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Divine order. In the initiation into the Seventh degree <strong>of</strong> Satanism, the adept swears, "Nothing is true and everything ispermitted." In the Communist Manifesto, Marx said all religion and morals will be abolished and everything permitted. Thereligion <strong>of</strong> modern western society, secular humanism, is a front for Illuminism (Lucifer worship). The purpose <strong>of</strong>Illuminism is to divorce humanity from the Divine Purpose and enshrine Lucifer (i.e. the Illuminati) in God’s place. Underthe guise <strong>of</strong> a humanist utopia, they are constructing an Orwellian hell -- the New World Order, a.k.a. globalism. The goal<strong>of</strong> globalism is the same as Communism. The World's elite masks their Luciferianism in new age paganism (nature or self-) and Gaia worship. The Lucifer Trust runs the only chapel at the United Nations and the only statue in the UN building isthe pagan god Zeus (or Ja-Zeus). The Prophets <strong>of</strong> God represented the rule <strong>of</strong> God. Note that the ancient elites createdand perpetrated the Occult and Idolatry traditions to keep the masses occupied while they reap their wealth. ThePharisees (fake-Jews, i.e. pretend to be Biblical Jews but are actually occultists) worshipped Lucifer. The question facingmankind hasn't changed. Are we going to serve God or Lucifer? The Satanists have conditioned us to short circuit at themention <strong>of</strong> religion or conspiracy. They have made God seem mysterious, unknowable or non-existent. Christ said, "Godis a Spirit, obey Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23, 24). God is Absolute Love, Truth, Justice, Goodness and Beauty. Ifyou believe these things are real, whether you accomplish them or not, you believe in God. Love is the principle <strong>of</strong> humanevolution. God is manifested by His creation. The more we embody spiritual ideals, the better we become. The opposite isalso true. We sacrifice ourselves for what we love. If we love God, we sacrifice ourselves to Him. People ask how to fightthe New World Order. Nothing would disturb the Illuminati more than a revival <strong>of</strong> belief in God. Millions willing to fight anddie for God would scare them. That's why they are uprooting Islam. We are being prepared in consciousness for slavery ordestruction. They are laying the groundwork now with the "war on terror." Once they get Islam under control, they willturn to the West in earnest. In the meantime, the mass media (movies, music and video games, TV) accustoms us tobrutality and violence. There is a repetitive and reductive obsession with sex, nudity, bodily functions and homosexuality,a kind <strong>of</strong> phallic worship. Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) revealed the secret symbolism <strong>of</strong> the Templar Idol Baphomet, a paganfertility god associated with the creative force <strong>of</strong> reproduction; the ram or goat head being a pagan symbol <strong>of</strong> procreationand fecundity; Masons prayed to the creative magic <strong>of</strong> sexual union; Traditional American Thanksgiving tables still bearpagan horned fertility symbols, hence horny means looking for sex; the cornucopia or horn <strong>of</strong> plenty was a tribute toBaphomet’s fertility and dates back to the myth <strong>of</strong> Zeus being suckled by a goat whose horn broke <strong>of</strong>f and magically filledwith fruit; V-symbol <strong>of</strong> horns. If our leaders weren't Luciferians, the media and thearts would be preoccupied with issues <strong>of</strong> truth and falsehood, good and evil, beautyand ugliness. We would be uplifted and inspired. Instead,our souls are fed sawdust. We are degraded distracted anddeceived, like people with a terminal illness, like squattersin someone else's universe. If the lllumnati's real purposeis to eliminate God, it follows we should make God thecentre <strong>of</strong> our consciousness. People ask, "What should wedo?" Don't look for direction from others. Look for directionfrom God. The best way to fight the darkness is to shinethe light. This is what the Illuminati fears. In the Protocols<strong>of</strong> the Elders <strong>of</strong> Zion (There is a debate on whether theprotocols were developed by the Rothschild's or actually bysomeone wanting to expose the Rothschild/WeishauptIlluminati plans. In any case, the Protocols do describe theplans for World Tyranny by the Illuminati's), the authorwrites: "There is nothing more dangerous to us than personalinitiative; if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more thancan be done by millions <strong>of</strong> people among whom we have sowndiscord." Don't feel oppressed by the World. It hasn't changed justbecause we are now aware <strong>of</strong> its true nature. Devote each new day t<strong>of</strong>ulfilling God's purpose for you.Masonic Greed Is A Constant In Human <strong>History</strong>In every nation in the history <strong>of</strong> the World, it has mostly ended up in a war between the ruling classand the enslaved masses, pitting one ruling class against another with their citizens as cannon fodder,keeping the masses kept distracted with a foreign war! The ruler(s) want more andmore, and the people continually settle for less and less!!! The Illuminatis are evilgeniuses and make heavy use <strong>of</strong> symbolism. Here are some Masonic symbols below;see later sections for full details on Masonic history since Babylon and connections inseveral other sections and appendices in this book. Of course, not all Illuminati planssucceed. After reading this book, you will be able get an understanding <strong>of</strong> how thecontrollers and agents <strong>of</strong> the New World Order think, and you will be able to seethrough the elitist Illuminati propaganda and rebuttals <strong>of</strong> innocence that we hear orread or see on the mainstream news (amazing how O’Neill is being dismissed by theoil-soaked monopoly press after he exposed Mr. Bush’s river <strong>of</strong> lies in his recent book)or disclaimers that we read on certain Masonic websites such ashttp://Masonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/index.html. Low-ranking Masons are showeredwith favours and don’t know that they will be blackmailed by them later.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 602

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