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The federal government does not own any stock in the Federal Reserve System. In that sense, the Fed is privately owned.In the case <strong>of</strong> the Fed System, the stock carries no proprietary interest, cannot be sold or pledged as collateral, and doesnot carry ordinary voting rights. The function <strong>of</strong> the twelve regional Fed Reserve Banks is to hold cash reserves <strong>of</strong> thesystem, supply currency to member banks, clear checks, and act as a fiscal agent for the government. These 12 arecorporations with stock held by the commercial banks which are members <strong>of</strong> the system. The national Board <strong>of</strong>Governors, together with the Open Market Committee, with the New York regional Bank being more powerful than theother eleven, meet frequently. Decisions are made at secret meetings. A brief report <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the proceedings is issued6 weeks later, but transcripts <strong>of</strong> the deliberations are destroyed. [This has been policy since 1970 when the Freedom <strong>of</strong>Information Act was passed. Not even the CIA enjoys such secrecy]. Each bank in the system is entitled to one vote,regardless <strong>of</strong> the stock held. Stock Certificates are not evidence <strong>of</strong> "ownership" but <strong>of</strong> how much operating capital eachshareholder bank has contributed to the system. The Fed is not a government agency and it is not a private corporationin the normal sense <strong>of</strong> the words. It is subject to political control yet, because <strong>of</strong> its enormous power over politicians andthe elective process, it has managed to remain independent from political oversight. Simply put, it is a cartel, and itsorganizational structure is uniquely structured to serve that end.Private Monopoly - "A privilege or peculiar advantage vested in one or more persons or companies, consisting in theexclusive right [or power] to carry on a particular business or trade, manufacture a particular article, or control the sale <strong>of</strong>the whole supply <strong>of</strong> a particular commodity, A form <strong>of</strong> market structure in which only a few firms dominate the total sales<strong>of</strong> a product or service. 'Monopoly,' as prohibited by Section 2 <strong>of</strong> the Sherman Antitrust Act, has two elements: possession<strong>of</strong> a monopoly power in relevant market and willful acquisition or maintenance <strong>of</strong> that power, as distinguished fromgrowth or development as a consequence <strong>of</strong> a superior power, business acumen, or historical product. A monopolycondemned by the Sherman Act is the power to fix prices, or exclude competition, coupled with policies designed to useand preserve that power." (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition) The Federal Reserve Act goes one step farther, "NoSenator or Representative in Congress shall be a member <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve Board or an <strong>of</strong>ficer or director <strong>of</strong> aFederal Reserve Bank." They didn't want We The People to have any say in the operation <strong>of</strong> their monopoly through ourelected <strong>of</strong>ficials. If the Federal Reserve Banking System is completely lawful then it is both a legalized fraud and alegalized monopoly on fraud! (“monopoly capitalism” = communism = fascism = imperialism)http://www.truthusa.org/articles/fed/callt<strong>of</strong>ed.htm http://www.rense.com/general29/ringring.htmhttp://www.infowars.com/articles/economy/phone_call_to_def.htm http://www.nogw.com/The Biggest Problem on Earth: The Privately Owned/Controlled Feudal Credit <strong>Money</strong> SystemSir Josiah Stamp, former President, Bank <strong>of</strong> England: "Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leavethem the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick <strong>of</strong> a pen they will create enough to buy it back.""Modern Banking" was actually devised over 4,000 years ago in the ancient Babylonic and Roman days <strong>of</strong> slavery <strong>of</strong> themasses [<strong>of</strong> course, without the electronic information systems that are now available]. The Pharaohs ruled by dividingtheir subjects into casts and degrees like their predecessor Nimrod, the builder <strong>of</strong> the infamous tower <strong>of</strong> Babel andinitiator <strong>of</strong> Masonry. These ancient rulers would enslave many <strong>of</strong> their subjects, and their supporters, enforcers andstooges would also benefit from the slavery <strong>of</strong> the masses. These ancient rulers imposed collections (taxes with noservices) to expand their own wealth. Interestingly enough, these ancient rulers would not get involved in the business <strong>of</strong>private “money lenders or changers” who would also be imposing a form <strong>of</strong> collection known as “interest” and “inflation”and “depression” and “recession” and “boom”, and if they tried, they would wind up assassinated as we will show later.(note that inflation is also taxed!) Remember that it’s not until the 1850s that the serfs were freed in Europe and thenlater that the Africans slaves were freed in America. Let’s go forward and review the history that revolves around MONEY& USURY (and giving false measure).The biggest problem facing all human beings today is the creeping slavery created by the private monopolyon the issuance and creation <strong>of</strong> “fiat” money at no liability to themselves (money created from nothing by thestroke <strong>of</strong> a pen or keyboard) that the Illuminati Bankers who own the central and local banks have managedto usurp from the people at least since the creation <strong>of</strong> the private central Bank <strong>of</strong> Rome in 45 AC, the privatecentral Bank <strong>of</strong> England in 1694, the private US Federal Reserve Banks in 1913 and so on! These IlluminatiBanking Dynasties lend this “fiat” money to the people’s Governments, corporations and individuals charginginterest on this money which they created from nothing and also make gains by manipulating the issuance <strong>of</strong>money; the debt and the associated interest payments are inherited and grow from generation to generationforever and have enslaved past, present and future generations eternally!! The only way to momentarily stopthis pyramid scheme from collapsing is for governments to keep borrowing more and more!!! Whenever thispyramid collapses, the Illuminati Banksters go on a buying spree for bargains while others suffer!!!! Anotherway to keep this pyramid going is to create wars & terror so that all sides have to borrow money from theBanksters!!!!! Meanwhile, the number <strong>of</strong> enslaved peoples World-wide keeps growing begging for handouts atthe mercy <strong>of</strong> the Illuminati Banksters whose wealth and power keep skyrocketing!!!!! In order to keep theirmafia cash cow or Golden Calf system going, the Illuminati Banksters use some <strong>of</strong> their immense wealth tobuy influence and propaganda fronts to blame the Earth’s problems on all other systems and religions thusdiverting attention from themselves and the fact that they have usurped the power to create money from thepeople’s sovereign governments. The money the BankLords create at no liability to themselves is redeemablefor any goods or services produced by anyone willing to accept the private Federal Reserve dollar currencynotes and cheques. This theme will be illustrated in details throughout this book.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 54

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