areshown engagingin various humanactivities. The rest<strong>of</strong> the papyrus arevignettes <strong>of</strong>graphic eroticscenes showing abrutish man usinga woman sexuallyin a variety <strong>of</strong>postures, some <strong>of</strong>The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 603

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