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started with the demise <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union, but the insider relationships go back to the 1960s. In fact, Schultz, Rohatynand Kissinger were the key planners <strong>of</strong> the CIA overthrow and murder <strong>of</strong> Chilean President Salvador Allende, and theinstallation <strong>of</strong> the military junta <strong>of</strong> Augusto Pinochet, whom they later threw to the dogs. This is a key part <strong>of</strong> America’selite, those who hold all our institutions and people in contempt.This is the beginning <strong>of</strong> the formation <strong>of</strong> an SS similar to that <strong>of</strong> Nazi Germany, Men and women who swear allegiance tocorporations and not to America. These will be organizations in service to the state, which will be made part <strong>of</strong> the budget<strong>of</strong> the Defense Department and have special legal status. These mercenaries operate beyond the law and totally apartfrom what will serve as the American Army. Once all is in place we will have dictatorial government. In Iraq, thesemercenary armies have received $150 million and $200 million additional that cannot be accounted for. These areovercharges by the contractors. We have already had massive privatization <strong>of</strong> military functions, logistical support,combat engineering, intelligence and interrogations not to mention combat. These contracts are so well entrenched thatthey already control our military. There are more than 150,0000 contractors in Iraq alone. That really means we have300,000 personnel in Iraq, not 150,000. One <strong>of</strong> the most freighting aspects is the DOD Counterintelligence Field activitywhose mission is to develop and manage DOD counterintelligence programs, technology, critical infrastructure, economicsecurity and US interests, against foreign influence and manipulation as well as to detect and neutralize espionage againstthe department is that it operates secretly. Its budget is classified and all we know is that there are 1,000 employees andthat 70% <strong>of</strong> its work is contracted out. Their mission includes roving patrols around military bases and facilities tosurveillance <strong>of</strong> potentially threatening people or organizations inside the US. It also identifies and assesses threats fromforeign intelligence services, terrorists, and other clandestine or covert entities. They have psychologists for support aswell as a team <strong>of</strong> renowned forensic psychologists who are engaged in risk assessments <strong>of</strong> the Guantanamo detainees.They are also used to direct torture. Talon, another arm, is engaged in a massive domestic surveillance program,targeting antiwar groups and other political activists, with no al Qaeda or other terrorist link. That is you and us. This isachieved in part by data mining, the cross-grid scores <strong>of</strong> government and commercial databases, containing creditinformation, employment records, and other personal data on millions <strong>of</strong> law-abiding Americans. This is a legacy <strong>of</strong> Adm.John Poindexter, who probably still is connected to CIFA.The global association <strong>of</strong> mercenaries has its own association to promote the privatization <strong>of</strong> war, the International PeaceOperations Association. That name is right out <strong>of</strong> Orwell’s 1984. These are nothing more than murders for hire. The cabalhas been successful so far. They are now supplying 50% <strong>of</strong> the personnel for war. The pr<strong>of</strong>its are giant and usually on nobid-contracts. This is where our country is headed and we had better stop it. If we do not, we’ll all end up in internmentcamps. There is nothing random or unlucky about the coming fall <strong>of</strong> the dollar. Economic and financial policies in place foryears guaranteed that we would have a dollar crisis. It has arrived and the carnage will be spectacular after all is said anddone. Since 1971, the dollar has been a salvage operation. Bailout after bailout: 1974, 1982, 1990, 2000 and today. It’s awonder the dollar has held up as the World’s reserve currency as long as it has. The dollar bubble has been pricked and itis headed down. The elitists cannot force the nations who continually revalue their currencies to stop. There are morethan 150 currencies doing it led by China. The US rather than implement tariffs are devaluing the dollar. The problem isthat will solve very little. The global savings glut as it is called is about to end. Nations won’t have to borrow or buy dollarsto keep their currencies weak. The dollar is <strong>of</strong>ficially going to devalue. In that process two-thirds <strong>of</strong> international reservesthat are in dollars will suffer major losses. We would also expect the $2.6 billion in dollar flow each day will eventuallycease and that problem will have to be solved by the Federal Reserve buying U.S. Treasury securities and monetizingthem, which is highly inflationary. This is one reason why it’s been so easy for us to predict interest rates. If the dollar isfalling, higher interest rates are not going to help much. Investors are finally starting to catch on and they are bailing out<strong>of</strong> dollar-denominated assets. Next they’ll be joined by small countries and then large countries. This will take two yearsand the fallout will be gruesome. This is why gold, silver and commodities are over performing and will continue to do so.Investors are saying where do I go that is relatively safe and that I can <strong>of</strong>fset World inflation? They have no otheralternative than gold and silver and commodities. We have been long gold and silver assets for six years and oursubscribers are doing very well, but we are the exception.International elitists and Fed policy now demand a weaker dollar; weakening as slowly as possible to avoid a panic. Thosewho believe the decline will be orderly are mistaken. The root <strong>of</strong> the problem has not been solved and that is excessivedollar liquidity creation and an incessant outbound flow. That creation <strong>of</strong> excess liquidity has not stopped; it has gottenworse. Look at our weekly statistics. It’s no wonder M3 was terminated. Now we have an <strong>of</strong>ficial policy <strong>of</strong> dollardevaluation and at the same time massive creation <strong>of</strong> monetary aggregates. A hyperinflationary depression is on the wayand it is being aided and abetted by other major central banks that are raising interest rates like the Fed and at the sametime increasing monetary aggregates by more than 10%. No one wants to be left out <strong>of</strong> the upside action while it lasts,because it won’t last much longer. One <strong>of</strong> the reasons for this continued great outpouring <strong>of</strong> liquidity is that the US realestate market is dead and falling. All those cash-out and equity loans are history – at least as we have known it. In orderto support and liquefy the economy, now that mortgage borrowing is going to be history, Americans have to be forceddeeper into debt with freely accessible money. The consequence <strong>of</strong> a lower dollar is higher import prices and higherinflation. That will be accompanied by ever-greater volatility and more as more money and credit enters the system. Thatmeans World stock, bond and real estate prices will fall. As we just saw last week, import prices are moving aggressivelyhigher. The G-7, IMF, “Plaza-lite” Accord will be anything but lite. This will be a blood bath. Even if the dollar decline is“orderly” it will none the less be nasty. All the central banks are doing is buying time.This past week we saw the first trial balloon on the campaign <strong>of</strong> Jeb Bush to become the next Republican nominee forpresident. The neocons have been accumulating funds for Jeb for six years in an attempt to extend the dynasty. We areThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 508

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