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it's amazing, after all I am a reporter for BBC Nightly News - not exactly a fly-by-night operation. You know, they can't,you know what I mean, they can try to call me a kook. That's hard to do. I'm quite mainstream.AJ: So, let's talk about these documents. And Stiglitz, the Chief Economist quit, just to recap for those who missed theinterview back in March 4th, that again has gone out Worldwide and has been called a bombshell just because we focusedon the great reports you've done. But to just help give it some extra legs there, which is up to the listeners to do. Boil itdown, the IMF/World Bank with private shareholders but with government license as the shell corporation, go in, pay <strong>of</strong>f adictator, pay <strong>of</strong>f a group <strong>of</strong> corporations in the country to sign over water rights, pipeline rights, roads, the entireinfrastructure to them if they (quote) don't pay back the loan but, wink, wink, billions are put in the Swiss bank account <strong>of</strong>the dictator. They never pay back the loans. And then in the contract, the people are basically signed over as serfs, aschattel to the IMF/World Bank. And then they come in the next phase and say "all right you have got to go to a cashlesssociety, you got to have national ID cards," and then they raid the pension funds and totally blow out the economy. Imean this is highway robbery. This is, this is sacking countries. You know the way you put it so well in your articles. Andit's mass criminality on a global scale. Greg Palast, again from the BBC, one <strong>of</strong> the presenters on NewsnightGP: I'm an investigative reporter for Newsnight.AJ: Absolutely, over there, again on British television, I like to watch the BBC right here on the local cable channel inAustin, and he writes for the Guardian Observer - bringing the folks up to speed on who we are interviewing. You breakthis story and how does Enron tie into this, as one <strong>of</strong> their front companies?GP: Well, Enron is big in this story because their creation, Enron is basically a creation <strong>of</strong> Bush family politics and theWorld Bank and the IMF. They wouldn't exist without this... This company, remember, only began in 1986. They onlycame into existence because <strong>of</strong> the deregulation <strong>of</strong> markets in America, beginning in Texas and California,when George W. Bush was governor <strong>of</strong> Texas. Poppy Bush, as his last act, one <strong>of</strong> his last acts in <strong>of</strong>fice was to pass aderegulation <strong>of</strong> utility and electricity markets in America at the federal level. And this led to this, not to free markets, butto, in fact, the creation <strong>of</strong> super companies, about six giant super companies, big supporters <strong>of</strong> his, Enron the number onepolitical contributor to the Bush family campaign. Number three in contribution levels is Southern Company. They wereone <strong>of</strong> the early power players - really dangerous characters to be very honest. And mainly their agenda was pushedthrough the World Bank and IMF. Now, look, it may be, I'm still waiting to hear from Wolfensen, the President <strong>of</strong> theWorld Bank, that he really believes in this stuff. It looks like on paper what they are doing is planning financial coupd'etats <strong>of</strong> various nations.AJ: Yeah, they go in and set up a fall, like in 1929, blow out the economy and have the dominoes set to fall <strong>of</strong>f the tableinto their bag as they run out the door and take their masks <strong>of</strong>f and jump into the get-away car.GP: Right, so that was like - you take a country like Argentina. Enron. George W. Bush called, when he was an oil man in1988, called up the public works minister <strong>of</strong> Argentina. Under pressure from the World Bank, they are privatizing all thenations infrastructure and assets like the pipelines, the gas pipelines. George W. called the public works minister and said,"My daddy's been elected President <strong>of</strong> the United States and he would really appreciate if you would give this pipeline toEnron." Which is interesting because George W. said he didn't get to know Ken Lay, the CEO <strong>of</strong> Enron, until 1994. Thiswas six years earlier. The public works minister tells me, on camera, that this deal, he remembers the deal, even if ourpresident doesn't, because the deal he felt was clearly, it was part <strong>of</strong> a corrupt <strong>of</strong>fer to him. If he went along with a dealwhich basically would give away the natural gas <strong>of</strong> Argentina for one-fifth its price, <strong>of</strong> its value, World market price, thathe would end up with money in his Swiss bank account.AJ: So what happens here is - they come in, do backroom deals, government owns the assets and they just hand it overunder the so-called free market term privatization to globalist companies.GP: Right, it's really free market but it's not what I'm talking about free market, we are talking for example, Enron alsoseized the water company <strong>of</strong> Buenos Aires. But once they seized the water company, another company, a statebeneficiary, a French operator, Vivendi, which is a French company, and Suez, two big giant French operators, moved inand seized assets, especially Argentina water assets. Now these are not free market companies, I mean you don't havefree market water. These are just private companies that seized the water systems and raised prices as much as 400%.Again, under orders from the World Bank to sell <strong>of</strong>f these systems. They fire 40% <strong>of</strong> the workers. The water pipes break.The water is contaminated. And the prices are up. Then the World Bank writes a little report that says, "Gee, it seems weare having trouble getting water to poor people." Well, <strong>of</strong> course, you raise the price <strong>of</strong> water 400% and then contaminateit. It's kind <strong>of</strong> hard to get water to poor people.AJ: And now, I see the Chicago Tribune last year, the government has handed over the Great Lakes to the regulatorycontrol <strong>of</strong> the IMF, International Monetary Fund. So, and you raised this in the last interview, these predators have beenfeeding on third World countries but now they are doing it to a great extent here in the United States.GP: Yes, and that was, by the way, the big difference between Clinton and Bush. I followed Clinton and I know that a lot<strong>of</strong> Democrats aren't happy that I don't give Clinton a pass on this. But, you know, Clinton actually made through hisSecretary <strong>of</strong> Commerce, Bill Dailey, the son <strong>of</strong> Boss Dailey, put pressure, for example, on the British government toviolate their own laws to give Enron special treatment, exemption from several laws in Britain and several laws in theEuropean community. Then Clinton went across and threatened India for not going along with the sweetheart deal thatEnron had cut in India. Clearly, it looked like bribery. The Indian government was, there was a contract signed which wascompletely suspicious, requiring the people <strong>of</strong> India to pay double the price we pay in America for electricity. This is India- from a ridiculous plant that was built by Enron there. When the Indians said, "Look, this deal is clearly the fruit <strong>of</strong>bribery." Clinton basically threatened them with cutting <strong>of</strong>f their access to international financial markets which is likecapital punishment for a national economy. The Indians still resisted and so, then when Bush came in, he upped the anteThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 480

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