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All the capital runs away from your country and that gives the opportunity for the IMF to then add more conditions. Andthat makes them even more desperate. So it is really an imperial war on those countries economy to implode countriesand now they are doing it here with Enron. They are getting so greedy - they are preparing it for this country, the UnitedStates. It’s not just the employees, creditors and stockholders <strong>of</strong> Enron that got cheated, they sucked millions, billions <strong>of</strong>dollars out <strong>of</strong> the public pocket in Texas and California in particular as well.Where are the assets? Everybody says there are no assets left since Enron was a dummy corporation and they transferredall those assets to other corporations and banks. You did pay California's electric bills according to the investigations andthey were pumped up unnecessarily by 9 to 12-billion dollars. And I don't know who they are going to get it back fromnow. Well they actually caught the Governor buying it for $137 per megawatt and selling it back to Enron for $1 permegawatt and doing it over and over and over again. Well, you have to understand that some <strong>of</strong> the guys who designedthe system in California for deregulation then went to work for Enron right after. In fact, the British have someresponsibility here as well because the guy who was on the audit committee <strong>of</strong> Enron was Lord Wakeham who is also thehead <strong>of</strong> NM Rothschild. There isn't anything that he doesn't have his fingers in. He's on something like fifty Boards. Hewas supposed to be head <strong>of</strong> the audit committee watching how Enron kept the books. And in fact, they were paying himconsulting fees on the side. He was in Margaret Thatcher's government and he's the one who authorized Enron to comeinto Britain and take over power plants here in Britain. And they owned a water system in the middle <strong>of</strong> England. This iswhat this guy approved and then they gave him a job on the board. And on top <strong>of</strong> being on the board, they gave him ahuge consulting contract. And this guy was supposed to be in charge <strong>of</strong> the audit committee to see how they werehandling their accounts. Well, he is also the head <strong>of</strong> the board to regulate the media. And he is trying to regulateinvestigative journalists like Greg Palast!These Globalists are also trying to pass laws in England to tax your water, e.g. where you've got an 800-year old well, orin some cases a 2000-year old well that the Romans built that's on your property, they want to put a meter on it. Youcan't have your own water! And that's Lord Wakeham, the guy from Enron. He can't be touched here because he actuallyregulates the media. So if a journalist complains too much, Lord Wakeham has got his hand on the journalist’s pen. First,the World Bank forces you to open up the capital markets. That is, you sell <strong>of</strong>f your local banks to foreign banks. Then yougo to what's called market-based pricing. That's the stuff like in California where everything is free market and you end upwith giant electricity bills. But imagine if a private company like Enron owned your water. So then the water prices wouldgo through the ro<strong>of</strong>. Then, they force you to open up your borders to trade - complete free marketeering that kills yourlocal production. Stiglitz who was the chief World Bank economist was running this system; he was their numbers manand he was saying that it was like the opium wars. He said this isn't free trade; this is coercion trade. This is war. Theyare taking apart economies through this. Well look, China has a 40% tariff on the US, we have a 2% on them. That's notfree and fair trade. It's to force all industry to a country that the Globalists fully control.In Greg Palast’s 2002 book called "The Best Democracy <strong>Money</strong> Can Buy", he talks about how, unfortunately, America hasbeen put up for sale. He has a story in there about how Wal-Mart has 700 plants in China. There is almost nothing in aWal-Mart store that comes from the United States <strong>of</strong> America, despite all the eagles on the wall. Exactly, like in GeorgeOrwell’s book 1984 (written in 1948), they have big flags saying "Buy American" and there's hardly anything American inthe store--- it's Orwellian double-talk, like War is actually Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Strength, and ReportThought-crime, Big Brother is Watching You, and don't forget the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Truth!. What's even worst is they will hire afactory and right next to it will be the sister factory operating inside a Chinese prison. You can imagine the conditions <strong>of</strong>these workers producing this lovely stuff for Wal-Mart. And if an elitist needs a liver, they just call.I know, it's grim. In fact, Greg Palast talked to a guy, Harry Wu who had been in a Chinese prison for 19 years. No onebelieved his horrible stories. He actually broke back into prison, took a camera with him and took pictures <strong>of</strong> theconditions and said this is the conditions <strong>of</strong> factories where Wal-Mart is getting its stuff made at. Alex Jones wasthreatened to be thrown <strong>of</strong>f TV in Austin and arrested when he aired a video <strong>of</strong> little girls 4-years old chained down,skinnier than even some <strong>of</strong> the Jews who were in Nazi concentration camps, to die. Greg Palast actually spoke to anArgentinean Senator who was the public works administrator in Argentina in February 2002 and got him on camera. Hesaid that after he got a call from George W. Bush (that's our current president and the same George W. Bush who said hedidn't get to know Enron’s Ken Lay until 1994) in 1988 saying to give the gas pipeline in Argentina to Enron. Enron wasgoing to pay one-fifth <strong>of</strong> the World's price for their gas and he said how can you make such an <strong>of</strong>fer? He was told by apartner in the deal that if we only pay one-fifth that leaves quit a little bit for you in your Swiss bank account. And that'show it's done. So now they are having these white-wash Enron hearings. You know I was at Enron yesterday in Houstonbecause I'm now here in Austin. Greg Palast saw some other interesting documents. For example, a month before Bushtook <strong>of</strong>fice, Bill Clinton, I think to get even with Bush's big donor, cut Enron out <strong>of</strong> the California power market. He put acap on the prices they could charge. They couldn't charge more than one-hundred times the normal price for electricity.That upset Enron. So Ken Lay personally wrote a note to Dick Cheney asking to get rid <strong>of</strong> Clinton's cap on prices. Within48 hours <strong>of</strong> George W. Bush taking <strong>of</strong>fice, his energy department reversed the clamps on Enron. OK, how much is thatworth for those guys. You know that paid <strong>of</strong>f all the donations they made to Bush in a week.What happens after the Illuminati Globalists mafia have started imploding a country? Well, then they tell the country tostart cutting its budgets. For example, a fifth <strong>of</strong> the population <strong>of</strong> Argentina is unemployed, and they said to cut theunemployment benefits drastically, to take away pension funds, to cut the education budgets, I mean horrible things. Nowif you cut the economy in the middle <strong>of</strong> a recession that was created by these guys, you are really going to absolutelydemolish this nation. After we were attacked on September 11, Bush ran out and said we got to spend $50 to $100 billiondollars to save our economy. But they tell these countries you've got to cut, and cut, and cut. And why, according to theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 474

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