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(∇) (∆) combined in the congress are represented in by the Hexagram <strong>of</strong> the magicians which has nothing to do withthe Prophet King David and Judaism but is related to David Al Roy, a 16th Century anti-Christ and the Rothschild. More onthis later.Bush pays respect to the Hexagram, Masonic Satanic symbol falsely known as the Star <strong>of</strong>David.Where do you think is the best place to hide for a pedophile? How about as a priest! Where do you thinkis the best place to hide for a Nazi? You guessed right if you selected a human rights group. What do youthink is one <strong>of</strong> the many ways to hush people up about the billions that the Illuminati banking dynastiesare making from the banking system fraud? How about charitable foundations! What is another way todirect money by the mega-rich Illuminatis for carrying on propaganda in addition to main media control?You guessed right if you thought <strong>of</strong> tax exempt foundations! What is the best disguise for an infiltrator? You guessed it,pose as a fanatic and steer the members towards fanaticism! What’s the best place for an anti-Semite to hide? Yes, as aZionist! What is the best way to conceal and carry on evil plans? Behind appearances <strong>of</strong> respectability! What’s the bestway to bring down a nation? Behind the front <strong>of</strong> patriotism! What is the best way to carry on an un-American agenda? Bywrapping yourself in the flag! What is the best way to “Make The World Safe” for an inhuman corporate PLUTOCRACY?Behind the self-proclaimed champion <strong>of</strong> “human rights” and “democracy”! What is the best way for Zionists to hide theirBarbaric Fanaticism? By creating other fanatics and pointing at them! What is the best front to hide the emerging SatanicIlluminati Luciferian Masonic New World Order? Judaism and Israel!Jack Bernstein, at the end <strong>of</strong> his great expose on Zionists (full text later in this book) challenges them to refute hisstatements. He says “I am well aware <strong>of</strong> the tactics YOU, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts toexpose any <strong>of</strong> your subversive acts. If the person is a gentile, you cry, "you're anti-Semitic," which is nothing more than asmokescreen to hide your actions. But if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics: * First, youignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution. * If the information starts reachingtoo many people, you ridicule the information and the person or persons giving the information. * If that doesn't work,your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal, you areadept at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons. * If none <strong>of</strong> these are effective, you are known to resort tophysical attacks. But NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong. So, before you commence efforts to silence me, I<strong>of</strong>fer this challenge: You Zionists assemble a number <strong>of</strong> Zionists and witnesses to support your position; and I willassemble a like number <strong>of</strong> anti-Zionist, pro-American witnesses. Then, the Zionists and anti-Zionists will state theirpositions and debate the material in this book as well as related material – and the debate WILL BE HELD ON PUBLICTELEVISION. Let's explore the information both sides can present and let the American people decide for themselves if theinformation is true or false. ISN'T THAT A FAIR CHALLENGE? Certainly, you will willingly accept the challenge if what Ihave written is false. But if you resort to crying "Lies, all lies" and refuse to debate, you will, in effect, be telling theAmerican people that what I have written here are the true facts.” Since they cannot challenge the facts, they resort todistortions, extortions, ridicule, distractions, or diversions with red-herrings and other events or staged events such asterror or hype.Masonic New World Order Symbolshttp://www.veteransforcommonsense.org/newsArticle.asp?id=1442 In the brilliant words <strong>of</strong> a 15 year old who wishedshe could vote just to get Bush out <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice, why?: "Bush has allowed big corporations to loot this great nation <strong>of</strong>mine.... This war is all about the powerful oil industry wanting to take control <strong>of</strong> the World and has been successful inusing American tax dollars to fund their agenda. The oil industry has been successful because they are using Bush with hisrhetoric <strong>of</strong> terrorism, national security, and other religion deception that attracts many Christians.” If a 15-year-old couldsee through this whole thing, why can't many others? They are caught in the web <strong>of</strong> deception from which I amattempting to free them through this compiled book. Let’s take our countries back from these mega-banking dynastiesand their enforcers and stooges.THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Action <strong>of</strong> Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776: Using the Freedom<strong>of</strong> Speech, WHEN in the Course <strong>of</strong> human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bandswhich have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers <strong>of</strong> the Earth, the separate and equal Stationto which the Laws <strong>of</strong> Nature and <strong>of</strong> Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions <strong>of</strong> Mankind requires thatthey should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Menare created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,Liberty and the Pursuit <strong>of</strong> Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving theirjust Powers from the Consent <strong>of</strong> the Governed, that whenever any Form <strong>of</strong> Government becomes destructive <strong>of</strong> theseEnds, it is the Right <strong>of</strong> the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on suchPrinciples, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 566

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