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The moral standing <strong>of</strong> economic servitude seems to depend on what side <strong>of</strong> the relationship one stands. Relationshipsbased on force require some form <strong>of</strong> tether. Men can be trained to obey verbal commands that do not require physicalrestraint devices. Tradition, faith and law must work together for an injustice like slavery to prevail for long periods <strong>of</strong>time. Chattel, land and political slavery have all lasted many millennia. The justification <strong>of</strong> these conditions has come fromclergy, political leaders and even the slaves themselves. Though the evolution from slavery to serfdom to tax-payingappears to have led to increased personal freedoms, the reality is the chains have just gotten longer and lighter. Many donot even notice them. Efficiency dictates that more subtle means <strong>of</strong> coercion be used to appropriate labor in anincreasingly complex division <strong>of</strong> labor. Masters observed long ago the difficulty <strong>of</strong> labor under the heavy burden <strong>of</strong>manacles and chains. A happy slave who accepts his "place" is far more productive than the disgruntled slave who doesthe least possible amount <strong>of</strong> labor. The political slave has generally bought into the story that since they get to choosetheir overseers (masters and monarchs are not chosen), then they are truly free. The percentage <strong>of</strong> happy slaves to totalslaves today is higher than it has ever been in history. This can change very quickly.Democracy is today equated with freedom. If you think that choosing those who control a major portion <strong>of</strong> your labor andmake laws as to what you may and may not do with your own person and property is really freedom, then consider howdemocracy would affect the status <strong>of</strong> the older forms <strong>of</strong> bondage. If you were a slave on a Roman estate or an Old Southplantation and you got to choose who was given the power to control the fruits <strong>of</strong> your labor and tell you what to do andwhat not to do, would you be any less a slave? What if you were a serf on a French or German lord's manor and you gotto choose who was given the power to control the fruits <strong>of</strong> your labor and tell you what to do and what not to do, wouldyou be any less a serf? Is being a taxpayer really that much better <strong>of</strong> a deal? Slaves generally got to keep about one-half<strong>of</strong> what they produced in order to survive. Serfs got a little bit better deal as the lord took only about one-third <strong>of</strong> theirlabor and they survived on the other two-thirds. Today taxpayers have a sliding scale somewhere between the traditionallimits <strong>of</strong> slaves and serfs. The master and the lord justified their taking with the line that they provided protection fromother masters and lords as well as providing dispute resolution services, housing, roads, water wells and otherinfrastructure. Some slaves and serfs even told their fellow slaves and serfs that this was a good deal and they were luckythat their master or lord was so much better than the others.If you think that you are truly free and own the fruits <strong>of</strong> your labor, then try not paying income taxes. If you think thatyou own and have full control over your person, then fire up a joint, even on your own property, in full view <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficialoverseer and see if you are imprisoned. If you think that you own your land, then try building something on it withoutpermission from your masters. If you believe that you are free because you get to vote on who gets the power to decidethese things for you, then you're setting the bar pretty low on what you consider freedom. Do you really think that this isas good as it gets? Seek freedom from the existing slave labor system by finding ways to exchange your labor andproperty in ways that minimize your taxes. Free your mind from the shackles <strong>of</strong> the corporate-state and do something onElection Day other than supporting the system that enslaves you. If you must vote, then vote with your feet and move toareas that have lower taxes and fewer laws restricting the use <strong>of</strong> your property. Ignorance may very well be bliss, but it isthe enemy <strong>of</strong> liberty. Some may prefer to be a happy slave than to see the truth and seek freedom, but joy requiresconditions <strong>of</strong> peace to grow. It is my hope that society may evolve the next economic system beyond political forms <strong>of</strong>bondage without desperate convulsions <strong>of</strong> violence. For this to come about, the number <strong>of</strong> people who recognize whatfreedom is and yearn for liberty must increase significantly. Thanks to the Internet and sites like this, I believe it couldhappen. The growing desperation <strong>of</strong> the elite increasing controls over it shows that they do, too. Mark Davis is a husband,father and real estate analyst/investor enjoying the freedoms we still have in Longwood, Florida.* Caveat Redemptor - Verify for yourselfSlavery SystemsFrederick Douglass observed, "The whole history <strong>of</strong> progress <strong>of</strong> human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to heraugust claims have been born <strong>of</strong> earnest struggle. If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who pr<strong>of</strong>ess to favorfreedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain withoutthunder and lightning, they want the ocean without the awful roar <strong>of</strong> its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one;or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothingwithout a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have foundthe exact measure <strong>of</strong> injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue until they areresisted. The limits <strong>of</strong> tyrants are prescribed by the endurance <strong>of</strong> those whom they oppress."Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini: "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger <strong>of</strong>State and corporate power." It is also known as monopoly-capitalism and communism. The slavery systems <strong>of</strong> AncientBabylon, Rome, Egypt, 19 th Century Europe and America, Apartheid and Occupation, demonstrate that it takes a fewpeople cooperating together to enslave the masses. It’s the Mother <strong>of</strong> All Mafias led by the Rothschild, Rockefellers andIlluminatis’ Banking Dynasties & descendants <strong>of</strong> the European Nobility!Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the 1983 Korean Airlines 747 (flight KAL007) that was shotdown by the Soviets, said: "The drive <strong>of</strong> the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-World governmentcombining super-capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control...Do I mean conspiracy? Yes Ido. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 572

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