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Just like scientists who suspect that the four fundamental forces observed in the universe areactually manifestations <strong>of</strong> a single unified force field, I suspect that these four major powerfronts are manifestations <strong>of</strong> a single evil plan emerging possibly as the Anti-Christ or Dajjalfrom whose serfdom & slavery only the 2 nd coming <strong>of</strong> Yeshuah-Isa-Yeshua-Joshua will be ableto free the masses (like Abraham’s coming freed some <strong>of</strong> the slaves <strong>of</strong> Nimrod-Namrood, likeMoses’ coming freed the slaves from the Pharaohs, like Muhammad’s coming freed the slaves<strong>of</strong> Arabia).The Anti-Christ Dajjal Satanists’ Systemimmeasurable scale.Here is a brief outlook on the Anti-Christ System which will be themost evil, deceitfully covered-up, corrupt and satanic force inhistory. The Anti-Christ or Dajjal or New World Order (NWO)system will promote mass corruption, immorality, idol satanicworship,usury (whose enslaving power will be explained in detailin this book), intoxication, crime, rape, injustice, oppression,fanaticism, wars, famine, massacres, and suffering on anMost important positions in the United Nations, the EEC, the British parliament and UnitedStates government are held by people who are high-ranking masons or otherwise agents <strong>of</strong> the New World Order. Forexample, Masonry has something in the region <strong>of</strong> 700,000 members in England and Wales only (about 6 million Worldwide),yet the British public hardly knows anything about them. Masons secretly worship a Devil god, known asJAHBULON (see pages 230-240 <strong>of</strong> the International best selling book on Masonry "The Brotherhood", by Stephen Knightor the "Satanic Voices", by David. M. Pidcock). It may also surprise you to know that most Christian organizations areinfiltrated by Masonic institutions. About 60% <strong>of</strong> the Archbishops are Masons and secretly practice Devil-worship (seeabove mentioned books). If you want to know if a church is being used as a Masonic-Temple, then look on the stainedglass windows for a Masonic symbol such as a snake and a dagger or a hexagram or pyramids. Note that on the privateFederal Reserve Dollar $ bill, the Great Seal <strong>of</strong> The United States’ Masonic pyramid is shown with the Latin words "NovusOrdo Seclorum"- translated as NEW SECRET ORDER. Let’s place this in an historical perspective. After Prophet Noah’sFlood, secret societies arose in Babylon through the knowledge transplanted by Ham (Noah’s second son), whose son,Cush (also known as Hermes), claimed to be the interpreter <strong>of</strong> the gods. Cush was the original ring leader who led thepeople away from the one true God and as the "interpreter <strong>of</strong> the gods" enticed them to take another form <strong>of</strong> religion.Cush, was the father <strong>of</strong> the idolatrous-polytheistic and trinitarian systems, so when men were deified by men, he becameBel-Baal-Sun god whom the Romans called Janus and Chaos, the father <strong>of</strong> the gods (guess why Sunday or Sun-god-day isa weekly holiday!). He is pictured as having two faces and he carried a club by which he confounded and "scattered" thepeople. See later sections for full details on the ancient Sun god.From among Noah’s third son Japheth-Yefeth’s descendants are the Pharisees, the converted AshkeNAZI fake KhazarianJews and the Gog & Magog barbaric phallic-worshipping Turkic tribes; they are mostly today’s Zionists or non-IsraeliteJews or Babylonian Talmudists or Pharisees (full details in the next section on anti-Semitism where it will be shownthat Zionists are the real anti-Semites who pretend to be Biblical Jews but are really occultists!). A fourth son, Yam orKenaan, perished in the flood along with Noah’s wife. Thus, four millennia ago, in Sumerian times after Noah’s ancientflood in Mesopotamia, humanity again were stooped to polytheism and moral degeneration in the helm <strong>of</strong> materialprogress. Cush encouraged the masses to build the tower <strong>of</strong> Babel (Sun-god Baal or Bel) which his son Nimrod (Namrood)actually built later. This encouragement brought the confusion and division among men, so that he was both "interpreterand confuser". The word “Babylon” translates as “confusion” in English. The roots <strong>of</strong> Wiccan idolatry are also set in thisancient age; Wicca, or Witchcraft, is the most popular expression <strong>of</strong> the religious movement known as Neo-Paganism(nature or self-worship), which, according to the Institute for the Study <strong>of</strong> American Religion, is the fastest growingreligion in the United States. It practitioners are reviving ancient goddess Pagan (the 5-pointed star or pentacle is thesymbol <strong>of</strong> Venus; Venus’ 4 year-cycle in reflected in the Olympics and its 5 circles on the Olympic flag; May day tocelebrate nature’s regeneration) practices and beliefs <strong>of</strong> pre-Christian Europe and adapting them to contemporary life.This can be traced all the way back to Nimrod’s wife Semiremis. A descendant from Prophet Noah’s first son, monotheisticAbraham confronted Nimrod over idolatry. Abraham is the ancestor to a number <strong>of</strong> Sem-itic (descendants <strong>of</strong> Sem-ShemNoah's first son) Middle-Eastern Arabs and Israelites, and has religious significance for three major World religions(Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).So, four thousand years ago in Sumerian times (after Noah’s flood and during the live <strong>of</strong> Prophet Abraham), the massesworshipped the sun, the moon and the stars. They prayed to idols built <strong>of</strong> wood and stone and made many <strong>of</strong>ferings forthem, including <strong>of</strong>ferings to Moloch. The priests and druids enjoyed a prominent place in society. They commandedrespect among their followers. They were well paid. The poor people and slaves were ruled by the chiefs and priests, andwere subjected to their cruelty and injustice. Secret societies were initiated since then. The history <strong>of</strong> the past 2,000 yearsis the record <strong>of</strong> warfare between the successors <strong>of</strong> Babylon, Rome and Israel in their rivalry for World hegemony. GenuineChristians, Muslims, Israelites and Atheists are despised, rejected and ridden-over rough shod by these secret societies.The Masonic Khazars were behind the instigations that led to the ancient Crusades (see the section on fake terror) and arebehind the renewed empire building events. Thus, in summary, the Illuminist or Satanic conspiracy reorganized afterProphet Noah’s Flood with the secret societies that arose in Babylon through the forbidden knowledge transplanted byThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 592

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