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FBI agent with multiple ties to the intelligence community. Another way this 'poisoned well' method is <strong>of</strong>ten employed isthe releasing <strong>of</strong> information in movies and television shows. This makes it possible to ignore real issues by thePre$$titute$ then claiming, 'You just saw that in a movie'. The pilot episode <strong>of</strong> the LoneGunMen series falls into thiscategory. The pilot aired in early March <strong>of</strong> 2001, the plot <strong>of</strong> the show includes a group <strong>of</strong> people in the governmentconspiring to hijack a passenger jet by remote control and to crash it into the World Trade Center, for the purpose <strong>of</strong>increasing weapon sales and to be able to attack any third World country at will. Sounds familiar?In the movie Armageddon (1998), during the first few minutes <strong>of</strong> the movie, there is a meteor shower hitting New YorkCity. There is a cabby with Asian tourists as his fare. They are stuck in traffic. He tries to explain to them that they can'tgo anywhere for they are in a traffic jam. He then says something very strange he says ‘that it might have been causedby a terrorist bomb’ (I wonder what the statistics are like on terrorist bombing related traffic jams in NYC?). Then meteorchunks start smashing into the NYC skyline. The same cabby looks up and shouts, 'We're at war, Saddam Hussein isbombing us'. There is a flying zoom in on the <strong>of</strong>fice workers as they plummet, arms and legs flailing to the street. A fewmoments later the camera pans out and you see the Twin Towers are both heavily damaged and smoking from meteorimpacts. Sounds familiar? (Notice what looks like an outline <strong>of</strong> a plane just above the smoke trail to the left <strong>of</strong> the impacthole in the movie). There have been polls that have shown that almost 70 percent <strong>of</strong> Americans think that Saddam wasbehind the 9-11 attacks. Gee, I wonder where they could have ever possibly gotten that idea?Poem About <strong>Money</strong>“Eye to Eye” by a Palestinian youngster Gihad Ali to wake us up on the issue <strong>of</strong> MONEY:Look into my eyes And tell me what you see. You don't see a damn thing, 'cause you can't possibly relate to me. You'reblinded by our differences. My life makes no sense to you. I'm the persecuted Palestinian; You are the American red,white and blue. Each day you wake in tranquility, No fears to cross your eyes. Each day I wake in gratitude, Thanking Godhe let me rise. You worry about your education and the bills you have to pay. I worry about my vulnerable life and if I'llsurvive another day. Your biggest fear is getting ticketed as you cruise your Cadillac. My fear is the tank that just left Willturn around and come back. America, do you realize That the taxes that you pay, Feed the forces thattraumatize My every living day? The bulldozers and the tanks, The gases and the guns, The bombs that fall outside mydoor, All due to American funds. Yet do you know the truth Of where your money goes? [half a trillion since the1940s] Do you let your media deceive your mind? Is this a truth that no one knows? You blame me fordefending myself Against the ways <strong>of</strong> Zionists. I'm terrorized in my own land And you call me the terrorist? You think youknow all about terrorism, But you don't know it the way I do. So please, let me define the term And teach you what youthought you knew. I've known terrorism for quite some time, Fifty-four years and more. It's the fruitless garden uprootedin my yard, It's the bulldozer in front <strong>of</strong> my door. Terrorism breathes the air I breathe. It's the checkpoint on my way toschool. It's the curfew that jails me in my own home, And the penalties <strong>of</strong> breaking curfew rule. Terrorism is the robbery<strong>of</strong> my land, And the torture <strong>of</strong> my mother. The imprisonment <strong>of</strong> my innocent father, The bullet in my baby brother.SoAmerica, don't tell me you know about The things I feel and see. I'm terrorized in my own land And the blame is put onme. But I will not rest, I shall never settle For the injustice my people endure. Palestine is OUR land and here we'll remainUntil the day OUR homeland is secure. And if that time shall never come, Then they will never see a day <strong>of</strong> peace. I willnot be thrown from my own home, Nor will my fight for justice cease. And if I am killed, it will be for Falasteen; It'swritten on my breath. So in your own patriotic words, Give me liberty or give me death.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong> has seriously explored from ancient times to date the following couplets in thisbeautiful and touching youth’s poem: America, do you realize That the taxes that you pay, Feed the forcesthat traumatize My every living day? “Yet do you know the truth Of where your money goes? Do you let yourmedia deceive your mind? Is this a truth that no one knows?“Societal And Mind Control (H.G. Wells Style)Cynicism is the intellectual refuge <strong>of</strong> cowards that are unwilling to act. It is very easy to be cynical in these trying times,as it has always been easy to be so at any time in history. Though the paths <strong>of</strong> cynicism and procrastination have alwaysbeen easier to follow, there have been many times when whole societies have deviated from this malaise. Though theimpetus for these changes have been for different reasons and had various end results, they all have something incommon. Their common element is that accepted doctrines/paradigms are discarded/questioned when theknowledge/beliefs <strong>of</strong> a small group <strong>of</strong> people are accepted by a large group <strong>of</strong> people. This catalyst is the cause <strong>of</strong> majorchanges in societies throughout history. There are numerous examples <strong>of</strong> this in the past century, such as the civil rightsmovement and the rise <strong>of</strong> the 3 rd Reich. In both <strong>of</strong> these cases, the change was started by a small group <strong>of</strong> people thateventually convinced a much larger group <strong>of</strong> people that their views were more correct and therefore more just. Societytoday has been reduced to many small groups <strong>of</strong> people all trying to push their views/agendas forward. Issues such assame sex marriage and environmental concerns are two examples <strong>of</strong> causes that are a focal point for people to lobby forchanges. The people that make up these groups are usually from a diverse range <strong>of</strong> ethnic background, social/financialstatus, religions, political views, etc. This diversity is a dual edged sword, for while allowing a wide range <strong>of</strong> views fromvarious positions. It also causes people to develop tunnel vision, only seeing what is relevant to further their cause andtheir goals. At the same time, people that are working for the same cause are separated by their diversification. This isthe Achilles’ heel <strong>of</strong> lobbyists, protestors and any other group working for change. In essence they lack Unification otherthan their common cause.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 540

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