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Well, the commies <strong>of</strong> Brazil flew up to New York andWashington, where they got raked over the coals, and,chastised, they went back to Brazil to forget the whole'revolutionary plan' for that malnourished baby snack foodprogram and that dollar a day welfare program they hadcampaigned on. The Bush administration then gave warmcongratulations to the communists for winning Brazil'selections, and Wall Street rallied, once they realized that evencommunists and socialist were utterly helpless before theirpower (thus cheering everyone up, and leading to that rarelittle Wall street rally that always follows a 'communistvictory').As for Brazil's commies, well they were trapped between arock hard tycoon and the anger <strong>of</strong> those millions <strong>of</strong>impoverished Brazilians who were hoping to get a betterstandard <strong>of</strong> life by making it up to the dollar a day level andhaving their malnourished babies get at least one snack a day.Well, when in a difficult spot like that, the commies did the only thing they could do, and they hired a bunch <strong>of</strong> Braziliancelebrities, and then took out Television advertising. The theme was, 'this is little Joe. For less than a copy up c<strong>of</strong>fee perday, you can see that little Joe gets a nutritious snack.' From what I heard that idea wasn't working worth a damn, sincethe people with all the money didn't want to get taxed to give little Joe a snack, and they aren't any more enthused aboutbeing taxed 'voluntarily' by donating some money to that snack food appeal fund. As for the growing rage among Brazil'spopulation, now that the charade is exposed, and they understand that democracy does not exist, and the globalizationagenda is just the tyrannical rule <strong>of</strong> tycoons, well the situtation is getting ripe for something, like a ripe fat plum, like thegrapes <strong>of</strong> wrath hanging heavily on the vine, waiting for harvest...Multinationals are leading a “second invasion” <strong>of</strong> corporate interests seeking to seize control <strong>of</strong> Iraq’s oil, water and otherresources that belong to the Iraqi people. It’s time to stop the war pr<strong>of</strong>iteers and corporate looters <strong>of</strong> Iraq.Join the Campaign to STOP THE WAR PROFITEERS:Iraqi economist Basil Al Nakeeb discusses privatization in Iraq underthe US plan. Focusing on the cell phone tender <strong>of</strong>fered in September, his analysis reflects the entire scope <strong>of</strong> theprivatization <strong>of</strong> the Iraqi economy for foreign investors. PrivatizingIraq.mp3 (8192 k)More on Why Iraq was invaded? <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Money</strong> for the Illuminatis and Zionists!In addition to paving the way for the future expansion <strong>of</strong> the Masonic State <strong>of</strong> Israel, the Banksters/BankLords are alsoadvancing their New World Order Tyranny agenda. First, let’s have a look at the FRN (Federal Reserve Note) Dollarimplications <strong>of</strong> Saddam’s shift to the Euro for oil trading from .Many third World countries and other countries propagandize to their citizens that they are holding large reserves <strong>of</strong>Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) also known as the US Dollars. The fact is that this only benefits the BankLords and does notbenefit the citizens <strong>of</strong> these other countries. The FRNs represent an I OWE U by the Federal Reserve System Banks. Whena country holds FRNs, it is actually loosing purchasing power as the value <strong>of</strong> what goods and services one can acquire isconstantly decreasing. Thus the citizens <strong>of</strong> that country actually gave something to the BankLords but never got anythingin return as the FRNs will be waiting to be spent forever, and now with the large increase in oil prices, there are more FRNdollars floating and waiting to be spent forever. Richard Douthwaite explains further how Bush is working for Big Oil andthe BankLords. He can't let the Euro replace the dollar for oil deals which was SADDAM'S UNFORGIVABLE SIN. Iraq hasbeen accused <strong>of</strong> many crimes, but topping the list is the unforgivable sin <strong>of</strong> trading oil for Euros instead <strong>of</strong> AmericanDollars.The dollar is the World reserve currency. This gives a huge subsidy to the US economy because if a country wants to holdlots <strong>of</strong> dollars in reserve they must supply the US with goods and services in return for those dollars. In return the UScreates a bit more credit. The more dollars there are circulating outside the US, the more goods and services the US hasimported virtually for free. This is how the US manages to run a huge trade deficit year after year without apparently anymajor economic consequences. No other country can run such a large trade deficit with impunity. It is in effect getting amassive interest-free loan from the rest <strong>of</strong> the World which it will never have to repay and which keeps growing. One <strong>of</strong>Europe's primary objectives, if not the primary objective, <strong>of</strong> setting up the Euro was to try and get some <strong>of</strong> this free lunchfor Europe. If the Euro became a major reserve currency, or better still replaced the dollar as the major reserve currency,then Europe too could get something for nothing. This would be a disaster for the US. Not only would they lose theirsubsidy, which has been increasing in size and in importance to American economic well being as the years have gone by,but countries switching to Euro reserves from dollar reserves would start spending their dollars in the US. In other wordsthe US would have to start paying its debts to other countries. As countries converted their dollar assets into Euro assetsthe US property and stock market bubbles would, without doubt, burst. The Federal Reserve would no longer be able toprint more money to reflate the bubble as it is currently openly considering doing, There is, however, one major obstacleto this happening: OIL! Oil is <strong>of</strong> course by far the most important commodity traded internationally, and if you want tobuy oil on the international markets you usually have to have dollars.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 499

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