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The government has borrowed so much money that it has long ago run out <strong>of</strong> gold to pledge as collateral on the debts.Starting in Nixon’s administration, natural resources were used as collateral for the mounting debts. Borrow more money,promise a chunk <strong>of</strong> public lands as collateral. These land pledges were concealed behind “Environmentalism” to disguisethe real purpose. Numerous names such as “Wilderness Reserve”, “Wetland”, “Heritage River”, and so forth were used toconceal the true scale <strong>of</strong> the confiscations. But the end result was the same. Huge tracts <strong>of</strong> public land containing naturalresources were walled away from the public that owned them, mortgaged to the holders <strong>of</strong> the US Government debt. Weare well on our way from being citizens, to being mere tenants. Were you able to refuse having your public lands placedat risk by the US Government to cover loans you never authorized the government to make? No? We are slaves. Trustfunds under government control are being looted, from the Social Security trust fund to Native American trust accounts toFederal Retirement Funds. Congress pays lip service to the looting <strong>of</strong> Social Security, but considers only more taxes tocover the looted shortfall. Meanwhile, court cases over other looted trust accounts drag on without resolution. Are youable to refuse corrupt and dishonest government? No? We are slaves. We are slaves. Because the ruling class can dowhat they want, take what they want, and you cannot refuse. You may have freedom to decide what TV channel to watchtonight, or just which style car you will drive to your work in, but little power over the rest <strong>of</strong> your life. Even that homeyou have worked to pay for over the last decade can be taken from you at a moment’s notice via “eminent domain”. Canyou refuse? No? We are slaves..In October 2001 I wrote that more damage would be done to our nation by those claiming to save us from the terroriststhan by any actual terrorist act. Even as Bush claimed that the terrorists hated the US because <strong>of</strong> our freedoms, he tookwhat few remaining freedoms we had away until we are more watched, more spied on, more limited, more silenced, moretaxed, and more enslaved that at any other time in our nation’s history. Not only are we slaves, we are at last starting tosee that we have been slaves all along. We did not have rights, because a right cannot be taken away. What we had wereindulgences, granted by the masters to the slaves, to be removed when the masters grow fearful <strong>of</strong> the slaves’resentment and anger. I know this is a very depressing article to read on the New Year, but I have watched through 2003as people I care about lost their homes and businesses, as the labors <strong>of</strong> a lifetime evaporated in stock marketmanipulations by corporate crooks. These Americans who had worked hard to achieve the American dream lost it allthrough no fault <strong>of</strong> their own. Our schools are broke, hospitals under-staffed, the roads and bridges and rails <strong>of</strong> the nationare crumbling while billions <strong>of</strong> dollars are given away to foreign nations, favored cronies, and the ravenous war machine.The priorities <strong>of</strong> the government that feeds on taxes seems focused everywhere but on those who pay those taxes. Andwe can’t seem to refuse that either. I think the state <strong>of</strong> the nation can be summed up by a simple contrast. Tommy Chongis in jail for selling a pipe, while Ken Lay walks around a free man with the billions he stole from his employees andinvestors. Any way you slice it, that’s a pretty screwed up situation."Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed." -The Politics <strong>of</strong> Obedience: The Discourse <strong>of</strong> Voluntary Servitudeby Étienne de la Boétie"No slaves shall keep any arms whatever, nor pass, unless with written orders from his master or employer, or in hiscompany, with arms from one place to another."-- A Bill Concerning Slaves, Source: [1785], reproduced in Alfred Fried,Ed., The Essential Jefferson (Collier Books, 1963), p. 140.http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/A.Bill.Concerning.Slaves.Quote.6570"Among other causes <strong>of</strong> misfortune which your not being armed brings upon you, it makes you despised..." -- NiccoloMachiavelli (1469-1527) Italian Statesman and Political Philosopher http://quotes.libertytree.ca/quote_blog/Niccolo.Machiavelli.Quote.B73A"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our owndefense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, andhaving them under the management <strong>of</strong> Congress? If our defense be the real object <strong>of</strong> having those arms, in whose handscan they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" -- Patrick Henry (1736-1799) USFounding Father, Source: [3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836]http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quote_blog/Patrick.Henry.Quote.B66C"The essence <strong>of</strong> all slavery consists in taking the produce <strong>of</strong> another's labor by force. It is immaterial whether this force befounded upon ownership <strong>of</strong> the slave or ownership <strong>of</strong> the money that he must get to live." ~ Leo TolstoySlaves, serfs and taxpayers all refer to conditions <strong>of</strong> bondage. These conditions all restrict the use <strong>of</strong> your person andlabor. The pre-historic slave's person was controlled so that his labor could be exploited. Today the modern taxpayer'slabor is controlled in order to exploit his person. That's progress to some, but it is not freedom. The obvious physicaldifferences between iron chains and psychological conditioning tend to obfuscate the degree <strong>of</strong> control. These evolvingforms <strong>of</strong> bondage appear on the surface to have led to increased personal freedoms. But they have come at the real cost<strong>of</strong> diminished economic freedom. Chattel, land and political forms <strong>of</strong> slavery reflect the increasing sophistication <strong>of</strong> forcedlabor institutions. Charles Adams does an excellent job (as always) examining the history <strong>of</strong> slavery here.http://www.fff.org/freedom/0100g.aspWho Owns You? Government's own documents, treaties, and laws says so!The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 568

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