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fund and direct violent and non-violent overthrows <strong>of</strong> governments and assist in assassinations. In the late 1950s we reada book entitled, “The Ugly American.” It was about how USAID worked in Asia and was made into a movie, so this isnothing new. The specialty <strong>of</strong> almost all <strong>of</strong> these organizations is destabilization, the creation <strong>of</strong> mobs preventing electedgovernments from ruling, stuffing ballot boxes, chaos and violence. They funded the civic Forum in Czechoslovakia,Solidarity in Poland, Union <strong>of</strong> Democratic Forces in Bulgaria, Otpor, groups within the USSR and the Orange Revolution inUkraine. The NED, Rockefeller, Ford and Soros groups move pr<strong>of</strong>essional dissidents from one country to anotherfomenting problems. Wherever there is an opening these elitists’ fronts step into fray and take advantage <strong>of</strong> the situationto further globalization or control. So when you hear NGO take a hard look because anything they are doing is not in yourbest interests.Vice President Dick Cheney has just spit in our face again. He does the outrageous and hopes to get away with it. Hecontinues to argue that NSA should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without warrants inthe hunt for terrorists. This in spite <strong>of</strong> the fact that the majority <strong>of</strong> Americans are against such violations <strong>of</strong> their personalrights. In actuality this program was designed and promoted by Gen. Michael V. Hayden when he ran the NSA in 2001.This man was the principal architect <strong>of</strong> the plan, so now they want to put him in charge <strong>of</strong> the CIA. Hayden really believesthe spy program is legal. This man has to be a fascist sociopath. It is illegal for the NSA to violate FISA and it’s as simpleas that. In fact, it isn’t even within his venue or job to defend such a program in behalf <strong>of</strong> the Neocons. If this man runsthe CIA we all have much to fear. He is as crazy as the rest <strong>of</strong> the cabal in the White House. Kuwait has revalued thedinar for the first time in 17 months, which sparked a rally in regional currencies and intense market speculation thatSaudi Arabia would follow. The devaluation is against the US dollar against which the dinar is pegged. That is asterilization process to combat inflation. The Democrats won’t attempt to impeach President Bush and VP Cheney. Theydon’t want the issue as an impediment as they try to remove Republicans from <strong>of</strong>fice in November. In addition, manyDemocrats have been compromised or bought <strong>of</strong>f. It is incredible that they can say they won’t impeach even after theNovember election. The Army Corp <strong>of</strong> Engineers has cancelled the work remaining on a $70 million project to refurbish 20hospitals in Iraq, deepening a dispute with Parsons Engineering, one <strong>of</strong> Americans largest contractors operating in Iraq.That leaves 8 hospitals to be completed by another operator. There were 150 that were supposed to be completed.As we write this on Sunday we see versus the dollar over the last month the Yen is up 7.48%, the Euro 6.09%, the Britishpound 7.86% and gold moved up 19.33%. What would you expect when the Fed intonates that they’ll have one or twomore interest rate increases and the G-7 says the dollar has to be managed downward. Fed Chairman Bernanke has twochoices, increase rates and have a slowly descending dollar, and a slowly descending economy, or keep rates the sameand see the dollar plunge. Whatever the choice and we believe it will be higher rates, it will be a long time before ratescan be cut. Every business day the US economy needs $3.5 billion <strong>of</strong> new net flow <strong>of</strong> money from foreigners to financethe current account deficit. If it stops the dollar plunges and perhaps the US slides into bankruptcy and the dollar is nolonger the World’s reserve currency. The World’s other central bankers are sending a message as well, they sold a net$14.4 billion in US assets this month and we still have two weeks to go. That is the most since 8/98, which is significant.These banks cannot be aggressive. They do not want to drive the dollar lower if they can help it because their foreignexchange reserves are 45% to 63% in US dollars. This means the dollar can go nowhere but down, as we have predictedfor some time.Sir Alan Greenspan ducked out after he increased M3 $4.3 trillion in six years <strong>of</strong> the Bush neocon administration. That isabout $717 billion a year. This <strong>of</strong> course is in part what is keeping the stock market at current levels and that credit andmoney Bernanke keeps pouring only adds fuel to the inflationary fire in an attempt to keep the US economy fromdeflating. Why would any sane person want to hold dollars? The trade deficit will be $800 billion and we believe foreignershave finally had enough <strong>of</strong> US monetary, fiscal and personal pr<strong>of</strong>ligacy. It took them six years to catch on. Let’s hope itdoesn’t take six years for them to discover their salvation, the only real currency gold and gold related assets. Thekindness <strong>of</strong> strangers is at an end. US debt is increasing at five times GDP, as household debt knows no end, increasing12%. As interest rates rise and house prices fall there will not be $640 billion available to spend from home equity likethere was in 2005. Consumption will fall from 71% <strong>of</strong> GDP to 64.5% or less. That $2 trillion taken out <strong>of</strong> home equity overthe past five years will no longer be available again. In the first quarter, 88% <strong>of</strong> loans that were financed were done atleast 5% above their previous mortgages. This is the most since 9/90, when the last real estate collapse occurred. All themoney has been spent, there is no savings and personal debt is colossal. Bernanke is still feeding the monster - just lookat the credit expansion figures every week. They are out <strong>of</strong> sight. Credit <strong>of</strong> all types averages about 14% and the moneysupply is climbing at 9 1/2% to 10%. If you middle them you have 12% and most major countries are doing the samething. The amount <strong>of</strong> money borrowed by Americans is far beyond sanity. It’s like the one last big fling. No one, includinggovernment, seems to care as mortgage foreclosures jump 72% in the first quarter. As rates go higher foreclosures willmount exponentially. Home sales are <strong>of</strong>f more than 2%, inventories have doubled in months and prices are downnationwide almost 4%. The market has topped and is descending as real estate loans expand 11%. What can theyconceivably be thinking <strong>of</strong>? The economy has topped out and there is only one way to go and that is down. Wait until therest <strong>of</strong> the home equity is gone. You will hear a great thud just like you heard in California in 1990.These catastrophic circumstances are going to affect the entire World. None is going to escape unless they are in gold andsilver. We are a year or two away from major bank failures. There has been no turning back for five years. The greatpurging has begun and it will last for a number <strong>of</strong> years. You have no idea how bad this is going to get. You must prepareyourselves. You must be in gold and silver assets. The current war in Iraq is destroying America’s finances - $440 billionfor 2007 - a budget for war bigger than the next 25 nations combined, spending this year will be more than $600 billion.This is a sure way to bankruptcy. It is no wonder the idiot in the White House has a 29% approval rating. The onlyThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 510

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