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that. But they won't care because they will have total global domination.GP: Well, you know, there is a chink in the armor, it's just like when there are such people like I was mentioning, I spenta lot <strong>of</strong> time with the former chief economist <strong>of</strong> the World Bank, I guess he was fired because he simply started askingquestions. He wasn't, you know, he wasn't trying to totally raise a ruckus here. This is Joe Stigletz and he just won theNobel Prize in Economics, so now he has some protection. He was saying, "Look, I looked at these documents and itlooked to me like they were deliberately trying to foment riots to just make countries explode." And they called it, youknow, this we know that these proposals, in these secret documents, we know that these proposals led to what we callsocial unrest - and by social unrest, <strong>of</strong> course, they mean riots. Like people burning cars in the capital. And then it says,and this social unrest will have to be met with strong resolve <strong>of</strong> the government. Now strong resolve doesn't take much totranslate, that means tanks in the street.AJ: And that means men in black uniforms beating women over the heads with baseball bats.GP: So I said to Stiglitz, I said I mean it looks like you are trying to do this. He said, "Yeah, we used to call it the IMFriot." He says, "They knew what the effect would be. They knew that they squeezed people. That they would take basicsupplies - cooking oil, food, basic petroleum products, heating, gas, things like that and now increase the prices like 500-600-700 %. Drop social security payments, old age pension by one-third. That type <strong>of</strong> thing. He said, <strong>of</strong> course you knowwhat will happen. That will lead to an explosion. Once that explosion occurs, socially, then there's tanks in the street. Andit's very easy to then impose the, what are called, the conditionalities which are the conditions, on average there are 111conditionalities imposed on nations. Most <strong>of</strong> these are kept secret. Very few are ever made public.AJ: So before we get into those, we are back to problem, reaction, solution. They come in and create the crisis, fomentthe descent, and then <strong>of</strong>fer their solution - even more tyranny. And here's the problem, I've focus mainly and have madeseveral feature length documentary films that have even aired on commercial television about the police state, thecommercial TV stations that have the will to air them, Police State 2000 and the TakeOver. We show in Seattle where theyhad Special Ops, Delta Force on the ground in '99 and they had actually hired and trained these 50 thugs to discredit the50,000 peaceful protestors. Left and right coming together saying, wait the WTO is six years old, and is saying we haveno authority and it's going to force genetically modified foods into out crops and our biosphere. This is a realenvironmental crisis, not the phony environmentalism we see the media pushing, it wasjust a property grab. And I have police, I have the news articles, I have the eye witnesses, I have the amateur video, Ihave little clips <strong>of</strong>f the newscasts, where this was all on the news. But you didn't hear about it nationwide. Now here's theproblem. They have now issued black uniforms federally and the black armor and the black armoredvehicles with skulls painted on them or cobras, nationwide and have been training the military and the police for at leastten years. And now it's escalating. I talk to cops all the time. They pass me a brown paper envelope with the info. Theyare telling them massive unrest for the next few years, massive economic problems, and so it looks like they are gearingup to do that here, Greg Palast, from the BBC.GP: Well, you know, I'm lucky because I haven't come across that yet. I mean I can look at Venezuela, Ecuador, andArgentina. Where I have been concentrating in the States is that rip-<strong>of</strong>f in the California market by Enron, SouthernCompany, Reliant Corporation. I just found out from Dutch News Service that Reliant keeps a big giant file on me. Theyhave even created like this weird fantasy sex life <strong>of</strong> mine, that they pass around these ugly files on me. I mean this is thetype <strong>of</strong> crap that these guys are up to.AJ: How does Siemens fit into this?GP: Well, you know, there, once again, they are supplying these big power operations. I know less about them. Whatthese guys did in California. They ran a fixed casino. So I'll give you one example, Enron, they set up a supposedly freemarket where power was bid to sell into California. Enron bid 500 megawatts <strong>of</strong> power to put over a power line that couldonly handle 15 megawatts <strong>of</strong> power. Now, that sounds technical. But what it means is that you are putting in so muchmore power at the power line that it would vaporize the line. So once the California authorities realized what Enron wasabout to do, that the line would vaporize, <strong>of</strong> course, they couldn't do that. And now Southern California was about to goblack -a complete disaster. So they said OK we can't use that power from Enron at that point from Southern California onthose lines. So now we will pay anything, absolutely anything, the price <strong>of</strong> power in one hour shot up like 10,000%. Somehuge amount. And who was there to sell them that power at that huge amount? Enron. From the other points in thesystem. So, as Enron pulls the market and basically seizes the light switch, jerks the market and then collects the money.Now the federal government basically figured out this one trick <strong>of</strong> theirs and so did the California authorities. And Enron'sresponse to that was to go to George W. Bush and tell him to remove the regulator that caught them.AJ: Yeah, Dick Cheney's little energy fixing commission.GP: Right, exactly, and so what happened was that they, so what they did was, since the cops caught them, they said wellremove the cop. And that's the type <strong>of</strong> power that these characters had. And if you think that we are now in the clearbecause Enron has imploded...AJ: That's just a dummy corporation, they roll it over to the others ones.GP: Yeah, you've got it. You still have, remember the guy with the exploding plane - Southern Company? They are stillright in there. They are just about the biggest. And they have taken Enron's place. They are just about the biggestcontribution, s<strong>of</strong>t money contributor to the election campaign. Now, before all they do is switch over theirs<strong>of</strong>t money to what they call hard money bundle. And so it is really not going to change.AJ: It's unbelievable, but the last time we spoke you said that the globalist New World Order running the system wereeyeing the big industrialized countries, that they basically had done most <strong>of</strong> their feeding even the smaller gazelles in theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 483

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