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AMY GOODMAN: John Perkins, author <strong>of</strong> Confessions <strong>of</strong> an Economic Hit Man. To purchase an audio or video copy <strong>of</strong> thisentire program, click here for our new online ordering or call 1 (888) 999-3877.Current State <strong>of</strong> Affairs (as <strong>of</strong> May 2006)There is no question in our minds that the US will go bankrupt and there will be a debt workout <strong>of</strong> something like $0.30on the dollar. Our country has been stripped <strong>of</strong> its ability to compete. We cannot compete with slave labor. Out <strong>of</strong> thesocial, financial and economic chaos that awaits us the Illuminists, our enemies, intend to impose a New World Order. Thiscorporatist fascist movement came into being in 1980, and it plans to deliver America into slavery in the next ten years.All advanced in age, the trillionaire titans <strong>of</strong> conspiracy, want to see success before they meet their demise. Analysts havesaid that two factions are coordinating over the shape <strong>of</strong> the future Fascist New World Order. One faction, represented inthe Republic party, are the Nazis (remember, the Bush Dynastry traded with the Nazis) and the other faction, representedin the Democratic party, are the Communists (remember, the Rothschild and Rockefeller banks also funded theCommunists). They are <strong>of</strong> course working for the same Rothschild/Vatican-Jesuit/Masonic dynasties, using the rest <strong>of</strong> theWorld’s peoples as their pawns. Now, let’s see what some <strong>of</strong> these guys are upto lately towards their drive to create theU.S.S.A. modeled on the U.S.S.R./Nazism with more details from the International Forecaster’s Bob Chapman (MAY 2006#3 Vol. 10 No. 5-3, P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951-051800, International_forecaster@yahoo.comwww.theinternationalforecaster.com ).I think Vice President Dick Cheney believes he is the reincarnation <strong>of</strong> Herman Goring. 9-11 was the elitist version <strong>of</strong> theReichstag fire and it was the operative event that was used to introduce forms <strong>of</strong> dictatorship that had been formulatedyears before when Mr. Cheney was Secretary <strong>of</strong> Defense under George H. W. Bush. The vehicle for total control <strong>of</strong> theAmerican people was the USA Patriot Act and following legislation. After that was accomplished military and intelligenceoperations were taken out <strong>of</strong> the hands <strong>of</strong> government and into the control <strong>of</strong> private and public corporations. This wasthe transition to the corporatist fascist state. After George H. W. Bush was defeated for a second presidential term Mr.Cheney took over as CEO <strong>of</strong> Halliburton. Later he and George P. Schultz, who was the CEO <strong>of</strong> Bechtel, formed the Bush-Cheney team for the presidency. We know what transpired and after in <strong>of</strong>fice with Cheney crony, Don Rumsfeld, the liesbegan and at the same time military and intelligence was in part turned over to Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle and othercrony companies. This is when this triumvirate took over the entire American intelligence operation. What has followed isthe worst corruption in modern times. Not only the stealing, but also the spying on Americans, privatized torture, abuseand murder and holding people without charges for years and kidnapping them <strong>of</strong>f the streets <strong>of</strong> the World in violation <strong>of</strong>the sovereign laws <strong>of</strong> other countries. This is what murderous dictators do. Through globalization, private mercenaryarmies, private secret police forces all run by firms such as Halliburton and Bechtel, anyone who speaks out is hunteddown and silenced or murdered. Via globalization, which is the elimination <strong>of</strong> the nation-state, power is transferred fromthe nation state to elitist transnational corporate cartels. The system becomes totally predatory. First it’s the elimination<strong>of</strong> whole industries, then public investments, then governments and then the World.The table is set by the creation <strong>of</strong> perpetual war for perpetual peace. The masses are eventually against the wars but arepowerless to stop them. The wars are theatre devised as distraction to keep the citizens focused on what is a stage play,as the globalists steal your freedom, livelihood and your entire way <strong>of</strong> life. This is to be the recreation <strong>of</strong> Imperial Romevia the financer oligarchy and the control <strong>of</strong> America’s vast military machine. A World system <strong>of</strong> interlocking syndicates,which rule people, not governments. This is how we know financial collapse is in process. It has been used many timesbefore albeit unsuccessfully. This is a threat to civilized life, as we have known it. Justice is first perverted and thendestroyed. You cannot defend your rights against the state if they own the system. Power is being transferred from thenation-state to the international financial interests. This is not only treason; it is the destruction <strong>of</strong> our laws and culture.This has to be reversed and the only way to affect that legally is to take over Congress in the next election, voting almostall <strong>of</strong> the participants out <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice and then impeaching our President and Vice President. If we are unsuccessful in doingthat, then the only resort left for the masses could be a new declaration <strong>of</strong> independence from the BankLords.One <strong>of</strong> the top priorities on the Illuminists’ agenda is the privatization <strong>of</strong> national security, better known as the PrincetonProject. It is to affect the expansion <strong>of</strong> the privatization <strong>of</strong> military functions through private military companies, or privatemercenary armies. This is funded in part by the Ford Foundation and is co-chaired by George Schultz <strong>of</strong> Bechtel and FelixRohatyn, a powerful financier and strong backer <strong>of</strong> Israel. This group is attempting to eliminate the sovereign nationstate,by outsourcing to multinational corporations, virtually all national security and military functions, including all noncombatas well as core combat functions <strong>of</strong> the military itself. This transfer in power, privatization, will be justified by theperpetual global war on terrorism. It will be readily acceptable to the public because their children won’t be drafted intothe military. Those who choose the pr<strong>of</strong>ession will eliminate the need for that. This process has already begun as quasiprivatebands <strong>of</strong> commandos are sent around the World with a license to kill, and domestically to spy on Americancitizens. The personnel for these operations come from Delta Force, Navy Seals, Green Berets and other special militaryunits. They are given temporary leave to work for private contractors and later can return to active duty with no loss <strong>of</strong>rank or service time. When killed on mission they are not counted among US casualties. In finality there is no differencebetween military and mercenary.This marks America’s slide back into feudalism. Needless to say, the public doesn’t have a clue that this is what is beingdone to them. It is the intention to carry this kind <strong>of</strong> privatization beyond security services. Thus, our military will be runfor pr<strong>of</strong>it by transnational conglomerates that have a vested interest in perpetual warfare for pr<strong>of</strong>it. This movementThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 507

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