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uilding process <strong>of</strong> this "invisible" pyramid, for at the very apex <strong>of</strong> this structure there can only be "one!" This person isNOT the president <strong>of</strong> any country. This person is not the head <strong>of</strong> the United Nations. This person exists not in our dailylives, but in the dark hearts and visions <strong>of</strong> the Architects <strong>of</strong> Death, for it is this person's vision they are sacrificinghumanity for. The planning and execution <strong>of</strong> the blueprint for global domination is colossal to say the least. In fact, it isbeyond the normal human's ability to rationalize. The preferred weapons <strong>of</strong> control by the Architects <strong>of</strong> Death are many,including but not limited to the usage <strong>of</strong> powerful sedatives and neuro-toxins in our food and water, yet the most powerful<strong>of</strong> all the methods is the conditioning <strong>of</strong> entire societies through a slow and methodical indoctrination via imagery. Justlook around you! Since we areon the subject <strong>of</strong> pyramids,let’s take a closer look at thisuniversally used symbol-thetriangle! Look inside your cars,on the roads; look for the"underlying"messageconveyed in this symbolusuallyyou will find thissymbol being associated withan exclamation point, a dangersign or a warning. Coincidence?Impossible! Nothing happensby chance! Nothing! Theoverall subliminal effect andmessage implanted is: LEAVETHE PYRAMID ALONE! And thatis just one example. Mostpeople would ask, how is thispossible? It takes the wealth <strong>of</strong>entire nations to accomplishsuch objectives on a globalscale. Exactly! And that is thepoint!To accomplish their objectives,the Architects <strong>of</strong> Death had torig the election <strong>of</strong> 1913 inorder to get Woodrow Wilsonelected. Then their stooges inCongress passed the FederalReserve Act legislation onDecember 22 after theiropponents had gone home forChristmas. From that momenton, the same Architects have had a vested interest in the state (i.e. the people) incurring as much debt as possible. Theyare behind the Marxist, socialist, liberal and conservative movements that call for big government and social spending andmilitary spending. They are behind the catastrophic wars <strong>of</strong> the last century. They are behind World wars, in fact-theyhave financed all sides <strong>of</strong> just about every war. They are also behind the boom-bust cycles and even 9-11-the reason, toconsolidate more wealth and assets in their hands, to streamline their operations and thus to gain total power and controlover us. The “War on Terror,” just like every other major war fought on earth is part <strong>of</strong> the Architects’ plan to consolidateits grip on humanity in a friendly (or not so friendly) fascist “New World Order.” They want to secure their political,economic and social grip on the obstreperous Muslim World, as well as build up a security apparatus in case the “docile,”“sedated” and “conditioned” populations <strong>of</strong> the West become restive and decide to take this monopoly <strong>of</strong> FREE moneyaway from them. Right about now, I know just what you are thinking about! You want to know just who are the"Architects <strong>of</strong> Death?" Don't you? More importantly, who is "the one?" The answers can be elusive, but there is light at theend <strong>of</strong> the tunnel. Some <strong>of</strong> the clues can be found in "Economic Solutions,” where Peter Kershaw provided a list <strong>of</strong> the tenprimary shareholders (directly or indirectly) in the American Federal Reserve banking system: 1. The Rothschild Family –London 2. The Rothschild Family – Berlin 3. The Lazard Brothers – Paris 4. Israel Seiff – Italy 5. Kuhn-Loeb – Germany 6.The Warburgs – Amsterdam 7. The Warburgs – Hamburg 8. Lehman Brothers - New York City 9. Goldman & Sachs - NewYork City 10. The Rockefeller Family - New York City .All are <strong>of</strong> Zionists from Germany (like the House <strong>of</strong> Windsor or Battenburg & Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, like Bush or Bosch,Rumsfeld, ZioNazis, etc). They have financed both sides <strong>of</strong> all wars, including the Rothschild family who bankrolled boththe North and the South during the US Civil War in the 1800s. Of course the Architects have an Army <strong>of</strong> cronies, traitorsand murderers working for them, and a global media network at their disposal to lie to the populations <strong>of</strong> the World, butone <strong>of</strong> the things that is most enraging and truly shocking to me is that OUR FEDERAL RESERVE BANK is not even"OURS!" You see, it isn’t part <strong>of</strong> the United States government! If you go to http://www.FederalReserve.gov, you maythink it is, and you will see how much work went into the “look and feel” <strong>of</strong> the site to make it “seem” like it isgovernment related-Gosh! They even gave it a dot “gov” extension. But now you know better! In fact, now you know thatseven <strong>of</strong> the top ten stockholders in the Federal Reserve are located in foreign countries-definitely not a source forThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 472

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