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They promote war, depression and terror so we will demand their "antidote": the New World Order.In his brilliant essay, "The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness" Michael Minnichino describes how most<strong>of</strong> the fashionable intellectual and artistic movements in the 20th century, still in vogue today, were actuallyinspired by thinkers who were Commintern (Communist International) agents financed by the centralbankers. Some <strong>of</strong> them actually worked for Soviet Intelligence right into the 1960's. He writes: "The task [<strong>of</strong> theFrankfurt School] was first to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition <strong>of</strong> culture" ...and second, todetermine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation <strong>of</strong> the population, thus creating a "new barbarism."...The purpose <strong>of</strong> modern art, literature and music must be to destroy the uplifting potential <strong>of</strong> art, literatureand music..." Funds came from "various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, the AmericanJewish [actually Zionist] Committee, several American intelligence services..."This subversive movement "represents almost the entire theoretical basis <strong>of</strong> all the politically correct aesthetic trendswhich now plague our universities." They are associated with Post Modernism, Feminism, Cultural Studies,Deconstructionism, Semiotics, etc. Their net effect is to divorce us from truth, social cohesion and our cultural heritage.They assert that reality is unknowable and that writers and artists are in fact depicting themselves. For example,postmodernist Hayden White writes, "historical narratives are verbal fictions, the contents <strong>of</strong> which are more inventedthan found...truth and reality are primarily authoritarian weapons <strong>of</strong> our times." In other words, we cannot know whathappened in the past (which is exactly what they want.) Postmodernism is part <strong>of</strong> the authoritarian agenda. Similarly theFrankfurt School championed the notion that "authoritarianism" is caused by religion, male leadership, marriage andfamily, when these things actually uphold society. Universities are enemy territory and pr<strong>of</strong>essors usually are obstacles togenuine learning.The same applies to the mass media, which the central bankers own and control. We imagine that books, movies andmusic are commercially or artistically motivated. This is not true. Elite brainwashers discovered they can sell almostanything as long as it is hyped and adheres to a familiar format. Thus the hidden agenda <strong>of</strong> entertainment is socialengineering, satanism, sexual depravity and violence. Musician Wes Penre says stars are selected not for talent butbecause they advance the elite agenda. He writes: Their task is to demoralize our youth, to create a society where no oneis able to think for themselves (contrary to what the pop culture is trying to teach us about the "rebellious" rock music).The Art Industry creates "Icons" with degrading and Satanic messages, who are supposed to take the place <strong>of</strong> God. Themusicians are also <strong>of</strong>ten acting degraded and high or low on drugs, so their fans start acting the same. The purpose is tocreate apathy and decay. Quite a few artists also put subliminal backward messages in their music, like Led Zeppelin,Michael Jackson, The Eagles, and more.... Many musicians die young due to "drug overdoses" because they tried to buckthe agenda. This also explains the obsession with romance in popular music. Love and sex are intended to distract usfrom everything else.Increasingly, there is a lesbian message in popular music. For example, the Dixie Chicks scorn men and celebrate femaleindependence. In one song, women self righteously murder a man who gave his wife a black eye. Young women singthese songs and identify. A friend noticed his Dixie Chick-singing girlfriend has been psychologically neutered. She thinksbecoming a wife and mother will cramp her style. He is dumping her. I went to the movies last night. Three-out-<strong>of</strong>-fourpreviews mentioned homosexuality. "North Country" with Charlese Theron is pure anti-male propaganda. Single mothergets a job in a mine but is not accepted as an equal by her male co-workers. After one rapes her, she has to take thecompany to court to get justice. How many times have we seen this kind <strong>of</strong> thing? I once met a woman who works as arailroad diesel mechanic. She said her male co-workers treat her like gold. It wouldn't do to tell her story, would it? Everwonder why there hasn't been a movie about real American heroes like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh (Post The Spirit <strong>of</strong>St. Louis) Louis McFadden and Whittaker Chambers? They opposed the banker agenda.Just as we need healthy food and exercise, our mind and soul needs truth and beauty. We need to see life portrayedhonestly, with the real forces identified. Instead, we are deliberately deceived and degraded by a small financial elite witha diabolical plan. White stallions (our souls) are fed a diet <strong>of</strong> sawdust. Whether it's school or mass media, we arebombarded with propaganda designed to produce alienation and dysfunction. We must protect ourselves from this poisonbefore it is too late. The good news is that modern culture, based on the premise there is no inherent purposeor positive design in human life, has been exposed as a long-term Illuminati psy-op designed to demoralizeus. It will fail. For More http://www.savethemales.ca/000205.html on the Illuminati program.Comments for "The Fraudulent Basis <strong>of</strong> Modern Kulture" John said (September 29, 2005): Your piece "RothschildsConduct Red Symphony" shows very clearly that a Jewish [actually Zionist] elite, including the Warburg interests,financed both the Communists and the Nazis. This has been known for decades, and had already been shown in theseventies by the scholarship <strong>of</strong> Antony Sutton. As for the banking elites, some call them "Khazars," some call them"pseudo-Jews" like Robert Wilton, or "apostate Jews" like the radio priest Fr. Coughlin. Whatever we call it, this sinistergroup has on its hands the blood <strong>of</strong> the victims <strong>of</strong> both Nazism and Communism.There Exists In Our World Today A Powerful And Dangerous Secret CultThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 546

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