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INTERMARRIAGE: Sabbateans only marry within their demonic sect.Sabbateans only marry within their demonic sect. They <strong>of</strong>ten marry rich, influential Gentiles. Thus, the Fourth BaronRothschild (Jacob's) mother was not Jewish nor is his wife. Another example is Al Gore's daughter Karenna's 1997marriage to Andrew Schiff, the great grandson <strong>of</strong> Jacob Schiff. Gore's father was a Senator sponsored by Armand Hammer(Occidental Petroleum) whose own father was the founder <strong>of</strong> the American Communist party. Like Hitlery and Dubya, AlGore is another Illuminati agent.CONCLUSIONMankind is in the grip <strong>of</strong> a vicious Satanic cult whose poweris so great, they can make their war against humanity seemnormal and inevitable. Even when their plot is exposed, theycan convince everyone that it is racist and in bad taste tobelieve it. They have men fixated on porn while they erect apolice state. Western societyis morally bankrupt. This elaborate cult network controlspolitics, information and culture. Most leaders are dupes ortraitors. The "Intelligentsia" has been bribed while the public is distracted and lives in a fool's paradise. Like most nationsand religions, Jews have been subverted from within. Zionists are pawns <strong>of</strong> the Sabbateans who used the "holocaust" toengineer the creation <strong>of</strong> Israel. Millions <strong>of</strong> Jews been "sacrificed" to create a Sabbatean Homeland, a "burnt <strong>of</strong>fering" toSatan. God gave man Life: a Miracle full <strong>of</strong> inherent Beauty and Meaning. He gave us everything we need to developaccording to his Plan. But people who think limitless power and wealth are better than infinite love have hijackedhumanity. They want to spoil our Divine Rendezvous and enslave us instead. This is the real meaning <strong>of</strong> our politics andour time.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 529

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