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dollars made from put options purchased on airline and insurance stocksbefore the 9-11 attacks. The Cloak and Dagger show is on Sundaythrough Tuesday at 9 p.m. E.S.T. The last program replays for 24 hours.You can subscribe to their archives for $20 for six month. I alsorecommend the veteran Resistance Voices: the Jeff Rense program andAlex Jones's show. Jones recently had an interview with John DeCampwho exposed the pedophile sex ring in the Reagan-Bush White House[The Franklin Affairhttp://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/10/1538670_comment.php]. [adocumentary is also available on the Clinton drug laundering Mena affairin Arkansas] Rense's archive contains invaluable interviews with expertslike Webster Tarpley, Tim Rifat and Joan Veon. His program is alwaysinspiring. Crime and depravity are the elite's s<strong>of</strong>t underbelly. Let'ssupport these courageous shows and spread the word. The elite dependson our credulity and docility. If we can expose them, they cannotgovern. If we insist on the law, we can put them in jail where they belong.Who Owns The Neo-Priests <strong>of</strong> the Major Media & the VotingMachines Programs? (check out tvnewslies.org)Wars have been fought and depressions have been caused in thebattle over who issues the money; however the majority <strong>of</strong> us are notaware <strong>of</strong> this, largely due to the fact that the winning side becomes andincreasingly continues to be a vital and respected member <strong>of</strong> our globalsociety, having an influence over large aspects <strong>of</strong> our lives including oureducation, our media, our elections and our governments. Half the truth =one BIG LIE! Let’s see briefly how the press spins the news and covers upor hides the truth. Storm, a CBS news reporter asked Michael Moore abouthis film being propaganda; he said, “No. I consider the CBS Evening Newspropaganda. Why don’t we talk about the news on this and the othernetworks that didn’t do the job they should have done at the beginning <strong>of</strong> this war,demanded the evidence, asked the hard questions. We may not have even gone into thiswar, had these networks done their job. I mean, it was a great disservice to the Americanpeople because we depend on people who work here and the other networks to go afterthose in power and say, ‘Hey, wait a minute. You want to send our kids <strong>of</strong>f to war? Wewant to know where the weapons <strong>of</strong> mass destruction are. Let’s see the pro<strong>of</strong>. Let’s seethe pro<strong>of</strong> Saddam Hussein had something to do with Sept. 11.' There was no pro<strong>of</strong> andeverybody got embedded and everybody rolled over and everybody knows that now,” hesays."The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the World and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one <strong>of</strong>the great propaganda accomplishments <strong>of</strong> the dominant political mythology.": Michael Parenti political scientist,author."A slave is he who cannot speak his thoughts.": Euripides"Search for the truth is the noblest occupation <strong>of</strong> man; its publication is a duty.": Anne Louise Germaine de Stael -(1766-1817) French authorStorm notes the one thing that journalists try to do is present both sides <strong>of</strong> the story and "it could be argued you did notdo that in this movie." “I certainly didn’t. That’s right. I present my side,” Moore says. “Because my side, that’s the side <strong>of</strong>millions <strong>of</strong> Americans, rarely gets told. And so this is just a humble plea on my behalf, not to you personally, Hannah, butI’ m saying to journalists in general that instead <strong>of</strong> working so hard to tell both sides <strong>of</strong> the story, why don’t you just tellthat one side, which is the administration's. Why don’t you ask them the hard questions?” Moore points out at thebeginning <strong>of</strong> the war there was a lot <strong>of</strong> “cheerleading going on. A lot <strong>of</strong> cheerleading that didn’t do the public any good tohave journalists standing in front <strong>of</strong> the camera going whoopy-do, let’s all go to war. It’s not their kids going to war. It’snot the children <strong>of</strong> the news executives going to war.” The film is not just an attack on the president and his policy, it alsopoints out how the networks failed at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the war, Moore says. Perhaps hisnext film should be on the networks, Storm suggests. “I know. I think I should do that,"Moore responded. Note that Moore stayed away from exposing the CIA/Mossad as theplanners and controllers behind 9-11 which we hope will be his next task. He unfortunatelymissed the point that Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with 9-11 and it was rather theCIA/Mossad who had a lot to do with 9-11. As an example <strong>of</strong> press influence, notice howthe press focused on whether John O’Neill betrayed Bush when he revealed the Bushocean <strong>of</strong> lies instead <strong>of</strong> focusing on the fact that Bush lied and is still lying to everyone in abid to launch the Illuminati wars!Or notice how suddenly congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was out-voted in 2002 afterThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 597

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