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fight among themselves, run up huge debts for armaments (which you will sell them), kill <strong>of</strong>f the cream <strong>of</strong> their manhood,and become demoralized and decadent. You accomplish this through your ownership <strong>of</strong> politicians and the press and yourcontrol <strong>of</strong> MI-6, CIA, Mossad who carry out terror and assassinations for you. This is the real history <strong>of</strong> the last 300 years."World government" is really about using debt to enslave us; it is an international loan collection agency. Naturally theyshroud this with talk about tolerance, human rights, fighting poverty and preventing war. A quote from a 1924 edition <strong>of</strong>the American Banker's Association Digest sums up what is currently happening. Keep this in mind when you vote. "When,through the process <strong>of</strong> law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governedthrough the strong arm <strong>of</strong> government applied by a central power <strong>of</strong> wealth under leading financiers. These truths are wellknown among our principal men who are now engaged in forming imperialism to govern the World. By dividing the voterthrough the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions <strong>of</strong> no importance. "Now consider the words <strong>of</strong> an Illuminati defector, Svali. "The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage <strong>of</strong> theIlluminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One <strong>of</strong> the olive branches<strong>of</strong>fered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy bymany. At the same time, the Illuminati covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fuelled. They arevery duplicitous people...These people love the game <strong>of</strong> chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out<strong>of</strong> chaos."In a personal email, she added: "I have always wondered this, though, why some <strong>of</strong> the highest ranking financial familiesin the group (Baron Rothschild <strong>of</strong> France is one <strong>of</strong> the 13 European lords, or "kings" that run the group in Europe, and sitson the World Council) are Jewish, yet the group espouses hatred <strong>of</strong> their own race." Ben Hecht said that reading the dailynews to understand current events is like telling the time by looking at the second hand. You have to look at the decadeand century hands to see what is really going on in the World. The Rothschild-Rockefeller banking cartel is behind mostpolitical (and cultural) trends and its goal is to destroy the nation state, true democracy, religion, culture, marriage andfamily, in order to degrade humanity to animal status in advance <strong>of</strong> totalitarianism. In the "war on terror," they havecreated a boogeyman to justify a system <strong>of</strong> repression to be used when they call in their "loans." I was once a Zionist whobelieved Jews needed a homeland because <strong>of</strong> anti-Semitism. I realize now that, like most <strong>of</strong> history, this view was mostlycontrived. Anti Semitism is caused because many Jews serve (consciously or unconsciously) the bankers' harmful agenda.Zionism, Communism and Feminism are a few examples. Most Jews are now totally identified with Israel, which is a tool<strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds' demented megalomania. If past is preface, this cannot end well for Jews or anyone. I wasted much <strong>of</strong>my life getting a conventional education, so I feel I am beginning my education anew. It appears that a vampire-likeclique directs the World. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions.Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form <strong>of</strong> social control and the massmedia/ education are systems for indoctrination.Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God's image and has an obligation to lifthimself to a higher level <strong>of</strong> truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists have no use for this and want to define realityto suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is just a fancy animal without a divine soul.Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals <strong>of</strong> any kind. Instead, we are fed an endless diet <strong>of</strong> trivia anddegradation. Certain elite Jews are an integral part <strong>of</strong> this elite neo feudal conspiracy. Throughout history they have had asymbiotic relationship with the aristocracy. But ordinary Jews like the serfs were manipulated andpersecuted by their elites. True Judaism like Islam and Christianity affirms the supremacy <strong>of</strong> God as amoral force. A real Jew, like a true Christian or Muslim cannot perform an immoral act. It's time toreaffirm our belief in God.Banksters Use Judaism as a ShieldThe mainspring <strong>of</strong> the New World Order is the desire on the part <strong>of</strong> the World's central bankers totranslate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions <strong>of</strong> political and social control. Their power is basedon their monopoly over credit. They use the government's credit to print money, and require the taxpayer to fork overbillions in interest to them. Central banks like the Federal Reserve pretend to be government institutions. They are not.They are privately owned by perhaps 300 families. It is significant that the majority <strong>of</strong> these families are Jewish, howsignificant I am not yet sure. If they were Lutherans or Zulus, certainly our objections would be the same. I am a nonobservantJew who believes this situation is lethal for humanity and Jews alike. We have already seen the tragicconsequences <strong>of</strong> it in World War II. The American inventor Thomas Edison described this colossal scam, which the NewWorld Order is designed to perpetuate, as follows: "It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issuecurrency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people." Central banks also controlthe supply <strong>of</strong> credit to businesses and individuals. Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlantadescribes this untenable situation. "This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks.Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money, weare prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a completegrasp <strong>of</strong> the picture, the tragic absurdity <strong>of</strong> our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is... It is so importantthat our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon." "When the Federal Reserve was inaugurated in 1913, a London banker acknowledged that it is a scam. "The few whounderstand the system will either be so interested in its pr<strong>of</strong>its, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be noopposition from that class... The great body <strong>of</strong> the people, mentally incapable <strong>of</strong> comprehending, will bear its burdenwithout complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their interests."The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 577

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