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Baron Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1744-1812: “Give me control <strong>of</strong> the economics <strong>of</strong> a country; and Icare not who makes her laws. The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its pr<strong>of</strong>its or sodependant on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class”."The few who can understand the [banking] system will either be so interested in its pr<strong>of</strong>its, or so dependent on itsfavors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body <strong>of</strong> the people, mentallyincapable <strong>of</strong> comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdenswithout complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests". [As they say,"Ignorance is bliss!"] - John Sherman, protege <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild banking family, in a letter sent in 1863 to NewYork Bankers, Morton, and Gould, in support <strong>of</strong> the then proposed National Banking Act.“I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that banks can and do create money…..And they who controlthe credit <strong>of</strong> the nation [and its citizens and corporations] direct the policy <strong>of</strong> Governments and hold in the hollow <strong>of</strong> theirhands the destiny <strong>of</strong> the people”…- Reginald McKenna, a past Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board, Midlands Bank <strong>of</strong> England.“Thus our national circulating medium is now at the mercy <strong>of</strong> loan transactions <strong>of</strong> banks, which lend not money, but[false] promises to supply money which they do not possess”…..- Irving Fisher, economist & author.“One thing to realize about our fractional reserve banking system is that like a child’s game <strong>of</strong> musical chairs [i.e. apyramid ponzi scheme], as long as the music is playing, there are no losers”…- Andrew Gause, Monetary historian.This system has been set up since the ancient feudal times <strong>of</strong> Nimrod who was a master enslaver and controlled hispeople with a cult <strong>of</strong> idolatry. This system causes the masses to keep incurring debt perpetually in enslavement to theBankLords who create the money from nothing and take a piece <strong>of</strong> our labor through taxes, inflation and interest tithes?The currency notes, issued with no liability to the BankLords, are an “I owe U” representing a national debt owed by thecitizens <strong>of</strong> the country to whoever holds the currency or Treasury Bonds or Bills or other types <strong>of</strong> “Promises to Pay”against which these notes were issued. The BankLords who own the privately owned Federal Reserve banks andCommercial Banks and issue the notes for the cost <strong>of</strong> printing them have no liability because they have passed it on to thetaxpayers by issuing the currency in the nations’ name holding all tax payers, past and future, liable for it (unless thecountry decides to default on its promise to pay by devaluating the currency or refusing to honor it when submitted byforeigners, at which point the BankLords get to grab more assets, etc.). In the past, US Banks issued their own privatecurrencies; however, the Bank <strong>of</strong> England issued national currency since its start in 1694 and has thus been enslavingpeople since a longer time. Thus, whenever money is created by the BankLords, the debt is collectivized and passed on tothe taxpayers as a whole. A VERY BIG FRAUD! If the currency had been issued by the government on behalf <strong>of</strong> thecitizens as it should be, it would have been debt free and interest free while circulating within the country. The BankLordshave usurped our lives by using us as collateral for the national currency which they issue. The ancient word for this isperpetual slavery and fiefdoms, including future generations.The Entire system is based upon fraudulent transactions. A magic wand creates money (credit) out <strong>of</strong> thin air. The entiresystem is unconstitutional as the power to create money cannot be delegated to the private BankLords. Inflation is ahidden tax which hurts both the holders <strong>of</strong> the currency and the wage earners as the value <strong>of</strong> their labor is decreased.Devaluation is another hidden tax which also hurts foreign holders <strong>of</strong> the currency. Our income tax dollars go directly intothe pockets <strong>of</strong> the BankLords (private shareholders <strong>of</strong> the Fed and major commercial banks). Meanwhile, the incomeearned by these shareholders is funneled through tax-free institutions such as the Ford Foundation, RockefellerFoundation, etc. which is then used for propaganda in favor <strong>of</strong> the BankLords, and they do not pay any income tax on it.The money in our pockets is a debt to the Federal Reserve who created it without any liability to itself. The money is notbacked by any hard asset such as gold. The FED was taken <strong>of</strong>f the gold standard totally in the 1960s when it could nolonger meet payments in gold and thus starting issuing bonds in payments for exchanges <strong>of</strong> US currency. The history <strong>of</strong>all fiat currencies (i.e. not backed by a hard asset) is that 100% <strong>of</strong> the time these currencies have devalued down to thepaper with which they were created, i.e. to nothing. The peoples’ credit has been usurped by the feudal BankLords. Thegovernment politicians are now owned by the BankLords who use them to tax the American people any amount they wishand more through a process which the people do not understand called inflation. They don't realize they're beingadditionally taxed which makes it real handy when you're going for re-election. On the banking side they're able to earnperpetual interest on nothing ("perpetual" because remember when the loan is paid back it's turned around and loanedout to somebody else.) for the members <strong>of</strong> the banking cartel which created that money. We are not living as well as wecould but people <strong>of</strong> this banking cartel system are undoubtedly living very well. Generally those are the ones who are upat the nozzle where this new money is coming into the system or they're involved in the government or they havegovernment subsidies. For most people, away from the nozzle, it's not going so well, we're not living that well. Finally,when you have a money supply based upon thin air, the BankLords can expands it and contract it a will, amassingmassive wealth in the process (see the later section on the booms and bust cycles).Americas corrupt fiat money system is condemning the Citizenry by bidding the best and brightest talent away from mainstreet free markets to the speculative and confiscatory activities that falsely promise enrichment without productivelyworking. The "Carry trade" is a near limitless cash machine for banks and hedge funds. These speculators borrow OPM(other peoples’ money) from one nation and invest it in another. These funds create "bubbles". When these "bubbles"burst and assets depreciate, guess who holds the bag? The Bank <strong>of</strong> International Settlements last year estimated theturnover in exchange and interest rates derivatives markets at $2 .4 trillion a day!! In five days' time the sum <strong>of</strong> thisgambling equals America's gross domestic product yearly. J.P. Morgan Chase is by far the biggest broker <strong>of</strong> this highlyThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 60

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