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“I don’t mean to imply that the Jews were the only ones at fault in the White slave trade. Gentile politicians and police<strong>of</strong>ficials gladly accepted bribes from the Jews and in return allowed them to carry on their dirty business. And in theUnited States non-Jewish criminal elements such as the [Italian/Sicilian] Mafia collaborated with the Jews or even rantheir own White slave operations. But the trade in White slaves from Eastern Europe has been an exclusively Jewishactivity for the last 200 years.”“The White slave trade is big business in Israel. Ukrainian authorities estimate that as many as 40,000 Ukrainian womenunder the age <strong>of</strong> 30 are taken from Ukraine each year. Some <strong>of</strong> these women respond to advertisements promisingemployment abroad, like Irina did, and some are simply kidnapped and smuggled out <strong>of</strong> the country. Those who try toescape from their Jewish captors are treated brutally. Often they are butchered in front <strong>of</strong> other captive women to keepthe others terrified into doing whatever they are told.”“There are ‘more slaves alive today than all the people stolen from Africa in the time <strong>of</strong> the transatlantic slave trade,’writes Kevin Bales. He estimates there are more than 27 million people ‘enslaved by violence and held against their willsfor purposes <strong>of</strong> exploitation’ and the number is increasing”...“As many as 50,000 Thai women work as prostitutes in Japan. Many work as exotic dancers and bar girls in Europe andthe US. One brothel owner in New York City testified she had paid $6,000-$15,000 for the 30 Thai women imprisoned inher brothel.”Millions <strong>of</strong> our fellow human beings <strong>of</strong> all races — men, women and children — are actually suffering in slavery. And agreat many <strong>of</strong> them, primarily women and children, are being imprisoned and cruelly abused right here in the UnitedStates <strong>of</strong> America. Therefore, we in America have an absolute moral responsibility to put a stop to it and bring the filthyperpetrators to justice — no matter how rich and powerful they are. Slavery actually is a part <strong>of</strong> the hellish reality <strong>of</strong> thissatanically evil World. We have to face it even though the corporate mass-media refuses to. Aside from sporadic reports,it’s all basically ignored and covered up in the mainstream American mass-media. A few investigative reporters are doingtheir jobs, but the editors, managers and owners are generally suppressing the story. The owners <strong>of</strong> the mass-mediadon’t care about the suffering <strong>of</strong> these enslaved women and children, because the media owners are the filthy-richAmerican plutocracy — which is pr<strong>of</strong>iting enormously from all this degraded evil.Slavery in the modern era Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Kevin Bales University <strong>of</strong> CaliforniaPress, 1999; ISBN 0-520217-97-7 http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/sep1999/slav-s09.shtml For more information onthe White slave trade: http://www.wakeupordie.com/html/action/jewsrape/raperef1.html News reports from The NewYork Times, MSNBC, World Net Daily, Jerusalem Post, Independent News (UK), Australian Broadcast Corporation, BRAMA- Gateway Ukraine, Journal <strong>of</strong> International Affairs, Middle East Times.http://www.wakeupordie.com/html/action/jewsrape/raperef2.html Government reports from the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong>State, “Center for the Study <strong>of</strong> Intelligence”, “Congressional Report (House) Speaker’s Advisory Group on Russia”, and“Congressional Research Service Report”. http://www.wakeupordie.com/html/action/jewsrape/raperef3.html Non-Governmental, Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it and Academic Organizations: reports from Amnesty International, Coalition Against Traffickingin Women (CATW), (former) Global Survival Network (now WildAid and Witness.org), International Organization forMigrants, and MiraMed Institute. (Note: The three links above are to pages on the website <strong>of</strong> woman who isindiscriminately anti-Jewish, unfortunately. It’s certainly understandable that she is very upset about the Zionist-Mafiaslave trade, but it is totally unfair and unreasonable to blame all Jewish people for the crimes <strong>of</strong> a few Zionists whopretend to be Israelites Judeans. In fact, some <strong>of</strong> the reports indicate that there are Jewish women who are fighting theWhite slave trade which flourishes in Israel. Yet the significance <strong>of</strong> that important fact seems to have escaped thecompiler <strong>of</strong> the reports above. Nevertheless, these pages on her site are useful for containing a wealth <strong>of</strong> importantinformation, excerpts and links to reports from all the news, governmental and NGO groups listed above.)Israel is the Rothschilds’ Hexagram StateLord Rothschild in his book The Shadow <strong>of</strong> a Great Man quotes a letter sent from Davidson on June 24, 1814 to NathanRothschild: “As long as a house is like yours, and as long as you work together with your brothers, not a house in theWorld will be able to compete with you, to cause you harm or to take advantage <strong>of</strong> you, for together you can undertakeand perform more than any house in the World." The closeness <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild brothers is seen in a letter from Saloman(Salmon) Rothschild to his brother Nathan on Feb. 28, 1815, "We are like the mechanism <strong>of</strong> a watch: each part isessential.“ This closeness is further seen in that <strong>of</strong> the 18 marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren16 were contracted between first cousins.The Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court (front cover <strong>of</strong> this book, a totally Masonic design) were designed and paid forby the Rothschilds. One <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds in his will left money for ongoing building projects in Israel, and the Rothschildsare honored with a Street named after them in Jerusalem. Don’t be fooled by appearances!!! Israel is the Illuminati’sRothschild state and its flag carries the symbol <strong>of</strong> the House <strong>of</strong> Rothschild (not <strong>of</strong> Judaism), i.e. the Hexagram which isknown as the Star <strong>of</strong> Moloch in Babylonian Masonic idolatry (a lot more details in the following sections and theappendixes and references).The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 565

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