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the Torah is based on rabbinical teaching that completely changes the meaning <strong>of</strong> Mosaic law. Talmudic interpretationeffectively negates the meaning <strong>of</strong> the Ten Commandments as the late Israeli scholar Israel Shahakpointed out in his book on Jewish supremacism, Jewish <strong>History</strong>, Jewish Religion: The Weight <strong>of</strong> ThreeThousand Years.To an orthodox Jew, Shahak wrote, Talmudic scholars interpret the commandment "Thou shall notkill," to mean that a Jew is proscribed only from killing another Jew. Non-jews, on the other hand,are fair game and can be killed like animals. The rest <strong>of</strong> the Mosaic law is interpreted likewiseconcerning treatment <strong>of</strong> non-Jews, according the Shahak's book. Unbeknownst to most Americans,the key judges who have overseen the most important 9-11 lawsuits and Michael Chert<strong>of</strong>f, the Asst.Attorney General who directed the non-investigation <strong>of</strong> 9-11, are all members <strong>of</strong> this extremely racistand un-American religious sect. They, like the other key <strong>of</strong>ficials involved in the 9-11 conspiracy,were all raised and educated in this tradition. The judges, <strong>of</strong>ficials, and advisors involved at everycritical point <strong>of</strong> the 9-11 conspiracy and cover-up are all Jewish Zionists dedicated to the State <strong>of</strong>Israel. This is how Zionist agents have been able to cover up the truth <strong>of</strong> what really happened on 9-11. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Michael Chert<strong>of</strong>f, the former assistant attorneygeneral responsible for the criminal division <strong>of</strong> the Dept. <strong>of</strong> Justice. Chert<strong>of</strong>f was the keyZionist gate-keeper and controller <strong>of</strong> the "non-investigation" <strong>of</strong> 9-11.THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATANThe Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun is a Zionist synagogue, according to its missionstatement. It defines itself as a "modern Orthodox" synagogue, which is "deeply committed"to "an unbreakable bond with the State <strong>of</strong> Israel and its citizens." The orthodox branch <strong>of</strong>Judaism is a minority sect making up about 10 percent <strong>of</strong> American Jews. This minority sect, however, wields immensepower in the government and courts <strong>of</strong> the United States. The Kehilath Jeshurun congregation has a long history <strong>of</strong>shaping the Zionist agenda. In the 1920s, for example, it hosted orthodox Zionist conferences where plans were discussedto bring all the Jews <strong>of</strong> Russia to the southwestern United States. "Our identification with the State <strong>of</strong> Israel and our fellowJews extends well beyond the more conventional UJA/Federation, Israel Bonds and tree-planting campaigns," thecongregation's mission statement says – and indeed it does. The Kehilath Jeshurun congregation acts as an agency <strong>of</strong>Israel on the Upper East Side <strong>of</strong> Manhattan and some <strong>of</strong> its members occupy positions <strong>of</strong> power within the government <strong>of</strong>the United States. The "modern" orthodox congregation also has a long history <strong>of</strong> calling for segregation and separation <strong>of</strong>Jews from Christians and Christian influences in the community. Like other orthodox Jews, the congregation is opposed toReform Judaism, the largest branch <strong>of</strong> Judaism. Orthodox religious expression is the only form <strong>of</strong> Judaism that isrecognized by the State <strong>of</strong> Israel. As a religious sect that is based on race, intermarriage between Jews and Christians isanathema to orthodox Jews like Chert<strong>of</strong>f, Hellerstein, and Mukasey.ROOTS IN THE PALE OF SETTLEMENTLike most Zionists, the parents or grandparents <strong>of</strong>Chert<strong>of</strong>f, Hellerstein, and Mukasey are from thelargely uncivilized frontier region between the Russianand German spheres <strong>of</strong> influence known as the Pale <strong>of</strong>Settlement. The Pale <strong>of</strong> Settlement refers to theexpanse that reaches from Lithuania to the Black Sea,a region between Prussia and the Russian Empire <strong>of</strong>Catherine the Great, who created the Pale in 1791.The Pale existed until 1917 and is occupied today byUkraine, Poland, Belarus, and Lithuania. The areasaround Brest-Litovsk, Grodno, and Byalistok had thelargest concentrations <strong>of</strong> Jews and were hotbeds <strong>of</strong>Zionist activity in the late 1800s. Jews outnumberedChristians in some <strong>of</strong> the towns, such as Grodno, anold Lithuanian city. When Catherine the Greatannexed this western region, she banned the AsiaticJews who lived there from coming to Russia. TheseJews were primarily descendents <strong>of</strong> the displacedKhazars who had converted to Judaism in the 8thCentury. In the Pale <strong>of</strong> Settlement, the Khazar Jews,generally referred to as Ashkenazi, usually lived incommunities separated from the non-Jewish peoplethey lived among.MUKASEY & HIS YESHIVAThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 532

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