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Web pages visited, and contents <strong>of</strong> the communications. So-called law enforcement takes total precedence over the rights<strong>of</strong> citizens. You will be spied upon 24/7. Furthermore anyone who publishes the truth will be regarded as an enemy <strong>of</strong> thestate – a terrorist. If ISPS’ don’t comply they will be fined and imprisoned for up to one year. The supposed reason for thelaw is to catch child pornographers and pedophiles. If they want to do that all they have to do for openers is go to theWhite House or see George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger. The European Parliament has already approved suchlegislation for the Internet, telephone and voice over Internet Protocol (VOLP). The law opens the door to governmentfishing expeditions and unbounded data collecting. The first thing on Sensenbrenner’s agenda is to go after all alternativenews sources and get them <strong>of</strong>f the Internet so the public cannot access the truth. It is very important this bill is defeated.Please send this message on to others, and you and they contact everyone in Congress to stop this monstrosity. Yes, andremove Sensenbrenner from Congress.Scott Silverman, chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> VeriChip Corp., has alarmed civil libertarians by promoting the company’ssubcutaneous human tracking device as a way to identify illegal aliens, immigrants and guest workers. Sorry, we’ll find abetter way Scott. Once they finished working on that group we’d be next. This we can promise you is something thegovernment is seriously considering. They are presently considering chipping our troops with RFID chips to replace dogtags and to deposit medical records within the solder. The president says Congress can oversight security. This maneuveris just a method <strong>of</strong> letting a toothless and impotent Congress save face. The terms on which they receive the informationhe lets them have will include a promise not to publicly criticize its limitations. That will be deftly embedded in a generalnondisclosure agreement. The threats are prosecution and jail if anyone breaks the promise, plus revocation <strong>of</strong> the entireoversight agreements for all persons. This and NSA spying is serious, but the administration is about to give itselfpermission to make an all-out attack on Iran. We’ll see if it will materialize.Taxpayers will soon get a surprise bill that could exceed $1 trillion for the cost <strong>of</strong> paying future medical benefits for stateand local workers who retire. They have set aside $2.5 trillion to help pay for 190 million civil servants and 7 millionretirees, but they have set aside almost nothing to pay for retiree medical benefits. We anticipate a taxpayer revolt. Theburdens on local government are so great that we’ll probably end up with national health care. As an example, NYC’sliability is $50 billion and the city’s entire budget last year was $53 billion. The federal government also has a $2.3 trillionunfunded liability for medical and disability benefits promised to civil servants and military personnel who retire. Theshortfalls in Medicare is $33.4 trillion and in Social Security $4.6 trillion. It doesn’t look good. The global derivativesmarket expanded to a record $298 trillion in the second half <strong>of</strong> 2005, led by a 34% increase in contracts to insure debtpayment, says the BIS, Bank for International Settlements. Total credit-default swaps rose to $13.7 trillion. Sir AlanGreenspan says, “Home sales are <strong>of</strong>f, applications are <strong>of</strong>f, everything is going in the same direction. The boom is over,and you can say that with a fairly strong degree <strong>of</strong> confidence.” No kidding Dick Tracy – we forecast the fall last June andit began last September. As always, Alan was one-year behind the curve. What Alan is really saying is prepare for thegreat dark pit, which I planned for you.They are at it again. The Justice Department is accusing Abbott Laboratories <strong>of</strong> vastly inflating prices <strong>of</strong> its drugs as a part<strong>of</strong> a fraudulent billing scheme alleged to have cost government health programs more than $175 million over 10 years.They raised the price <strong>of</strong> the intravenous antibiotic Vancomycin as much as 18 times what it charged, knowing that theMedicare and Medicaid programs would reimburse the providers based on the manufacturer’s price. This is a whistleblowerclaim. Their greed has no boundaries. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias says he will consider putting thesale <strong>of</strong> oil in Euros. He said in London he felt the EU had made a great contribution with the euro. Since last October,Venezuela has transferred a large portion <strong>of</strong> its $30.4 billion <strong>of</strong> foreign reserves out <strong>of</strong> US Treasures and into banks andother financial instruments in Europe.It is absolutely no wonder the Fed doesn’t want to publish M3. Bank credit surged $43.3 billion to a record $7.890 trillion,with a y-t-d <strong>of</strong> $384 billion or 14% annualized. Year-on-Year its up 11.3%. Securities credit was up $8.6 billion. Loans andleases jumped $34.7 billion for the week which is out <strong>of</strong> sight, with a y-t-d gain <strong>of</strong> $121 billion or 11%. Commercial andindustrial loans have expanded at a 16.5% rate y-t-d and 14.5% y-o-y. Real estate loans rose $9.4 billion, up 10.5% y-tdand up 12.8% y-o-y. Consumer loans were up $1.2 billion and securities loans expanded $16.9 billion. Other loans wereup $7.3 billion. Large time deposits gained $1.6 billion. M2 dropped $23.9 billion to $6.770 trillion. Year-on-year its up4.4% and y-t-d 3.3%. <strong>Money</strong> market fund assets jumped $13.4 billion to $2.058 trillion. Total commercial paper jumped$8.1 billion to $1.767 trillion. Total CP is up 18.6% y-t-d and 16.6% y-o-y. Asset Backed Securities, ABS issuance, was up$17 billion. Year-to-date total ABS issuance <strong>of</strong> $261 billion is slightly ahead <strong>of</strong> 2005’s record pace, with y-t-d home equityloan ABS sales <strong>of</strong> $184 billion, 10% above last year. Fed foreign holdings <strong>of</strong> Treasury paper and Agency securitiesincreased $3.4 billion to $1.624 trillion. Custody holdings were up $105 billion y-t-d, or 18.0% annualized and $220 billionor 15.7% y-o-y.The head <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> Federal Air Marshals says the service is badly broken. Right now they cannot protect the public.It’s not that they are not pr<strong>of</strong>icient, but because the Department <strong>of</strong> Fatherland Security, won’t let them do their jobs. AirMarshals are not able to work undercover because check-in and boarding procedures at airports make it impossible forthem to maintain their anonymity. Everyone on the plane ends up knowing who they are. They have pursued the matterfor three years and there has been retaliation by the service. What a government. Boeing will pay $615 million to endfederal investigations into its illegal hiring <strong>of</strong> a high-ranking Air Force <strong>of</strong>ficial. This is the largest penalty ever paid by adefense contractor. As usual, the connected elitists don’t go to jail.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 515

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